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Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice)

smurf  38 | 1940
11 Dec 2012   #31
Now THAT'S Exotic!

not really man, I had a car with French plates for months and nobody bat an eyelid....actually people drove more safely around my car because they thought I was French :P

You see German, Czech, Austrian, Slovakian, Italian cars here all the time. We're in the exact centre of Europe after all.

Seriously though, learn to use a washing machine.
I can't believe you've never ever washed clothes before? That's really strange....altho, you might fit right in. Plenty of Polish men still have an attitude that it's 'women's work' get yourself a dumb blonde Polish chick and she might do it all for you, save 200euro and you'll get some sex Polish sex too. Polish girls have a good reputation.
telheiras  - | 7
11 Dec 2012   #32
ehhe really! now that i think of it i tried it once but didnt' go well, and that was years ago ;) i was in university still at the time

i have a beautiful portuguese girlfriend and she's coming with me, so please let those "polish great sex blondes" away from me for my own good lol
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Dec 2012   #33
There's a popular saying in roughly translates as "why would you bring wood to a forest?"

I'm sure both of you together will sort out the washing machine....and I think there might be a laundrette in the shopping centre too :)

Anyway, best of luck making your decision.....and wait until winter's over to move, it was -14C here a few days ago
16 Apr 2014   #34
Merged: Moving to Katowice

Moving from India for a year. I am single, which are the best places to find a good furnished flat and safe to be in Katowice. Feedback or Opinion's are welcome.

1. What are the tax %'s
2. What is considered a good salary to have to lead a good life (Gross or Net per month)
3. I am a vegetarian(No Meat, Fish or Egg), will there be any challenges
smurf  38 | 1940
16 Apr 2014   #35
1. Depends if you're employed or self-employed, roughly it's between 18-20%, if you're self-employed you'll need to pay Social & Health insurance (first 2 years are between 300-400zl per month, then it raises to 1000zl per month)

2. You'll survive on 3000zl per month, but that's about it, you won't save and you won't have a great life. To live decently, you'll want 5000zl in your pocket per month (after tax)

3. There are 2 vegetarian restaurants in Kato, they're fine, but it's quite rare to meet a Polish vegetarian so you won't have much choice in most restaurants. I've an Indian mate who lived here a while back, has moved on since and he gave up being vegetarian while living here, he said it was just easier in the long run to meet friends and socialise by eating meat and drinking alcohol.

Good luck.
16 Apr 2014   #36
Depends if you're employed or self-employed, roughly it's between 18-20%, if you're self-employed you'll need to pay Social & Health insurance

If Employed what is the slab rate?

Which is the best place to stay
smurf  38 | 1940
16 Apr 2014   #37
If Employed what is the slab rate?

I think it's 20%, not sure though, might be 22% I'm self-employed.

Which is the best place to stay

Depends where you're going to work, but these places are handy and have a good connection with the City:
1000-lecia (tysiÄ…clecia), South City Centre, Ligota, Piotrowice.
Find apartments on
16 Apr 2014   #38
Depends where you're going to work

I will be working in the city center. I will go through the website, need suggestions please
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Apr 2014   #39
1000-lecia (tysiÄ…clecia) would be ideal then,
short tram ride (trams every few minutes) to centre, many shops close to you, large shopping centre too, and huge park to relax in during the summer.
PiotrLiszka  - | 1
18 Apr 2014   #40
Well, considering the fact that you will work in the centre, any part of the city will be actually very suitable to live. Traffic connections are rather fast and comfortable so you will not have any problems while moving around the city.
smurf  38 | 1940
18 Apr 2014   #41
any part of the city will be actually very suitable to live

I would have to disagree, the bus service is truly terrible, sometimes they come, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they are brand new air-conditioned buses, sometimes they are relics from the 1970s. The trams aren't much better, but at least they are more dependable, so when researching where to live it would be best to live on a tram line. Or if you move to 1000-lecia or Dab, then you can cycle to work in 10-15mins.

Avoid places called Zaleze, Szopience, Zawodzie, they are scumholes and more than likely you'll be targeted because you are not white, many, many football hooligans and undesirables live in those areas. Stay away.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
18 Apr 2014   #42
Hey Smurf! Kosovan Tony runs the little bar at 218 Gliwice in Zaleze and I always look in on him when I hit Kato. Top bloke.

Zaleze is not so bad because they don't dirty their own doorstep :)

Although I did have to punch my way out of the night shop opposite so maybe you have a point!
smurf  38 | 1940
24 Apr 2014   #43
Kosovan Tony runs the little bar at 218 Gliwice in Zaleze

If it has your recommendation I'll check it out....will bring backup though.
11 Jun 2014   #44

I have recently cleared an interview with IBM in katowice. I am from india and they have asked me to relocate to Katowice. However,i have no clue about the quality of life and living expenses in poland (katowice). In order to accept or reject the offer i need to know how much is sufficient to live in Katowice. What about the house rent,food ,medical expenses.

I will be travelling alone and will be staying alone in Katowice. Can someone please guide me?

Monitor  13 | 1810
11 Jun 2014   #45
Check old topics: phrase=job+katowice
And for fast preview of cost of living:

Information about the city:

You can watch the city in Google
smurf  38 | 1940
11 Jun 2014   #46

If they offer you less than 5000zl after tax, tell them to get bent.

You'd survive on approx 3000zl, but that's it, you won't have a great lifestyle on that, you'll survive.

As Monitor says, plenty of other threads on moving to Kato.
Alien  25 | 6369
26 Jul 2022   #47
Katowice seems to be very attractive.
pawian  225 | 27344
26 Jul 2022   #48

Yes, people are queueing to see those wonders with their own eyes. In the background - famous Katowice Saucer.

  • gfqsFGHgYSaF9X_in.jpg
pawian  225 | 27344
27 Jul 2022   #49
shoe, good, it was not a high heel.

A slipper doesn`t count as a shoe.

Getting back on topic: attractive Katowice - check this postcard which says it all:

  • 13.jpg
Alien  25 | 6369
27 Jul 2022   #50
Very nice, but Katowice today is from 21 century and not from 1970. It is much more attractive.
pawian  225 | 27344
27 Jul 2022   #51
not from 1970.

Really?? I must have used the wrong archive. I am sorry.

Here you are:

  • 14.jpg
Alien  25 | 6369
27 Jul 2022   #52
Much better now.
pawian  225 | 27344
27 Jul 2022   #53
Much? I thought I was offering the best possible.

How about this?
Katowice like Chicago with their Corncobs.

  • 15.jpg
Alien  25 | 6369
29 Jul 2022   #54
Looks a bit like a BMW headquarters in Munich.
Alien  25 | 6369
3 Jan 2024   #55
shoe, good, it was not a high heel

I don't know where you got this quote. The old moderator probably sent it to random. Returning to Katowice, this city continues to flourish.
Alien  25 | 6369
26 Mar 2024   #56
you've never washed clothes before? men have an attitude it's 'women's work' get a dumb blonde Polish chick, she might do it, save 200euro and you'll get some sex too Polish girls have a good reputation.

Is that a smurf!?

Home / Life / Moving to Poland Part-Time (probably Katowice)
BoldItalic [quote]
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