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GPS Satellite Navigation systems for driving in Poland

db1874  7 | 227
27 Dec 2007   #1
Am thinking of buying one for my car, can anyone recommend a model that has detailed Polish maps and is in English?
jan78  1 | 9
28 Dec 2007   #3
I used Garman GPS system bought off the shelf in Curry's Duty Free shop at the airport.
Did a superb job, got me all over Krakow including to my relatives who live in a small village outside the city and up to Rybnik, a town beyond Katowice.

Hope this helps.
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
24 Apr 2008   #4
Merged: GPS in POLAND

I recently purchased a TomTom GPS ONE XL.S unit for my car. TomTom has a map
I can download of East Europe including Poland. I am afraid it would only show major highways and not smaller roads. Has anyone used this in Poland?
Polson  5 | 1767
25 Apr 2008   #5
Haha, you too ! My dad got one for his birthday a week ago. But we'll have to download a map of Poland too, so i can't help you.
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
25 Apr 2008   #6
Pls let me know how the map of Poland looks.
benszymanski  8 | 465
25 Apr 2008   #7
I have a TomTom that's 2 years old with the European map.

It was 100% accurate when I drove from London all the way to the Polish/German border and then it was useless.

They have built/changed so many roads so fast in the last few years that the maps are very quickly out of date.

Also, small un-made roads (really just dirt tracks) are often marked as roads suitable for cars and they're not. I have been lead down a few dead-ends too.

I don't know if the latest maps are any better, I haven't tried them...
polishcanuck  7 | 461
25 Apr 2008   #8
My dad used his TomTom in Poland last year and said it was accurate. Just remember to download the EE/Poland map.
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
26 Apr 2008   #9
Can you tell me please if (polishcanuck) used version 7.15 or was it an earlier version.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Apr 2008   #10
I saw a lorry WAY off course. The taxi driver tried to connect with his GPS system but the lorry driver didn't answer. Useful contraption that, GPS
clarabelle  - | 9
26 Apr 2008   #11
I have a tomtom 910 that I bought 18 months ago. I am not sure if more up to date maps have been released since then. It is possible. Anyway they are doing a lot of work on the roads here and there are a lot of changes however most of the ones I have encountered are new stretches of road which are clearly signposted anyway and lead back to the original road eventually and roundabouts that were once junctions. I live in a small town and the GPS only has 4 or 5 streets on it but it's great for getting around the larger cities. I haven't come across a street in Poznan that wasn't on it and the road layout matches the map. I haven't come across a country road that wasn't on it either but there probably are some. Personally although it's not a perfect match I am really glad I have it. If I'm not worrying about where I am going next, I can worry about the crazy lorry drivers instead.
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
26 Apr 2008   #12
Clarabelle -Thanks for the excellent information! I was told by TomTom that version
7.15 is out now for Poland and should cover 85% of all roads. Their earlier version was only 52%. I worked on the first fully transistorized computer in 1961 and I am

impressed how technolgy has grown. Imagine what our grandkids will have and laugh at our antiquated technology we have!!!!

spiritus  69 | 643
27 Apr 2008   #13
Their earlier version had only a measly 28% coverage !

Automapa is a better choice
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Apr 2008   #14
ive got a polish road map if anyone wants to borrow it...
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
27 Apr 2008   #15
Today, 13:23 #10

Their earlier version had only a measly 28% coverage !

Automapa is a better choice

How complete is Automapa and does it come with english language?
28 Apr 2008   #17
How complete is Automapa and does it come with english language?

Yes it is entirely in English (including voice instructions).

The coverage is excellent. The latest version includes more than two million addresses. I have never had any problem in the four years I've been using Automapa.

Two out of every three GPS navigation programs sold in Poland are Automapa.
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
28 Apr 2008   #18
Thanks for the info. Now I got to figure out if I cand download it to my
TomTom ONE XL.S. Is any one using this configuration in Poland?

atlantic  17 | 64
28 Apr 2008   #19
I've used Metroguide Europe for my Garmin 76S. THe only thing about my GPS is that it has a small screen, so you have to use it with care when driving; However, this GPS packs quite a punch. I've used it when hiking in the Mountains, I've used it on bike trips. I recommnend Garmin to anyone looking at GPS's.

Below is what you would expect from Metroguide software.
29 Apr 2008   #20
Now I got to figure out if I cand download it to my
TomTom ONE XL.S. Is any one using this configuration in Poland?

I don't think any maps other than TomTom's own can be used with TomTom harware (althought I may be completely wrong on that).

But you can get a second hand ipaq on ebay for under £40 and a GPS reciever and use that.
spiritus  69 | 643
29 Apr 2008   #21
Agree with Harry on this one.

TomTom is a SatNav device with built in mapping software.

Automapa is mapping software that can be installed on PDA's but as Harry said 2nd hand PDA's can be bought very cheaply (likewise GPS receivers).
Rjrogalla  10 | 48
24 May 2008   #22
Just came back from Poland and loved the country. I brought my TomTom ONE XL.S
with the new version 7.16 map of Eastern Europe. IT WAS A LIFE SAVER. WORKED GREAT! We went thru Warsaw and Krakow for big cities and many small putting on over 1300 miles and TomTom worked perfectly with no misses! I would never drive in Europe without a GPS. On our last day I kissed this unit. My wife thought I was nuts but we NEVER had to stop and ask for directions. I will be writing a full description of our experiences in this country in this Forum and will put up some stuff for sale to anyone going to Poland before I put it on Ebay including the SD with latest map of Eastern Europe.


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