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Racism in Poland - the future

Atch  22 | 4299
22 Aug 2023   #391
Is your reaction to three black teenagers

My reaction to three skangers of any colour or race is the same. Btw I lived in London and frequently encountered black youths in the street - at night!! Wow! I wasn't mugged or assaulted by them.

I notice that you choose to ignore the facts regarding the crime rate in Sweden which has dropped in the last thirty years and is still about six times lower than the USA.
amiga500  5 | 1508
22 Aug 2023   #392
crime rate in Sweden which has dropped in the last thirty years

Because your stats are BS. Look at the increase of unimaginable in a European country murders, rapes and bombings 1990-2023 in Sweden. Then compare them to European countries that have not had a welcome culture of every tom, child-fu*ker and goat molester that wants to rock up.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
22 Aug 2023   #393
Wow! I wasn't mugged or assaulted by them.

Maybe cuz you looked very low by their standards lol I mean Physically and financially or the neighborhood you were in was there turf.

Look at the increase of unimaginable in a European country murders, rapes and bombings 1990-2023 in Sweden.

Atch  22 | 4299
22 Aug 2023   #394
Because your stats are BS.

Show me the stats that prove otherwise.
amiga500  5 | 1508
22 Aug 2023   #395
Why ? i would be defending novi insanity then. look them up yourself, esp the Iranian-Swedish sociologist. unf facts are facts miss ireland.
Novichok  4 | 8836
22 Aug 2023   #396
My reaction to three skangers of any colour or race is the same. midnight on a deserted street in Malmo...

Then you are an idiot or you don't have daughters. Or you are so ugly even Somalis wouldn't want to rape you.

1.Botswana...96.87 per 100k
2.Lesotho...89.29 per 100k
3.Grenada...8.87 per 100k
4.Sweden...87.97 per 100k
5.Eswatini...82.73 per 100k
6.South Africa...70.22 per 100k

Poland...1.5 per 100k

Why do you think Sweden is #4 as the rapiest country? It must be those evil Norwegians. Of Finns...Yeah, that's it...It's those Norwegians...
amiga500  5 | 1508
22 Aug 2023   #397
Why do you think Sweden is #4 as the rapiest country

Novi stop! if you're native swede and upper middle class you are sweet since you live in nice suburbs. If you're native swede and lower working class then it's your fault you live in those suburbs. the religion of globalisation says so.

But the swedes have noone to blame but themselves. Humanitarian Superpower Lolzo!
Novichok  4 | 8836
22 Aug 2023   #398
What the fu*ck does your crap post have to do with Sweden being #4????? In between BLACK sh*itholes!!!!
amiga500  5 | 1508
22 Aug 2023   #399
I guess my contrarian nuance eludes you.
Atch  22 | 4299
22 Aug 2023   #400
Why do you think Sweden is #4 as the rapiest country?

Because their definition of rape includes any form of sex without consent including in a relationship plus any form of sexual assault like being groped on the subway. That's rape in Sweden.

Eurostat figures show that Sweden had 64 reported rapes per 100,000 residents in 2016, compared to 10 in Germany. When Sweden's figures were recalculated using the German definitions, the new figure was 15 reported rapes per 100,000 residents. midnight on a deserted street in Malmo...

Perhaps I should have explained the term 'skanger'. It's a Dublin word for low life scum types, the types who recently put an American tourist into a coma literally seconds after he walked out of his accommodation. So it doesn't matter what colour they are. If I see three threatening looking guys on the street at midnight I have exactly the same reaction.
Alien  25 | 6366
22 Aug 2023   #401
If I see three threatening looking guys on the street at midnight I have exactly the same reaction.

That's why I don't walk the streets after midnight.
Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Aug 2023   #402
That's rape in Sweden.

They changed the definition to hide the idiocy of bringing in Somalis. Under the new definition, the real rapes by the black scum are diluted as a percentage of the total. Ingenious.

No, touching a woman's butt on a bus is not rape. Only a total moron or Swedish police would call it rape.

The new figure was 15 reported rapes per 100,000 residents.

...and still 10 times higher than in Poland.!!!

Why would it be so? Weird, isn't it? Sweden - 15, Germany - 12, Poland - 1.5. Hmm...let me think...I will let you know as soon as something pops up...

Or maybe you want to try to explain that strange dichotomy...Are Swedes ten times more horny than Poles? Do they hate their women more than Poles hate theirs?

OK, I got it, it must be ABBA or Putin. Noting to do with the hordes of smelly dark foreign garbage...No way...
Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Aug 2023   #403
I guess my contrarian nuance eludes you.

I don't do nuance myself and have no interest in yours.
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Aug 2023   #404
Poland - 1.5. Hmm...let me think..

Yes, actually thinking before you speak would be a good idea.

You do realise that many women in Poland don't report rape to the police? Especially younger women and teenage girls.

"A court overturned a rape conviction because the 14-year-old victim did not scream during the incident. Critics say the case is illustrative of wider failings in how rape is defined and dealt with in Poland's justice system."

If you bothered your arse to check on the Polish governments own published stats, back in 2013 there were apparently no rapes of girls aged under 16 - not one single rape. Do you believe that's the true figure? But in 2021 there were 306 rapes of girls under 16. Now it's time to do some of your promised thinking. Rape and domestic violence are starting to be taken more seriously in Poland and a culture is growing where women feel they can go and report what's happened to them.

You live in cloud cuckoo land. You really do. You think you have the measure of what's going on in the world whereas in fact you haven't a clue of the realities.
Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Aug 2023   #405
You do realise that many women in Poland don't report rape to the police?

But women in Sweden and Germany find reporting fun and do it with pleasure and often. Right? So how about assuming that women in S, G, and P are comparable and underreport at the same rate, or are Polish women uniquely timid?

BTW, how many is "many"? You can adjust the rape rate in Poland up just as they adjusted the rape rate in Sweden down. Duh!
Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Aug 2023   #406
Racism happens when the ruling mob allows foreign scum in in large numbers and without the explicit consent of the voters.
No, bootlickers, waiting for the next elections does not work because the "newly" elected legal representatives are not legally bound to do what they said they would do after being elected. That's when they, sooner or later, skillfully use their middle fingers to let the voters know that their opinions don't matter.
Atch  22 | 4299
23 Aug 2023   #407
women in Sweden and Germany find reporting fun

Ok - so now the rape stats in Sweden, where according to you women are being assaulted left right and centre by immigrants are FAKE? That's your argument? Anyway you'll obviously advise your granddaughter not to go to the police if a guy ever forces himself on her no matter how much fun reporting is.
Novichok  4 | 8836
23 Aug 2023   #408
where according to you women are being assaulted left right and centre by immigrants are FAKE?

The numbers below are correct until proven otherwise by another source.

1.Botswana...96.87 per 100k
2.Lesotho...89.29 per 100k
3.Grenada...8.87 per 100k
4.Sweden...87.97 per 100k
5.Eswatini...82.73 per 100k
6.South Africa...70.22 per 100k

No sane country would include touching a woman's butt in "rape" and join the group of the world's worst sh*itholes.
amiga500  5 | 1508
24 Aug 2023   #409
Show me the stats that prove otherwise.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Aug 2023   #410
Here, knock yourself out:
amiga500  5 | 1508
24 Aug 2023   #411
LOL your article, coached the most PC and doublespeak terms, actually proves the point.
"In 2021, 344 shootings occurred, in which 115 people were injured and 46 people died.
In 2020 a total of 366 shootings occurred in which 117 people were injured and 47 people died. "
Note they neglected to mention the epidemic of grenade and explosive bombings.

Care to compare to Poland?

Per the Spectator article "Nine out of ten murders or attempted murders involving a firearm were committed by first-or second-generation immigrants, according to a 2017 report by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter"

This PC nugget from your government article is golden, "All three studies show that the vast majority of people, regardless of background, are not suspected of any crime. " LOLZO DUH
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Aug 2023   #412
your article, coached the most PC

You mean 'couched in the most'. I'm not being nasty. I genuinely wanted to give you the correct phrase. Endeavouring to write well in English should be rewarded :)

they neglected to mention the epidemic of grenade and explosive bombings.

There was a section on terror attacks.

The simple fact of the matter is that gang warfare which accounts for most gun crime in Sweden exists everywhere - even in lovely, peaceful little Ireland which has a far lower crime rate than Poland yet has one of the highest gun crime rates in the EU as a result of organised crime, and all of it carried out by locals, as white as a frozen chicken.

Have white women in Sweden been raped? Yes. Have some been raped by immigrants? Yes. But most of the rapes in Sweden take place within the immigrant community itself and are overwhelmingly perpetrated by teenage boys against teenage girls. There is no epidemic of immigrant men rampaging through the streets assaulting white Swedish women.

Anyway, all the correct facts and figures are out there for anybody who wants to know the truth. For those who don't, there are plenty of dodgy publications, rubbish click-bait YouTube channels and fake news sites. Enjoy.
Luke1410  - | 146
24 Aug 2023   #413
This PC nugget from your government article is golden, "All three studies show that the vast majority of people, regardless of background, are not suspected of any crime.

The authors are just trying to offer some perspective here, as I'm sure they are well aware of rising tensions and don't want to further fuel them with the findings of the report. The fact that they have to stoop to these lengths however is a bit concerning.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Aug 2023   #414
The fact that they have to stoop to these lengths

They aren't 'stooping, to any lengths (or even depths). They're trying to give context since the appearance of Sweden in those stats is far less to do with the number of rapes than it is about Sweden's very broad definition of that crime, or the likelihood of a woman reporting it there, the stigma involved in a report relative to, say, rural Poland and the high level of support provided to victims relative to almost anywhere else.
Luke1410  - | 146
24 Aug 2023   #415
we're talking about shootings/killings now, the definition of such is fairly black and white, my point was with that quote was that previously you wouldn't have to say such a thing, it goes without saying, the fact they feel they have to say it now shows that they are aware of tensions out there for whatever reason and are worried about inflaming them.
amiga500  5 | 1508
24 Aug 2023   #416
They're trying to give context since the appearance of Sweden in those stats is far less to do with the number of rapes than it is about Sweden's very broad definition of that crime,

And then there's a more thorough, logical counterpoint/explanation. Note I'm not defending Novi and his low iq interpretation of stats.

To discuss this issue is not to pit "foreign" against "native," nor to ascribe collective guilt. It is to explore, as carefully as possible, the nature of sexual violence taking place today in order to defend the basic rights of all women in Europe. At the very least, we have to take seriously the possibility that certain divergent norms based on flawed assumptions about women's sexuality, be they cultural or religious in origin, play a role in these crimes. An over-representation of this magnitude cannot simply be attributed to socio-economic disadvantage, alienation or youthful aggression.
jon357  72 | 23426
24 Aug 2023   #417
Cultural and/or religious. That can change and isn't anything to do with 'race'.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Aug 2023   #418
the fact they feel they have to say it now

The fact that it's being said in English should give you a clue. The article is aimed at the English speaking world, not at the people of Sweden.
Novichok  4 | 8836
24 Aug 2023   #419
When Europe opened its doors to blacks, what the hell did the Euro rulers think they would be getting?

Here is the answer:

1.Botswana...96.87 per 100k
2.Lesotho...89.29 per 100k
3.Grenada...8.87 per 100k
4.Eswatini...82.73 per 100k
5.South Africa...70.22 per 100k

The next question is: Why? Why did those white morons let all that black scum in? And why didn't they ask their voters if they liked the idea?

White stupidity is the worst stupidity known to mankind because it is based on guilt not rational thinking women are not capable of.

Girlie men like the Swedes are a curse...
Luke1410  - | 146
24 Aug 2023   #420
The fact that it's being said in English should give you a clue. The article is aimed at the English speaking world, not at the people of Sweden

Ah ok that explains it then.

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