God forbid saying the same thing to a Pole abroad though - we all know how they only choose to respect the bits they like.
I quite often visit the UK, therefore it is quite easy to stay in touch with the reality of what is ' moving on ' in my country of Birth. I can imagine it would be very difficult to stay in touch with reality, if you only used the internet,newspapers or others peoples point of view as your source of real information. With time all tradition and values become more modernized with the next generation, this is what is called progress. Some people are willing to accept it, others believe nothing will change unless they change it, then one day they must wake up...
Your home is your possession, and one which you have worked hard to acquire.
Agreed, many of us have worked very hard to purchase our property here in Poland, with no leg up from family.
I'm told that opium sales also go up during recessions.
This may also be true, I have no source or statistics, people will find a solace or escape in many different ways.