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3 reasons why you hate Poland.

MareGaea  29 | 2751
21 Jun 2010   #841
Aren't people using their phones in cars all around the world?

If they have a handset, I don't mind. It's actually in most Western European countries forbidden to use your phone in the car without handset.


M-G (as far as I know)
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Jun 2010   #842
I wasn't joking, Pete, this is where Americans will always be streets ahead. No aimless walking around the streets doing nothing.
frd  7 | 1379
21 Jun 2010   #843
If they have a handset, I don't mind. It's actually in most Western European countries forbidden to use your phone in the car without handset.

Well just recently I've listened to LBC the callers show was about how they are trying to change to allowed for drivers %alc amount in UK. Many callers were mentioning people driving with a celluar in their hands and how dangerous it is. Some people called and said they are using their cell phones in cars or writing messages while driving because they are such good drivers. Other examples were eating or smoking while driving being similar cause of abstractedness.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
21 Jun 2010   #844
No aimless walking around the streets doing nothing.

Hmm.. yeah I haven't been to Poland yet but it fits a lot of Amer Poles.. like that dude, Nuncza.

Well, there's people like that in the States.. you can't do it too long or you'll starve. :-(
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Jun 2010   #845
They still have the 'state will bail me out' attitude here. Like they are on permanent support and have come to expect it. You imposed the communistic approach on me, Westerner, you did. LOL.

Also, to somehow expect 5-star treatment through simply having to pay for sth, LOL.
frd  7 | 1379
21 Jun 2010   #846
Germany moved on very quickly as they knew it was an Austrian

moved on from what? what time period are we talking about?

I said that they should have a restriction in places due to obstruction of vision.

There are laws for that, and there are nasty "window grannies" watching your car and calling the police although you just wanted to have a quick jog to get some documents before closing the city council.. ;) I don't believe that when you're in a hurry you're suddenly gonna be all "oooh but I'm gonna block this part of street and obscure the vision of those drivers oooh", in a dream world - maybe..

I'd say Polish post communist city build can't hold all the congestion..
Pinching Pete  - | 554
21 Jun 2010   #847
Also, to somehow expect 5-star treatment through simply having to pay for sth, LOL.

Oh God.. nothing more annoying that that..
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Jun 2010   #848
From WWII. I can remember many Germans apologising profusely at a party for WWII as the issue came up (was there a Pole present? ;) ;))

Frd, you hit the nail on the head. Too many people squashed into a small space and a lack of forethought regarding parking places. Look at the new places around town, they all have places where you can park.

The point is that you shouldn't block others and also obscure the vision line of a driver. To me, you are art and part (aiding and abetting) of any accident.

Pete, my wife has so many stories for you. They come into her travel office and lay it on thick. They kind of imply that they should get 7-star treatment. I kid you not, there are so many peasants who are wannabe nobility. It makes me laugh! To me, they are just stinky trash that have nothing constructive to offer. I'll be damned if I call them Pan or Pani. Respect is earned!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
21 Jun 2010   #849

I meant a car set, mea culpa. In NL it's forbidden to use your phone in the car without car set. If the police catches you using your mobile while driving without a car set, you can get a fine of roughtly 200 Euros, the price of a car set in all, plus you have to purchase a car set within a week after the offence; to be proven by showing up at the police station for inspection and showing the bill. The penalty was intentionally set to the price of a car set to make ppl realise that it's necessary. For the price of one car set, you can prevent having to pay it twice. They also have a new law in the making which will lower the amount of alcohol in your blood while driving from 2 per thousand to 1 or 1,5 per thousand. And don't think you're not screwed if you drank on Sat night and drive on Sun morning or -afternoon. If the police stops you for a bloodtest, there's still too much alcohol in your blood and you have to pay a fine starting with about 350 Euros. If the Dutch govt could only get it through to the Poles living in NL, they wouldn't be fined so often for drink driving...


M-G (thinks it's good to clamp down on traffic offenses)
frd  7 | 1379
21 Jun 2010   #850
If the police catches you using your mobile while driving without a car set, you can get a fine of roughtly 200 Euros, the price of a car set in all, plus you have to purchase a car set within a week after the offence;

I think it is supposedly forbidden in Poland too.. the thing is you really need to try to let yourself get seen by cops with a mobile in your hand.. it's a matter of seconds to just put it somewhere..

It would all be much easier if there was a standarised mobile plug and a built in headset/car set in every car.. I know they are working on a one charging and data connections standard now.. but it's probably gonna take some more time.
21 Jun 2010   #851
If the Dutch govt could only get it through to the Poles living in NL, they wouldn't be fined so often for drink driving...

Sorry but I'm convinced that the "us Poles didn't know that we're not supposed to drink and drive" routine is utter bolllocks. Poles in Poland know that they can go to prison for riding a bicycle when drunk, they know that driving when drunk is illegal everywhere in Europe: some of them just don't care!
spanishphil  - | 4
21 Jun 2010   #852
It would all be much easier if there was a standarised mobile plug and a built in headset/car set in every car.. I know they are working on a one charging and data connections standard now.. but it's probably gonna take some more time.

It's not really an excuse. Car kits for phones aren't expensive.

Most days not a minute goes by without seeing a motorist on a mobile phone. It's disgraceful.
frd  7 | 1379
21 Jun 2010   #853
It's not really an excuse. Car kits for phones aren't expensive.

No it isn't. I didn't mean it as one relax. It's just generally my it pet hate.
21 Jun 2010   #854
seanus wrote:

I'll be damned if I call them Pan or Pani. Respect is earned!

i kinda feel the same. in english, we simply don't do this sort of thing....sir/madam 3 times for every sentence when talking to someone we don't know, but i've gotten used to it while using thing i simply can't do though is use it with someone whom i know is at least 10 years younger than i am.

it always cracks me up when teenagers are standing at reception at one of my schools and the director is using pan/pani to a 15 year old kid.
A J  4 | 1075
21 Jun 2010   #855
This thread's almost two years old, and I still can't think of any reason to hate Poland.

DannyJ  - | 129
21 Jun 2010   #856
U must be high 24/7 then
Rage  1 | 9
22 Jun 2010   #857
1. Extreme Homophobia (that guy is wearing a pink shirt! he must be gay!)
2. Bad wather
3. People staring

But "hate" is a strong word, this is just what i dislike.
Velund  1 | 491
22 Jun 2010   #858
1. Extreme Homophobia

Hm. I still asking myself, WHY people should LOVE someone just because he poking a wrong hole? ;)

By the way, gays that actively promote their "life style" around and trying to recruit as many as possible still bisexual dumbasses to join them is a real threat for everyone - they lessen everyone's chances to ever see their grandsons. So, some reasonable level of homofobia is a healthy thing from evolutionary point of view, IMHO.
Nathan  18 | 1349
22 Jun 2010   #859
1. Extreme Homophobia (that guy is wearing a pink shirt! he must be gay!)

Hm. I still asking myself, WHY people should LOVE someone just because he poking a wrong hole? ;)

Where do you see holes in a pink shirt? Or why it should bother you what holes he has or "pokes"? Nobody is interested in your brain and its holes and the way you poke it with dumb, limited thoughts of this kind. Just learn to let people be the way they are and feel. Do you LOVE your sister just because your brother-in-law pokes the right hole? Do you really know what holes they poke?

some reasonable level of homofobia is a healthy thing from evolutionary point of view

So if it happened to be the wrong one, you would experience a homoFobic feeling to your sister, because you are concerned that 6.8 billion people might go extinct?
Velund  1 | 491
22 Jun 2010   #860
with dumb, limited thoughts of this kind

Hm. If wide-minded YOU do not care about survival of your genes in future generations, others will be very glad to occupy freed space. ;) The ones who poke right hole have more chances to do so. ;) Your sisters will be a nice addition to collection of some arab guy.

And, of course, i'm already immune to words "rigid", "limited" and so on.

Feel free to do anything you like, poke any hole of any creature you like. But if this will have any relation to my descendants - beware.
22 Jun 2010   #861
velund wrote:

they lessen everyone's chances to ever see their grandsons.

there are over 6 billion people in our already over-populated world....a few gays not pro-creating is hardly going to cause a problem.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Jun 2010   #862
Spot on, FUZZY, spot on!
22 Jun 2010   #863
1. Extreme Homophobia (that guy is wearing a pink shirt! he must be gay!)

Its not homophobia its stereotype. Who said that the person who noticed pink shirt meant something bad? As far as I met lots of gay ppl of both sexes in my life I can say 60% of them are stereotypical gay/lesbian.
A J  4 | 1075
22 Jun 2010   #864
U must be high 24/7 then

No, I just never experienced anything in Poland that I haven't experienced anywhere else, so why should I hate Poland?

bimber94  7 | 254
22 Jun 2010   #865
Don't be gay in Israel, you may be stoned to death for that (slight exageration, but not by much).
Velund  1 | 491
22 Jun 2010   #866
there are over 6 billion people in our already over-populated world....

But I have more than enough fingers on one of my hands to count my descendants that I will protect by any means from influence of totalitarian religious sects and gays. The remaining 6 billions have much less interest to me.

Wide minded peoples may be interested in this product:
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #867
Yesterday I watched greek TV in noon and in all shows in all presentations and interviews,gossips etc stuff for women(housewives watch usually TV in noon so programme is geared towards them),all the men were gays.There was the gay,the super gay and when you think it cannot get worse another comes to argue from TV window who is even more gay.Disgrace for the country,so many men with feminine voices and coloured hair screaming gay as we say here,it seems that non-gays have very little chance joining TV programs.
Velund  1 | 491
22 Jun 2010   #868
Try to get permission for "naturals parade" somewhere. Most likely, this request will be declined "due to provocation and homophobic nature, to protect rights of minorities". As to gay parade - usually no problem (not in Moscow, though).
southern  73 | 7059
22 Jun 2010   #869
In TV programs gays enjoy very high representation.Of course it can be attributed to their "artistic capabilities" but others talk about gay lobby.They also seem to be well off.You go to the bank and you hear the customer behind you talking with feminine voice and then the cashier answers and his voice is even more feminine! You think what I am doing here.

Can we move on please. This thread is a little off topic.
Seanus  15 | 19666
22 Jun 2010   #870
As everyone says, hate is too strong a word.

1) Passing the buck

2) Taking the service out of customer service

3) Defiance

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