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Can someone tell me about the reason behind being gay in Poland being wrong

jon357  72 | 23361
2 Mar 2020   #121
Anyone who starts blithering on about how being gay is a 'sin' is usually uncomfortable with their own sexuality, IME.

Almost without exception.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Mar 2020   #122
would you give same sex couples right to adopt children? if so why?

The question was not addressed to me, but I will answer it anyway....
Yes, but only the opposite gender. There is no way I would let two gays adopt a boy. Same for women.
Also, after a complete medical examination and a review of their gay activism. Only perfectly healthy gays with no history of activism - parades included - would qualify.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
2 Mar 2020   #123
Almost without exception.

Nobody has said being gay is a sin (For the umpteenth time now)
What I did say is that homosexual acts between two gays or lesbians is a sin.
Did you get it that time ?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
2 Mar 2020   #124
would you give same sex couples right to adopt children? if so why?

Why not? What's wrong with that?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
2 Mar 2020   #125

Because gays are mentally ill. Just like pedophiliacs. We don't know what they will do with the kid they may be sexually attracted to.

For the same reason, I would let a single woman adopt a girl way before a hetero couple.
Men are pigs looking only for the nearest place to stick it in. The only man I would trust is the girl's biological father. The rest are scum who abuse kids at the rate 40 times higher.
2 Mar 2020   #126
What I did say is that homosexual acts between two gays or lesbians is a sin.

Spot on, Johnny. "Hate the sin but not the sinner", and all that.

The most annoying thing in all the talk about "tolerance" for homosexual acts is that it completely ignores the real needs of homosexual people. Homosexual people who are actively involved in a relationship with a person of the same sex don't need tolerance, acceptance or understanding. What they really need is grace and forgiveness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, so they should look for Christ's grace and seek forgiveness in His cross. That's the way to joy, peace and true happiness. By exercising false tolerance towards them we are denying them the access to the true and only source of happiness.
mafketis  38 | 11137
2 Mar 2020   #127
don't need tolerance, acceptance or understanding. What they really need is grace and forgiveness

Why? Why are consenting sexual acts between adults of the same sex a sin?

the true and only source of happiness

People who talk about an "only source of happiness" are very scary.... I don't trust them as they have limited imaginations and no empathy...
Joker  2 | 2390
2 Mar 2020   #128
Why are consenting sexual acts between adults of the same sex a sin?

You might want to rephrase that sentence to "un-natural sex acts" and it makes more sense.

My dupa is a one way street or " exit only" lol

Its NO wonder they catch all sorts off nasty diseases and are mentally sick.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Mar 2020   #129
You might want to rephrase that sentence to "un-natural sex acts

Couldn't agree more mate.
We have people on this forum that are very liberal, but I am not sure that they have really thought things.through.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
3 Mar 2020   #130
Guys fu*cking guys is not a religious issue. It's a mental and physical health problem to them and the cost issue to the rest of us.

Once they are dead, God will sort them out.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Mar 2020   #131
rephrase that sentence to "un-natural sex acts"

what about an infertile person having sex... isn't that unnatural?

My dupa is a one way street or " exit only" lol

So heterosexual anal sex is the same kind of sin? Do preachers use up valuable air time railing against it?

What about lesbian sex? Are heterosexual versions 'unnatural'?
gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Mar 2020   #132
Why? Why are consenting sexual acts between adults of the same sex a sin?

because the bible says so :)
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Mar 2020   #133
So non-believers don't need to worry about it (and believers should not try to force their religious preferences into civil law)? Cool!
gumishu  15 | 6227
3 Mar 2020   #134
believers should not try to force their religious preferences

the society should decide on the laws if a society wants no same sex marriages or at least no adoption for same sex couples then it should be the law - what do you want?: not interfering of religious beliefs of members of society with the law? why?
jon357  72 | 23361
3 Mar 2020   #135
So non-believers don't need to worry about it

Exactly. Most don't worry at all.

not interfering of religious beliefs of members of society with the law?

Haha haha
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Mar 2020   #136
society should decide on the laws

Agreed, but it should force religious doctrine on non-believers through the law...

what do you want?: not interfering of religious beliefs

I'm very cool with letting people have their religious beliefs in their house of worship and the home. People who are against same sex marriage for religious reasons should absolutely not marry someone of the same sex...

Negotiating the boundaries of civil and religious ethics is difficult and tricky and not helped by people who just want to use their religion to hit others over the head with....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Mar 2020   #137
Do I need to repeat that "Being gay is not a sin, practicing homosexual acts is a sin."

you do go on about it a lot though dont you JHohnny? And that Mazur.
Nearly as obsessive as Diggler with his dark skinned rape fantasies tbh.
And to think i only came here to talk about Poland.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
4 Mar 2020   #138
Now I am laughing out loud!!

Nice one Roz!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
4 Mar 2020   #139
I am laughing out loud!!

#me too.

dont you JHohnny? And that Mazur.

Mazur has once gone as far as depicting a gay anal act in detail on this forum.
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2020   #140
Obsessed with it, they both are.

Of course the real answer to the question "what do lesbians do in bed?" (gay men too) is rather boring. Mostly sleep, listening to the shipping forecast and maybe The Times crossword...
mafketis  38 | 11137
4 Mar 2020   #141
gone as far as depicting

the abuse he suffered as a child? Probable....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
4 Mar 2020   #142
Mostly sleep, listening to the shipping forecast and maybe The Times crossword...

....and thinking about the grandchildren they will never have, how it feels to be biologically useless, what to wear for the next gay pride parade, and what new "rights" to demand.
Joker  2 | 2390
4 Mar 2020   #143
When you're constantly trying to defend something tooth and nail, its obvious you are wrong. You can try discredit the "Bible" or deny the "Laws of Nature "and the "Diseases" gays create thru anal sex.

I'm very cool with letting people have their religious beliefs in their house of worship and the home

Im very cool with gays keeping their activities in their bedrooms and not pushing their agenda and disgusting parades down our throats.

Note to Gays: Stop pushing your sick values upon the rest of normal society and stay away from our children! Since youre unable to have any on your own!
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2020   #144
grandchildren they will never have, how it feels to be biologically useless

I'll remember that next time the grandkids call. I wonder if that Mazur person thinks sexuality and fertility are medically related.

what new "rights" to demand.

And always get. No matter how much you hate that...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Mar 2020   #145
have you noticed though, that for example, on this forum, it is not those who are 'out' that go on and on about it, is it?

No. it's people like Joker who claim to be anti-gay but can't stop obsessing about anal sex.

Note to special anti-gay crusaders!! I don't want to think about anal sex before lunch, thank you. Why do you feel the need to obsess about it, non-stop..(don't bother answering)
jon357  72 | 23361
4 Mar 2020   #146
it is not those who are 'out' that go on and on about it, is it?

Basically they fancy men and wish they didn't. Very common.

Plus it's unlikely they're are getting any sex of any sort these days, hence what's left of their testosterone is fermenting in their withered goolies.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
4 Mar 2020   #147
of course they do. I understood the truth of men who go on and on about anti-gay they are, about 30 years ago...:D

LOL @ 'withered goolies'
johnny reb  49 | 7974
4 Mar 2020   #148
Basically they fancy men and wish they didn't.

You do have a terrific imagination jon.
Do you dream such b.s.
'Men' is the key word there which was used inappropriately.

and believers should not try to force their religious preferences into civil law)?

And how is this different from the homo's trying to force us to accept their sexual preferences. lol
No one is forcing the moral majorities religious beliefs on anyone.
We are just saying that we do not want to have our children exposed to it and we refuse to be forced to accept it.

It is morally wrong and in is socially wrong.
God has been taken out of our schools and replaced with this filth.
We don't want our children exposed to seeing the suggestive sex acts in gay parades.
What gays do behind their bedroom doors is not what is in question, making it public is.
How many straight people have parades to proclaim what they do in the bedroom.
Only sick perverted people who are the 1.5% of the population want to be accepted by society.
Sorry to say but not any time soon.

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