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3 reasons why you hate Poland.

Ironside  50 | 12969
7 Sep 2009   #331
the Poles who were simply unable to stand up to Hitler in 1939. Remember, Hitler did not want war with England, it was only the Eastern Question he wanted to involve himself with.

what kind of bulshite is that>
get a life moron ....
frd  7 | 1379
7 Sep 2009   #332
Michal and Magdalena should become a couple, they are all same bollocka
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
7 Sep 2009   #333
You make some true points but it just sounds like a dissatisfied whinge.
You have to stay in London more than a few months, and know it a bit before you can really appreciate its true attraction and beauty......
Magdalena  3 | 1827
7 Sep 2009   #334
sounds like a dissatisfied whinge.

Of course it does. Just like lots of dissatisfied whinges about Poland that you can read on this forum ;-)
Seriously though - I let rip only because Michal dug up a post of mine from ages ago and kindly asked me to get the hell out of the UK. Well, I sure am getting the hell out.

BTW, I've lived in London for the past 4 years, and have travelled it extensively (community interpreting) from Barking to Croydon and from Wembley to Lewisham, with quite a bit of central London thrown in for good measure. I got to know it all: public transport, council estates and posh suburbs, shops, museums, parks, hospitals and prisons... I daresay it's not all hell on earth all of the time. But I cannot bring myself to accept London and feel at home here.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
7 Sep 2009   #335
Well, I sure am getting the hell out.

Oh well have a good journey..;)...Let me know when your bus is departing and I will come to Victoria with some nice English snacks for u and wave u off with a white hanky.

3 reasons why I hate Poland.....
People stare too much
The transport links are terrible
Terrible stink of vodka breath
ShelleyS  14 | 2883
7 Sep 2009   #336
Don't you fret honey, I'm moving back to Poland soon. And not a moment too soon! I've taken your benefits, stolen your carp, eaten your swans, and lived in your council houses - NOT.

Apart from fashion and food, Im pretty happy to agree with every word. Well apart from we should had back our treasures ;0) Ya snooze ya lose as they say! If we do promise to give everything back can WE have the Bayeux Tapestry back? We did make it after all.

So simply going to the station when the fancy takes me and buying a ticket to somewhere nice is not an option. I

National express are a good option, cheaper and more reliable, take a trip out somewhere before you leave, our countryside and villages are lovely.

I am fed up with the British feeling of superiority in all areas of life, which I find unjustified.

Hmmm, I dont think we do, although you live in London, dont worry they feel superior to anyone north of Watford (bunch of w*nkers) ;0)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #337
I don't hate as a general rule, but if stating what you don't like about Poland is good enough for this thread, then here is my penny:

What I don't like about Poland is following:

- they always claim that they have been so mistreated throughout history, hereby forgetting that the past is the past and that it's time to move on to a better future.

- they always make it seem that the whole world owes them because they happen to be behind the Iron Curtain for decades. Guess what, Poland wasn't the only country behind that Curtain and yet I hear only the Poles complain about this constantly.

- they always claim that Poland is so much better than the other countries, with higher moral values, better women, better way of life and the Western world is just a Sodom and Gomorra while they provide the example for the world. Guess what, Poland is just a backwater in Central/Eastern Europe, which is in many fields outright behind the West.

- they always present incidents of little impact (within the European context) as major events that shaped the world, when in fact they only changed things for themselves.

- they always feel free to speak their mind of how they don't like blacks and make it seem that racism is acceptable and just a way of thinking. Fine, you're entitled to your opinion, but then they always scream rape when somebody makes a remark about the Poles or Poland. Then you're suddenly a racist and discriminate them.

Besides this, I have no problem with Poles and Poland. I know quite a few Poles and the vast majority of them is not like described above. Exceptions do the rule, so to say.

Let me give you an anecdote of my very first trip to Poland: I came with the train from Berlin, got off the station in Warsaw. I was just 10 metres away from the train and the very first Polish person that spoke to me said: "You are from the West? Yes? Give me money." When I asked him why I should give him money, he replied: "Because you are from the West and you owe us because you have always treated us bad." I didn't give him any money and told him to f*ck off. I felt sorry for the Poles, but it's not my fault what happened to them and I certainly did not feel obliged to hand him a handful of Złotys. He may have gotten them, if he would have asked me nicely, not demanded it the way he did. That was my very first contact with a Polish person. Thank God the ppl that I met later on were nice and friendly, but you know what they say about first impressions.

M-G (I gave 5 reasons, is that breaking the rules of this thread?)
Ogorki  - | 114
8 Sep 2009   #338
The Polish postal system is actually a joke, They never try to deliver parcels or letters instead you have to go to your nearest post office to collect it, Now that is pure laziness considering the cost of actually sending things.

I wish you could do that in UK. I would get my stuff a lot quicker.
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #339
"You are from the West? Yes? Give me money."

I've heard this one very often, but not in Poland, other countries.

The funniest was in Egypt, at the coptic neighbourhood in Cairo, a woman told me: "hey you are christian, i am christian too, give me money"

hahaha Had to laught, but i gave her so coins, she was very poor and old.
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2009   #340
Poland is just a backwater in Central/Eastern Europe,

Poland is very nice.There is a lot of freedom in Poland.In the West you have to deal with:
1.Crazy bicycle drivers who surpass deliberately close to you,to frighten you and show their existence and anger
2.Dog owners who have the dog next to your nose to show their existence and strength
3.Frustrated old women who scream to show their existence
4.Kids who scream and shout to show their existence and demands
5.Disabled who do not let you pass,sometimes even hit you to show their existence
6.Freaks who carry 1000 piercings to show their existence and independance.They have peculiar hair,accessories,smell and do not let you enter certain places
7.Face control in clubs by Blacks and Arabs who can apply all their racism to whites and show their existence
8.Drunk fans,hooligans who shout loud to show their existence

Personally I am not interested about the existence and presence of bicycle drivers,dogs,screaming children,disabled,freaks,third worldlers and immigrants.I do not like to have them reminding of their existence.Cannot they just keep QUIET as they do in Poland and other civilized countries?

In Poland the only ones who show their existence are the aetherical beauties and the drunks.I have no opposition to one or another.It is aesthetically a pleasure to watch gorgeous women while it is annoying and decadent to watch dogs,disabled,third wordlers,freaks,overweight etc.Life is exciting in Poland,it is not boring because you can avoid being put to your place and suck your finger by the above mentioned categories.

Gays are a similar theme which causes the neutralization.

Excitement is normal in Poland and nobody will accuse you for admiring a beautiful woman while in the West you will be categorised as perv or stalker and will have the pressure from the categories of special people.

So I support the expansion of slavic civilization as much more pleasant.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
8 Sep 2009   #341
Maybe in the "west" we should dispose of our disabled at birth just like they do in Greece..:) How much more "pleasant" that would be.
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #342
Funny, i have found all of this in Poland, and in a rather short period..
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #343

Do you actually sometimes say something bad about Poland or the Poles? Do you actually have some critisism on Poles or Poland from time to time? I'm getting tired of your constant halleluyah about Poland. It's ridiculous, kinda annoying and totally irrelevant. If you are more disgusted by disabled than by drunks, then that's just sad. I think you are a bit sad. No country is perfect, but if I have to believe you in all your posts, Poland must be walhalla as there is absolutely nothing wrong with the country and the ppl. Even the alcoholics are sympathetic. Grow up and open your eyes.

M-G (tired)
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2009   #344
in the "west" we should dispose of our disabled

You don't need to dispose them.But everyone is so noisy in the west.If you are in a hotel with Slavs taking breakfast you do not listen anything.They just whisper not to annoy the people next to them.(some will claim they whisper not to be heard remembering the commie times).

Compare that to the noise the Germans,Italians and US make and you get the picture.

and the ppl.

Slavs are good.Recently an old polish woman who is very poor bought a vodka for me because I helped her with sth.Slavs feel an obligation to offer,to help,they do not calculate so much what they receive vs what they give like they do in the west.

And they are very laid back,turn your emotions on.

Even the manipulative polish girls do it so unpretentive and open,direct that you don't feel anger for them.
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #345
Compare that to the noise the Germans,Italians and US make

During my studies i worked at an hotel for some time, the germans were the quietest, very polite and considerate. The US,Italians,Spanish and russians were the loudest.. Always.
southern  73 | 7059
8 Sep 2009   #346
the germans were the quietest, very polite and considerate.

In Prague and Poland the Germans are very loud.Maybe they do this deliberately to show who is the boss since these regions belonged to them before.


Mediteraneans in general.Italians make incredible noise since they use to talk simoultaneously in big companies but they are funny.


They do it show they are live.Generally life is too much promoted in the US.(not so in Germany where they oppress certain expressions).

and russians

Primitivity.Touchness.The guy from the village,the bear sth like that.However Russians are very expressive and direct and when you get used to them,you start to like them a lot.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #347

Oh come on, give me a break. You think this will not happen in the West when you help somebody? Ok, you might not get a wodka as alcoholism is not that common in the West as it is in Poland, but most old ppl will give you a coffee or a beer or something. This is complete normal behaviour and anybody who does not do this, is just a plain *sshole.

Ah, Polish girls are direct? Haha, good one. I have NEVER met a Polish girl who was direct. Always gossipping behind your back, never say what they really mean. I wish they were direct, like Dutch girls. They are honest and fair and if they don't like you, you will know immediately and that is just the way it should be. With Polish girls you never know wether they like you or not. Either way, you're gonna learn if they do or don't months later on, when it's too late, as I am not gonna sit around for months waiting for the missus to make up her freaking mind.

Southern, get your head out of the clouds and try to look at Poland and the Polish more the way they are: just like anybody else on the world. Nothing special, nothing worse, just like us in the West.

M-G (tsk)
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #348
good and bad, in every land!

Used to say my grandma
niejestemcapita  2 | 561
8 Sep 2009   #349
.If you are in a hotel with Slavs taking breakfast you do not listen anything.They just whisper not to annoy the people next to them.

what total rubbish ...last time I was in a guest house taking breakfast with Polish ppl there was a loud running commentary about poor daughter ran from the room in shame, they had no idea she is more or less bilingual.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
8 Sep 2009   #350

Southern has lost his track with reality a little, I think. Maybe he needs some help with that. There are professional ppl who can help him get back to reality.

M-G (maybe an idea for southern?)
Sasha  2 | 1083
8 Sep 2009   #351
good and bad, in every land!

"Only Ryssland on the whole, is a perfectly sh!thole" added she coughing then so that you didn't hear.... :)

South, I can't agree with you on that Slavs are timid. From experience the more you go to the south the hotter temper people have. Russians sometimes are shamefully noisy... same goes for German though. This July when I arrived to Porec in the morning they strolled by a seaside completely wasted yelling "wir sind die braunen Soldaten..." :) it was funny.

I'm not saying about Serbs and you Greeks who certainly excelled us in expressing feeling aloud. The way one behaves is solely depends on one's upbringing not nationality.
mvefa  5 | 591
8 Sep 2009   #352
Only Ryssland on the whole, is a perfectly sh!thole" added she coughing then so that you didn't hear.... :)

No idea what you mean!!
Sasha  2 | 1083
8 Sep 2009   #353
Nevermind man. :) Peculiar Slavic sense of humour...
tornado2007  11 | 2270
8 Sep 2009   #354
1. It borders Germany
2. Hard language to learn
3. Behind the times
mvefa  5 | 591
9 Sep 2009   #355
1. It borders Germany

Why is that bad :S
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Sep 2009   #356
Behind the times? In what respect?
dcchris  8 | 432
9 Sep 2009   #357
Behind the times

I like Poland but the fashion sense can be a bit dated at times but I just think its funny. I don't hate it nor do I really care about fashion. And wow I have seen some great mullets here!
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Sep 2009   #358
Fashion swings in roundabouts. Why is it ok for Britain to have countless 70's retro nights and not for Poland to have their own fashions? Polish fashion is just different, it'd be safer to state it that way. Can you give me an example of what you mean by dated, Chris? What did you have in mind?

Mullets are a mainstay in the deep south of America. Nobody can criticise the US for not being fashionable.
dcchris  8 | 432
9 Sep 2009   #359
Nobody can criticise the US for not being fashionable

oh you can find many dated fashions in the rural parts of the US for sure. Like I said I don't care much about fashion so I am going into an area that I don't really know. But for instance those belts the girls wear here with the metal things on them, the fake leopard skin dresses and blouses many women wear. But of course the average Pole will always be better dressed than an American. I can always tell the American tourists because they are dressed like they are on the way to the gym. I have exhausted my fashion knowledge now and will have to consult my gf from here on out haha I like it here so I cant really say there is anything I hate but I wouldn't say that people are on the cutting edge of fashion here like in Italy or somewhere but I find that type of fashion obsession over the top.
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Sep 2009   #360
What is good fashion is highly subjective. You mean what is in and is generally accepted as the fashion of the day. Well, EMO is quite quirky. It's a visual response to the humdrum of society.

I'd rather wear some of the things I see here than some of the sad excuse for fashion that exists on elite catwalks. Shouldn't there be dogwalks for guys? :)

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