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Mishmash facts about Poland and Poles

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Oct 2019   #91
Only once did the local sanitary -epidemiological station closed the pool after such a ceremony.

This was because he jumped into in full dress, tie and shoes included, I think it was those shoes which irritated the SANEPID so much.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
22 Aug 2020   #92
Seal landings on Polish beaches is a new phenomenon. That is why Poles don`t know how to behave - they come too close to take a photo and scare animals in result. So, if you spot a seal on a beach, let it rest.

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  • Damn, folks, gimme a break, will ya?
OP pawian  226 | 27510
29 May 2021   #93
Driving in the countryside I often see those mobile shops which deliver food. No, they are not typical food trucks with ready made food, they deal with staple groceries. Most customers are babcias.

I think it is amusing coz first such shops appeared in communist times.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
4 Jul 2021   #94
Did you know that major cities in Poland use specific colours on their urban transport, trams and buses?
Warsaw and Katowice -red
Wrocław and Kraków - blue
Szczecin - white, green and blue

Two photos from
Poznań - green and yellow
Gdańsk - red and white.

Why such colours? E.g., Gdańsk`s coat of arms is mostly red and white.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
7 Jul 2021   #95,3796b4dc

Deepspot - the deepest pool in the world!

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
22 Oct 2021   #96
Did you know that Poles learn about wild mushrooms already in kindergarten?

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Miloslaw  20 | 5121
23 Oct 2021   #97
Of course!
I did too, from my parents kindergarten....
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Oct 2021   #98
Poles learn about wild mushrooms already in kindergarten?

The most striking thing about the images you posted is the uniformity of the art work and what it says about the education system- Poland is not alone in that but it's shocking really. No originality or freedom of expression allowed.

Like the song says:

'Flowers red and green leaves are green
And there's no need to see things any other way
Than the way they always have been seen'
OP pawian  226 | 27510
24 Oct 2021   #99
the uniformity of the art work

I am afraid you didn`t look close enough. :):) You obviously skipped the background of those images - they aren`t uniform at all. What you see as uniform are the cut out images of mushrooms - all kids are given the same set to stick them onto paper and draw the rest on their own. You certainly don`t expect that all 3 or 4 year old kids will know how most popular mushrooms look. That belongs to the education process I mentioned before - didn`t I say?: Poles learn about wild mushrooms already in kindergarten?

but it's shocking really.

It seems my education posts affect you emotionally and mentally. hahahaha But it certainly isn`t my intention.

And there's no need to see things any other way
Than the way they always have been seen'

Actually, it is a nice rhyme, but completely useless in case of mushroom knowledge - when there are poisonous ones which can kill you, there is not much room for giving reigns to your imagination and creating sth that doesn`t stick to reality. Kids might feel it is fun but it is serious, life-saving education. :):):)

Atch, I suppose you didn`t think that post of yours over. :):):)
mafketis  38 | 11150
24 Oct 2021   #100
mushroom knowledge - when there are poisonous ones which can kill you

According to my former boss, there are some species that are safe to eat in some places in Poland but dangerous in others, so you need someone with local knowledge to be safe.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
24 Oct 2021   #101
there are some species that are safe to eat in some places

That is urban or even rural legend. A poisonous mushroom remains such everywhere. :):)
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Oct 2021   #102
I am afraid you didn`t look close enough. :):)

Fair enoughski - BUT, if you want to really educate the kids about those mushrooms, then give them high quality photos of them. They can still stick them on their paintings and then they're doing a nice piece of mixed media ;) The joys f the integrated curriculum. Btw which of the background images is the most original in your opinion? If we were judging a little school competition which would you choose as the 'winner'?
mafketis  38 | 11150
25 Oct 2021   #103
if you want to really educate the kids about those mushrooms, then give them

Small doses of them.... "Okay kids, feel that knot in your stomach? Is the light getting a bit dimmer? That's just a tiny bit if what would happen if you eat the whole thing!"

which of the background images is the most original in your opinion?

I'm kind of digging that fish-skeleton tree....
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Oct 2021   #104
that fish-skeleton tree

Yes, that certainly deserves an honourable mention :)) Looking forward to seeing what Pawian's choice will be, after which I shall reveal mine and we can release the white smoke from chimney.

Small doses of them

I have to admit that occurred to me too!
OP pawian  226 | 27510
25 Oct 2021   #105

I see you are still pushing it but to no avail, I am afraid. :):):)

give them high quality photos of them.

Firstly, they can see quality photos in the teacher`s book.
Secondly, the stick-on images are good quality enough so there is no need to waste resources and print top-notch copies for each child. Look at my picture again - can`t you recognise these popular mushrooms? Don`t tell us you haven`t gained this basic knowledge during your stay in Poland.

then they're doing a nice piece of mixed media

That`s what they did. I have an impression you don`t really know what the whole project was about and we are discussing two different ones. Strange.

which of the background images is the most original in your opinion?

I won`t tell you coz it is a TRAP!!!. Knowing you, you are going to perfom a quasi Roschard test on me, to conclude I am insane and need to be taken to mental hospital. Therefore I will remain silent. HA!

what Pawian's choice will be,


I have to admit that occurred to me too!

Yes, we can see. :):) But you`d better give it up, those Psilocibes can be dangerous as they slowly affect and alter one`s reasoning.
Atch  22 | 4299
26 Oct 2021   #106
I won`t tell you coz it is a TRAP!!!.

Typical Polish paranoia ;)

Anyway my choice is the one with trees topped with hearts. Quite a talented little artist there. There's vitality in the picture, the trunks of the trees appear to bend, the swirling shapes on the ground suggest wind blown leaves. the trees have an almost human quality, like dancers holding out their arms.


Not really. It's about an approach to education that encourages original thinking. If you want children to produce original essays for example, you have to take the same approach right across the curriculum wherever there's an element of creativity involved. So you never give kids art work to do that involves producing identical images, even if it's in a science lesson. Stick a poster of the dangerous mushrooms on the wall for a week or two above the nature table but let children produce whatever they want to in art based around autumn, woods, fungi etc.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
26 Oct 2021   #107
Typical Polish paranoia ;)

Which I acquired contacting you in this forum!!! Your approaches to many things - too many - are very peculiar and when I start thinking if there is at least a grain of truth in what you suggest on different topics coz I am a naive country boy and believe everybody, I become paranoic in result. Ask Novi if you don`t believe me. :):):):)

So you never give kids art work to do that involves producing identical images

Wrong approach! A teacher SHOULD give kids identical jobs to do at the initial stage coz in this way you
1/ integrate the group better when everybody does the same thing
2/ make sure some insecure reserved kids don`t feel uneasy about being pressed to "invent" sth.

I wonder if your approach to those 3 year-old kindergarten kids isn`t too brutal now. Yes, that is probably the way you like best. :):):)

let children produce whatever they want

You only saw one kind of pictures and you feel entitled to judge what teachers should or shouldn`t do? What do you know was their next project??? You are not only brutal, but also very impatient and hasty. I feel sorry for your students...... :)::):):)
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Oct 2021   #108
A teacher SHOULD give kids identical jobs to do at the initial stage

I really, really hope you're joking but I have a horrible feeling that you're not :(
OP pawian  226 | 27510
27 Oct 2021   #109
you're joking

87,54 % of the content of my posts above is of humorous character.

I have a horrible feeling

it's shocking really.

You used to be more relaxed in the past. Now you are so tense and stressed. What has happened to your psyche? Too many mushrooms??? hahaha Give them up, I am telling you. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Oct 2021   #110
This old custom, which stems from Catholic religion, is still practiced in some parts of Poland, especially in the countryside. Biddig farewell to the deceased in an open casket.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
27 Jan 2022   #111
Did you know that Highlanders in Tatra Mountains hold kumoterka horse ski or sleigh races? Funny when a rider loses control and falls down or out of the sleigh. What is even better, women also take part. Then the male Highlanders get the most excited. hahaha

Wonderful tradition.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
23 Jun 2022   #112
Today Poland celebrates Father`s Day. I got a small bottle of German Jagermeister herb liquer - I already tried it - it is sweet and spicy - my favourite. :):)

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Alien  25 | 6408
24 Jun 2022   #113
Jägermeister is a cure all mix.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
26 Jun 2022   #114
The biggest artificial beach in Europe is in Jarosław, Poland. That is why it is also called the Polish Dubai.

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jon357  72 | 23483
1 Jul 2022   #115
artificial beach

A couple of artificial beaches have popped up in Warsaw. Unfortunately they have loud beach bars at them.

The real River beaches in Warsaw, slightly out of town, are much nicer.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
18 Aug 2022   #116
Dear foreigners, if you come to Poland, do not drop litter onto the ground but put it in specially designed and displayed bins which are everywhere. If you can`t find a bin in the outback, still do not litter but take the rubbish with you and dispose of at home or at the nearest bin. Thank you.

BTW, those bins can take different forms and shapes so watch out coz some may look like an unconspicous piece of rock.

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OP pawian  226 | 27510
3 Sep 2022   #117
In the riddle thread we talked about a traditional topping which symbolizes the completion of major works on a building. Mostly it is quite basic but if a rich and renowned company erects the structure, they often invest in elaborate topping.

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21 Sep 2022   #118
Hello, I was part of that platoon that visited, from Canada. I was the one Canadian who had a partial malfunction on exercise Dragon, 23 Sep 2011.

That woman was our attached medic. She helped me get med evacuated after my landing.
OP pawian  226 | 27510
30 Oct 2022   #120
Long weekend phenomenon:
1 November All Saints` Day, one of the most important holidays here when people visit their family graves, falls on Tuesday this year. But Monday is also free for many, e,g. students. This creates the so called Long Weekend which starts on Friday and lasts till Tuesday. Some of my students informed me they wouldn`t come on Wednesday, either. :):):) They probably have to go a long way to another part of Poland where their family graves are located.

PS. Poles are stereotypically conservative but in fact are able to modify their tradition-loving attitudes. During such long weekends, it is normal to visit the cemeteries on another day than 1 Nov. We went to one tonight. It was open till 8 pm. Tomorrow, till 10 pm.

PS2. I just counted the cemetaries we visit as a family and there are 5 of them - my family`s and my wife`s.

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