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St Patrick's day in Poland

Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Mar 2021   #181
Im gonna read more about this story.
Novichok  4 | 8744
21 Mar 2021   #182
To flee his captivity, and that he'd find a ship waiting

That's what he said. It would be more compelling if he said it in front of witnesses BEFORE he got on that ship.
I can play that I had a dream game all day long. Retroactively is best if you want 100% accuracy.
jon357  72 | 23668
21 Mar 2021   #183
Im gonna read more about this story.

It's worth reading about. He was a very special person, and sometimes dreams like that really do happen.
Novichok  4 | 8744
21 Mar 2021   #184
...and sometimes those who have such dreams lie. Really.
jon357  72 | 23668
21 Mar 2021   #185
Im gonna read more about this story.

Here's a good account of it:

There's a theory now that he wasn't abducted and taken as a slave, but was instead fleeing the draft (he was from a high-status Romano-British family and so was expected to do military service). Most work was close to slavery in Patrick's lifetime so there may not have been much difference.
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Mar 2021   #186
Patrick is beautifully woven into the mythology and legends of pagan Ireland too.

For example, if you read the legend of Tír na nÓg and the ill-fated lovers Oisin and Niamh, the great warrior Oisin comes back to Ireland from the land of eternal youth, Tír na nÓg, but as he bends from his horse to help an old man move a heavy stone, his stirrup breaks and his foot touches the ground, whereupon he is transformed from the young prince he was, to his true age which is many hundreds of years old. (In some versions he falls from his horse.) The local people run to fetch Patrick and Oisin dies under Patrick's care having been converted to the Catholic faith, but also having passed on to Patrick, the tales of the Fianna, the great warriors of ancient Ireland.

One of the lovely and unique things about Irish Christianity was the respect it kept for the old legends and Pagan faith. The monks wrote down and preserved the entire cycle of legends (it puts Lord of the Rings to shame!) at the same time that they were making copies of the Bible.
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #187
Especially for Atch on this, her special day, the first of several planned videos....

Did they ever sell Irish Spring in Ireland? Inquiring minds want to know!

Here's a slightly updated version...

Extremely realistic portrayals of modern Ireland...
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Mar 2024   #188
A Thiarna, dein trócaire orainn ............... ach go raibh maith agat :)

And no, they never sold Irish Spring in Ireland!
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #189
Continuing with the Irish theme today.... an important work in representing the Irish in the US was the 1927 silent movie The Callahans and the Murphys, a comedy about feuding matriarchs... originally successful it was pulled from distribution due to the Irish American lobby thinking it portrayed Irish Americans as quarrlesome drunks..

Recently a few minutes of the otherwise lost film were found....

The film helped revive the career of Marie Dressler who went on to become one of Hollywood's most popular stars in the early 1930s even though she was neither young nor beautiful.
Novichok  4 | 8744
17 Mar 2024   #190
Why the hell would Poland celebrate St. P day?

What's next? Sitting Bull Day? How about Genghis Khan Day?
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Mar 2024   #191
Why the hell would Poland celebrate St. P day?

Why wouldn't they? There are plenty of links between the two nations and while the average Pole wouldn't know the historic connections, Poles generally like Irish people and Irish culture.

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh go léir to anyone who is celebrating today, wherever you may be, Irish roots or not.
Alien  26 | 6551
17 Mar 2024   #192
celebrating today,

So what exactly are we celebrating?
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Mar 2024   #193
Irish culture I suppose really.
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #194
Irish culture

Like this?

Were 'Lucky Charms' ever sold in Ireland?

They are a breakfast cereal with marshmallow 'charms' mixed in... and the mascot is a plucky little leprechuan "Lucky" always being chased by children...
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Mar 2024   #195
Were 'Lucky Charms' ever sold in Ireland?

No :)) but I've heard of them.

Like this?

No, like this:
Alien  26 | 6551
17 Mar 2024   #196
like this:

Full church, is it during mass?
Barney  19 | 1763
17 Mar 2024   #197
like this:

Good old Lisa O'Neill released one of the best albums I've heard in years last February called All of This Is Chance

Yeah, funeral Mass caused a lot of pearl clutching at the time from the usual suspects.
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #198
No, like this:

A song that's all but in the US (AFAIK) I first heard it a couple of years ago in Malta around Christmastime... this last year it was also in heavy rotation (different hotel). I'm glad they sang the original version in the video you posted and not the PC one.

Probably no writer did more to cement the American stereotype of the Irish as morose alchoholics as Eugene O'Neill... (Irish American playwright). His autobiographical play "Long Day's Journey into Night" is a devastating portrayal of family dysfunction and addiction.

The whole play is on youtube in various versions including the 1962 movie version, which features maybe the greatest performance by Katherine Hepburn.... (which is saying something)
Barney  19 | 1763
17 Mar 2024   #199
A song that's all but in the US

The clue is in the name...
mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #200
Sorry, that was an editing glitch. I meant "all but unknown in the US" which is ironic given the name of the song....
Barney  19 | 1763
17 Mar 2024   #201
Didn't mean any offence.

Is fairy tale...not known in the US? Thats surprising yet U2 are massive, you learn something new every day.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
17 Mar 2024   #202
Irish culture

You mean settler colonialism culture.

On St. Patrick's Day in 1768, enslaved people in the Caribbean planned an uprising hoping their Irish overseers would be too drunk to interfere

Every year on St. Patrick's Day, Montserrat, a Caribbean island, acknowledges its early Irish influence while honoring the enslaved people who rebelled against it.

mafketis  38 | 11277
17 Mar 2024   #203
Didn't mean any offence

No problemo. And no. I'd never heard of it until a couple of years ago in Malta...the wikipedia page doesn't list it as ever having charted in the US... great song but not so much to American tastes... the Pogues had a kind of niche following maybe among some college students but nothing beyond that.

Getting to Poland and Ireland. One of the biggest Polish rock hits of all time is probably Kocham cię jak Irlandię by Kobranocka (1990) which has nothing to do with Ireland.

Another song that has nothing to do with Ireland is "Irlandia zielona" (1995ish) by a forgotten group Kowalski.... it's one of my favorite Polish songs from the 1990s.

As mentioned it's not about Ireland at all but a regular guy unhappy with his 'gray life' who dreams of escape to Ireland (not the real place somewhere in his imagination).

the chorus goes.

A Irlandia podobno jest taka zielona
jak włosy syreny o świcie
za jej czułe westchnienia i białe ramiona
moja szare oddałbym życie
A Irlandia podobno jest taka szalona
jak wiatr co ma czapkę podartą
za jej czułe westchnienia białe ramiona
moje nudne życie oddać warto.

my rough translation
And Ireland, they say, is just as green
as a mermaid's hair at dawn
for her tender sighs and white arms
I would give up my gray life
And Ireland they say is as crazy
like a wind with a torn hat
for her tender sighs and white arms
Giving up my boring life would be worth it.
Crnogorac3  3 | 666
17 Mar 2024   #204

Jim Sheridan opens the Belgrade Irish Festival in March

Guest from Ireland: famous director Jim Sheridan
Crnogorac3  3 | 666
17 Mar 2024   #205


Irish director and screenwriter Jim Sheridan was awarded the Golden Seal of the Yugoslav Film Archive (Jugoslovenska Kinoteka) for his outstanding contribution to the film art at the opening of the 12th Belgrade Irish Festival (BIF). The award was presented to him by Ksenija Zelenović, the editor of the film program at this institution, on behalf of the Film Archive. Addressing the audience, Sheridan expressed his delight at being back in Serbia and hoped that Serbia would remain open to the world. Following the award ceremony, the audience attended a screening of the film "My Left Foot," which brought Sheridan and Irish cinema to worldwide acclaim. The film is a true story about the Irish poet and painter Christy Brown, who had cerebral palsy and could only use his left foot. According to Sheridan, this film symbolizes perseverance and significantly influenced the perception of people with developmental disabilities in Ireland.......
Crnogorac3  3 | 666
17 Mar 2024   #206
Good interview,
Sheridan explained it well,
what are the true values,
without which society cannot exist.

Barney and Atch could learn something from him.
An Irishman needed to give you a lesson on nationalism! This man is not ashamed of himself or his roots.

Happy St. Patrick's day to all who are celebrating!

Barney  19 | 1763
17 Mar 2024   #207
Irlandia zielona

Thats excellent. I don't know why I think this but its surprisingly good. Its on Spotify 174667 listens
Novichok  4 | 8744
17 Mar 2024   #208
I will celebrate Irish culture when the Irish learn how to shoot the invading army of useless people nobody wants.
Barney  19 | 1763
17 Mar 2024   #209
Barney and Atch could learn something from him.

I'm happy and content being Irish I don't however think my country is better than others.
You confuse love of place and country with bollox.
Novichok  4 | 8744
17 Mar 2024   #210
I don't however think my country is better than others.

Then you need this short course...

Let me explain...Everything white is better...That's why darker scum is invading white places, not the other way around.

White people, like women in Lifetime movies, can artfully combine education and stupidity like no other race. Blacks are not that stupid. They know that the UK and Ireland are better than the sh*holes they are in.

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