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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Don't Forget: Tomorrow, March 8 is Women's Day in Poland!

ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Mar 2013   #31
BS. You have general stuff (from I don't know where),

My information is from the Dept. of Labor. You really should do some honest research on this. I suspect that you are young and not very educated at least in the research areas. Corporations are not allowed to pay someone less 'forthe same job' What amazes me is that you don't have the common sense to realize that women frequently take what is commonly referred to as 'soft' jobs while men take on difficult even dangerous ones that few women want. There is a gender gap however. 94% of all job related fatalities occur to men. Are you too closed minded to ask yourself why?

When feminists demand that 50% of all job related deaths occur to women than women will come closer to making what men make.

I have a real, concrete example: my mum.

That's called an anecdote. It does not tell a complete story like total facts and figures do. Of course I agree that exceptions occur and that's true for both men and women.

So men earn more money AND don't need to take care of their kids as much as women

As you know you added something which I did not state but then, you degree of argumentation leaves much to be desired.

Stop it, you very well know most of the time the contrary occurs.

Frankly, in male dominated jobs, some women make more than men because companies want the 'diversity' and get heat from governmental bodies (as I did). The fact that you don't know this makes me realize that you have much learning to catch up to. I don't have time to lecture you but dare to paste this on youtube and you might learn something.

hat was a short essay/article. Figures about the number of death due to domestic violence?

Gotta go. Read the bottom line of thiese extremely extensive studies which are separate and not related to each other. It'll take you some time but you'll find a pattern. If you are too stubborn to open your mind to real facts and figures than that's that. Stay in your small fishbowl.
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #32
What amazes me is that you don't have the common sense to realize that women frequently take what is commonly referred to as 'soft' jobs

Tell that to my mum.

while men take on difficult even dangerous ones that few women want.

I'm talking about 'bureau' jobs, where the most dangerous thing is to get hurt with your pen or scissors.

That's called an anecdote

An anecdote, I guess, there are thousands of them tho.

you degree of argumentation leaves much to be desired.

Blah blah. Better?

some women make more than men because companies want the 'diversity'

Come on, that's still quite rare. Exceptions as you'd say.

Read the bottom line of thiese extremely extensive studies which are separate and not related to each other. It'll take you some time but you'll find a pattern. If you are too stubborn to open your mind to real facts and figures than that's that. Stay in your small fishbowl.

Extensive indeed. I can find you another study that will back my view. But I'm probably too young/stupid/narrow-minded, etc. anyway.

Gotta go.

Me too.
You won't change my mind on women's condition IN THE WORLD (btw), not just in Europe and America.
Talking about opening my mind, look a bit farther than your secret studies and TV ads.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Mar 2013   #33
They have more latitude in clothes they wear

What do you mean?
Btw, men don't have to worry so much about their looks, they're not as scrutinized in this respect as women are. You have it easier.

and stores give women's apparel much more space than mens'.

Oh, come on, don't tell me men are as interested in fashion as women lol Some women even buy clothes for their men because they won't bother.

Women can be more politically incorrect particularly when it comes to verbal expressions while men have to be more 'sensitive' in their comments and jokes, particularly in a work environment.

Not in Poland.

So you don't 'feel' that the presentation of men and women doesn't affect on how society thinks about them?

Of course it does. In Polish TV commercials of laundry detergents, dishwashing liquids there are always women and if there's a man then he's usually there to inform the 'silly' women that they were buying the wrong thing lol When there's some kind of an ad for children it's always the mum giving the cough syrup, etc. The same with products connected to cooking at home. When there's a commercial of body lotion for women it looks like some kind of soft prn with her whole naked body being shown lol

I have a real, concrete example: my mum. She works A LOT in a private company.

And my mum was literally the only woman on this specific position in the place she works (and this place is big) and she often did a lot of overtime and she's always "on request" when she's needed. In Poland women usually work fulltime (you wouldn't be able to support a family in Poland from just one average salary) AND take care of the kids AND often do the cooking AND the cleaning AND the laundry and washing dishes AND the everyday shopping.

There's no affirmative action, noone is getting heat from governmental bodies for not hiring women or whatever.
As for the domestic violence - lol, oh boy. There's no comparison. I don't know, maybe a husband can get slapped or have plates thrown at him, but a woman (and a child) can end up severely beaten or beaten to death by your drunk husband or in a coma - just recent examples:

On the body of a woman living in Poland there was found a lot of damage , they were both external injuries and internal . The immediate cause of death was a brain hematoma , which was formed after receiving strong blows . Currently, the detainee interrogation man. Robert O. charged with fatal beating .

Of course, not all is bad (for example, my dad cooks too, does the vacuuming, washes the dishes, does the shopping and when I was a baby he even washed the diapers - women in the countryside were in shock and awe when my mum told them about it lol). It's not as good as in the West or in the US I can imagine, but I'm sure that it's way better than, for example, in Arab countries.

And things are probably getting better (I hope).

But, ZIMMY, you should really, really take a trip outside of the US (at least mentally). The world doesn't end on the United States of America.

Btw, if you know Polish then here are some interesting observations of a Polish couple living in Singapore about the situation of women (and men too) both in Singapore and Poland:

(Quite surprising at times!)
Polson  5 | 1767
11 Mar 2013   #34
A few reasons why being a man is still 'comfier' than being a woman in 2013 (and that's for 'western' countries):

1. A man that sleeps with many women is a 'player'. A woman that sleeps with many men is a wh0re, b!tch, and so on.

2. In many places, you can't go out alone if you're a woman after a certain hour (at night) because it's not safe. For men, it's usually better.

3. As Paulina said, many women have to take care of their career + kids + house cleaning + cooking, etc.
4. Women are more often (and easily) subject of sexual harassment, everywhere, something still very difficult to fight because 'invisible'.
5. Last (well, erm, in my very short list) but not least, women get pregnant (some) and have periods (most of them), and that's really a pain.

Zimmy, you can show us as many stats and studies as you want, the fact is everyday life is still easier for men.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Mar 2013   #35
Tell that to my mum.

Once again, you do know what an anecdote is - don't you? I can also give examples which do not represent the average. I've even coined my research; "Fuller Facts".

Come on, that's still quite rare. Exceptions as you'd say.

You really should do some concrete research instead of going with your'e 'feelings'. You'd be surprised how often 'feelings' are wrong. There are about 40 fields where women have a pay advantage. In modeling, women make about five times more than men do for the same job. Other areas where women out earn men include: engineering because women are sought after to fill company quotas. I've included a list which should broaden your knowledge:: le/index.htm

Extensive indeed. I can find you another study that will back my view. But I'm probably too young/stupid/narrow-minded, etc. anyway.

You don't look very hard at evidence, do you? The Fiebert studies
aren't just one study but a compilation of 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, all done separately and almost always by different academic professionals. They were done neutrally and without bias. The researchers wanted to get the real facts and not those thrown out by agenda driven groups. Virtually all of them come to the same conclusion that in domestic scenarios, women assault men as often as men assault women, sometimes more so. That's because in personal situations there is a dynamic which is emotional. Additionally, women know they can get away with assault easier than men. That is also backed up statistically.

The fact that you seem unaware that this is not merely one study but a massive combination of research does unfortunately, show you to be rather shallow.

You won't change my mind on women's condition IN THE WORLD (btw), not just in Europe and America.

You seem unaware of the advantages that western women have. As to the rest of the world, it is tragic that so many women are treated no better than cattle.

men don't have to worry so much about their looks, they're not as scrutinized in this respect as women are. You have it easier.

That's true, of course women often overdue it themselves with ridiculous make-up and clothes. After all, who buys those dozens of 'womens magazines' which feature dubious self improvements. Of course men have their own devils to fight. While women (in general) are looked upon as sex objects, don't forget that men are often seen as security objects. Very few men marry up compared with women who do. A male CEO will marry an airline stewardess, no top female executives I know have married a car mechanic.

don't tell me men are as interested in fashion as women lol

I won't because we are not nor should men be as pathologically consumed by fashion apparel as women are. This alone answers your previous question about womens concern for looks. Women do it to themselves.

In Polish TV commercials .....

It is strikingly different in the U.S. Men in commercials are depicted as idiots, bumbling and it's women who set them straight (frequently with their arms crossed). I am not exaggerating when I tell you that there have been hundreds (probably thousands) of television commercials where only the man is the dummy, goof, fool, idiot, etc.

It is "politically incorrect" to portray women the same way men are in advertising, it isn't even close.

ZIMMY, you should really, really take a trip outside of the US (at least mentally). The world doesn't end on the United States of America.

I've been to 46 countries, thank you for assuming wrongly.
local_fela  17 | 172
12 Mar 2013   #36
It's a great concept, it's an incentive for those hopeless husbands and boyfriends who don't normally do anything for their women to finally do something, at least once a year.

lol...nevermind lad!

i think it should be called 'florist' day... same as valentine's day!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Mar 2013   #37
A man that sleeps with many women is a 'player'. A woman that sleeps with many men is a wh0re, b!tch, and so on.

True - - - until about 1980 or so. It's not 1955 anymore. There are probably some dinosaurs who still 'feel' that way but as a general statement, it's a canard still used but rarely true.

In many places, you can't go out alone if you're a woman after a certain hour (at night) because it's not safe. For men, it's usually better.

Not exactly true either; don't forget that 3/4 of murdered people (at least in the west) are men. Men are more likely to be victims of murder than women (albeit by thugs who are usually men).

many women have to take care of their career + kids + house cleaning + cooking, etc.

So do many men and not just the unmarried ones (of which there are more and more). Do you still 'feel' that women cook as much as their mothers, grandmothers did? I don't think so; at least not the western woman.

Women are more often (and easily) subject of sexual harassment, everywhere, something still very difficult to fight because 'invisible'.

There have been more books, articles written on this subject in the past 30 years than is countable. More money has been spent (at least in the U.S) on these areas and some women and lawyers make a living off this budding industry. Many sexual harassment suits are filed by greedy lawyers and often these charges are without merit. Too many females file falsely trying to make the big money score.

Okay, I'll give you an anecdote since they seem to be the only way some posters here understand things. I was eating lunch with two other women in the company's cafeteria (International corporation). The younger woman told 2 ribald jokes and the older woman and I smiled. I then told a joke of similar and dubious value. The woman who told her 'dirty' jokes acted shocked. . Somehow, being a male made it improper for me to tell a joke after hers'. She stated she was "offended " and walked out. Keep in mind that both women were middle managers in the company. As I started to tell the older woman how hypocritical and phony the reaction was from the younger woman, the other one cut me off and said, "I know...." She had been around and knew that some women displayed their 'gender card'. It's a power trip. Luckily I had an honest female witness to this incident.

women get pregnant (some) and have periods (most of them), and that's really a pain.
True and um, true. You have my sympathy.
[quote=Polson]Zimmy, you can show us as many stats and studies as you want, the fact is everyday life is still easier for men.

If you reread your comment a few times, it might dawn on you how illogical it is. Of course many women prefer feelings to cold hard facts. Logic doesn't matter. There's a comfort in feeling oneself a victim. Many people, women and men, struggle with information which is counter intuitive to their long held beliefs. Overcoming that obstacle shows growth.
Polson  5 | 1767
12 Mar 2013   #38
Once again, you do know what an anecdote is - don't you?

Yeah, tell that to other mums.

You seem unaware of the advantages that western women have.

I so envy them, I should become a woman, blah blah.

It's not 1955 anymore. There are probably some dinosaurs who still 'feel' that way but as a general statement, it's a canard still used but rarely true.


don't forget that 3/4 of murdered people (at least in the west) are men. Men are more likely to be victims of murder than women

Yes, men tend to 'fight' more often than women, nothing weird here. But don't tell me that men are raped as often as women.

So do many men and not just the unmarried ones (of which there are more and more). Do you still 'feel' that women cook as much as their mothers, grandmothers did?

Come on! Of course not as much as before, but STILL a LOT! Where do you live, honestly? Must be a dreamland for women.
House stuff is still carried out by women, in vast majority.

If you reread your comment a few times, it might dawn on you how illogical it is. Of course many women prefer feelings to cold hard facts. Logic doesn't matter. There's a comfort in feeling oneself a victim. Many people, women and men, struggle with information which is counter intuitive to their long held beliefs. Overcoming that obstacle shows growth.

We'll discuss that when you have your periods, bad ones, and have to keep working and all the rest at the same time ;)

It's not about being the victim, it's about the comfort of living. Not saying it's a nightmare to be a woman, just that it's still easier to be a man than a woman.

Once again, talking about life in general. Of course it's better than 50 years ago, but the gap between men and women is still here.

Maybe you're a wise man, but there are so many dummies who treat women like sh.t. That can be in the street, public transports, at work.

Be honest, would you rather be a woman than a man? Think wise, wise boy.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Mar 2013   #39
I so envy them, I should become a woman, blah blah.

Go for it! lol

But don't tell me that men are raped as often as women.

Okay, I won't.

Where do you live, honestly? Must be a dreamland for women.

Chicago, a dreamland for embittered feminist women who are offended by anything and everything when they so choose:)

We'll discuss that when you have your periods, bad ones,

Are you sure you're not already a woman?

there are so many dummies who treat women like sh.t. That can be in the street, public transports, at work.

Keep your doors locked and don't leave the house.

Be honest, would you rather be a woman than a man? Think wise, wise boy.

No, because in general, women tend to be more emotional (yes, yes, I know it's 'politically incorrect' to state the obvious). I used to be a woman in a previous life, I believe my name was Joan of Arc or was it Elizabeth Bathory?

Think wise, wise boy.

It's the only way I know how. Objectivity, linear thinking and logic is how I do it.

It is notable that you are unable to address in specific manner the real facts of domestic violence, anti male ads, etc but as President John Adams said;

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

Since March is "Womens Month"(another deference to females, one of many) allow me to wish all rational men-loving women a fantastic month.
Polson  5 | 1767
13 Mar 2013   #40
Chicago, a dreamland for embittered feminist women who are offended by anything and everything when they so choose:)

I can understand that some feminist groups push it a bit too far sometimes, but no need to generalize to all women ;)

Are you sure you're not already a woman?

I'm glad I'm not ;)

Keep your doors locked and don't leave the house.

Of course not, but it still feels safer and comfier to be a man in a lot of situations.

No, because in general, women tend to be more emotional

Alright, then you should know that being emotional doesn't make your life easier, at all ;)
So once again, being a man is generally easier.

Objectivity, linear thinking and logic is how I do it

Objectivity and logic, I do too, as much as I can. Linear thinking, I need to check ;)

anti male ads

You still have to explain me this part. Not sure what TV you watch in Chicago but it's not the feeling I have when I watch my TV.

And if there are ads like that, then maybe it's a way to counterbalance with reality, you know.
Marynka11  3 | 639
13 Mar 2013   #41
It is "politically incorrect" to portray women the same way men are in advertising, it isn't even close.

Only in commercials that advertise mundane housekeeping products like washing powder, toilet cleaners, etc, women are presented as the ones who call the shots. After all they can't tell you "Hey, woman, you are stupid, now buy my crap". By the way, isn't it sad that in 2013 most cleaning products commercials are targeted at women?

If you look at car commercials it's a different story. It's quite uncommon to see a stupid man, but it's not unheard of to see a stupid woman, or a woman who is a gold digger.

I find this commercial particularly offensive even though it's quite funny.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Mar 2013   #42
Only in commercials that advertise mundane housekeeping products like washing powder, toilet cleaners, etc, women are presented as the ones who call the shots.

Not true; several , fast food, insurance corporations, beer companies, soda, auto, and even computer companies. among other industries also feature anti male ads. You seem to have limited or selected vision to have missed this preponderance of ads portraying men in negative light. Frankly, the avalanche of ads portraying men as dopes is not arguable. It exists and even the advertising industry has taken note of it. Hopefully, writers will become more creative and less abusive.

I recently found this website which features a few diverse ads;

I particularly like the Dairy Queen ad where even a little girl outsmarts a (stupid) boy. That's teaching 'em.

Some commercials feature men being hit, struck, kicked or punched..
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Mar 2013   #43
Of course not, but it still feels safer and comfier to be a man in a lot of situations.

although Polson, in our big cities those most at risk are actually young men....contrary to popular wisdom.
and about the advertising...i was listening to the radio just yesterday and one of the women dj's said..'yes we all know what wimps men are..' in dismissive tones while

her colleagues snickered and agreed,,,and i was like,,,,hang on....errrr..somethings not right the ZIMMEISTER!!

actually Polson, the more i think about your 'safer and comfier' to be a man remark the less i agree......apart from the risk of rape.
Polson  5 | 1767
13 Mar 2013   #44
Depends when you are/live I guess ;)

As to ads, I'm not sure what TV you watch, guys, but that's not the general feeling I have with 'my' TV.
I see both female and male dummies. Ads are supposed to make you buy stuff, not to insult you.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Mar 2013   #45
Anyone who cannot admit that many television ads are hostile towards men is deaf, dumb, blind and lying to themselves. One study from the Univ. of Minnesota noted that there were 35 anti male ads to every 1 portraying females in a negative light. Some ads showed men being kicked in the crotch (no ads would dare show a female being kicked in the crotch) . In western societies it is safe to belittle men but 'politically incorrect' to do so to women.

call the ZIMMEISTER!!

You are correct in your comment about safety and I have also heard female broadcast commentators verbally belittle men in ways that would not be acceptable if the opposite occurred.

The following ad shows a bossy wife telling her mere male husband what to do. The little girl is also smarter than her father. Can you imagine an similar ad with the sexes being reversed? It wouldn't be allowed......

Happy Womans Month everybody....
OP jasondmzk
13 Mar 2013   #46
When I think of all the forced prostitution, the rapes in Sub-Saharan Africa, the selling of brides from as nearby as Ukraine, the pennies made on the dollar in countries as well-developed as America, the ratio of women to men in Parliaments and Presidencies and CEO's around the world, and then listen to ZIMMY prattle about slanted television commercials... I mean, has happened to us, as a society of men. And it IS a man's world. What happened to the age of chivalry, of decency, loving and protecting your mother and your sister? I don't mean White Knighthood, I mean just the inherent and group belief that women are to be treasured and not possessed? And no, they are NOT equal, they are BETTER, because each and every one of us owes our very existence to a woman. Our provision of male DNA isn't even fundamental to the creation of a child anymore, or not for much longer, with the advents made in gene-splicing. ZIMMY is using personal grudges to tie an entire gender to the stake, and that's not very gentlemanly of him, now is it?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Mar 2013   #47
...the ratio of women to men in Parliaments and Presidencies and CEO's around the world,

Ratios can be relative things. What percentage of women are coal miners? Should we demand a quota of 50%? That's true for many other harsh jobs. Yes, men run companies but they also work in the worst jobs as well.

ZIMMY prattle

I don't "prattle", I rattle.

. I mean, has happened to us, as a society of men

It depends, you seem to be mixing the third world with the western world. The third world is cruel and rough.

What happened to the age of chivalry, of decency,

Feminism killed it.

mean just the inherent and group belief that women are to be treasured and not possessed?

In western cultures women are responsible for 75% of all product purchases. That doesn't strike me as discrimination against women.

And no, they are NOT equal, they are BETTER, because each and every one of us owes our very existence to a woman.

It's noticeable that you ignore that magical potion men have - it's called sperm. That's very telling about your discriminatory selectivity.

Our provision of male DNA isn't even fundamental to the creation of a child anymore, or not for much longer,

You're still eating out of Eve's apple. Our feminized culture has done a good job brainwashing you. I've read the same articles, all from a feminist perspective downgrading male importance which dominates news when it comes to these issues. They always stop short of the finish line...............

.......but without getting too deep, I'll just skip to the final results of such research. That seems to be something that many male bashers ignore. It is probable that scientists will create humans from embryonic stem cells. Not only will male sperm be unnecessary but so will female eggs. Aw gee, and here you were hoping that only men would be unnecessary. Additionally, artificial wombs will incubate these 'Brave New World" babies so the totality of the female reproductive system will be unnecessary. Artificial wombs are already in progress...
and stem cell research is marching on to replace any human sexual input male or female.

I'm not so sure many women will accept these advances since the whole notion of motherhood will be turned upside down. Of course there is much more that makes us human. As Camille Paglia notes in her book, "Sexual Personae", ..

.[i]"Men in teams subordinated self-sacrificing, disposable got the human species from caves to palaces. When we watch mens teams at work, we pay homage to 10,000 years of male achievements; a record of vision, ingenuity and Herculean labor that feminism has been too mean spirited to acknowledge."

I agree that we, men and women both are more than just breeding entities; we have consciousness, free will and many more attributes which make us human. It's too bad that current provincial thinking dominated by jealous feminists has such strong currency in modern western society.
Polson  5 | 1767
13 Mar 2013   #48
What percentage of women are coal miners? Should we demand a quota of 50%? That's true for many other harsh jobs. Yes, men run companies but they also work in the worst jobs as well.

Should we talk about human anatomy here? Men are generally stronger than women. These are physical jobs.
Plus, you seem to forget that these jobs have a long 'male' tradition. Women wouldn't be accetped as easily. Since women were not allowed to work a while ago. Some things remain, you want it or not.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Mar 2013   #49
you seem to forget that these jobs have a long 'male' tradition.

Was the Camille Paglia quote lost on you? She's a feminist but she also stated, "if women were left to themselves, they'd still be living in caves....". In short, these "male tradition" jobs were part of the natural development of humankind. It made sense that men created, developed and built through evolution what we have today. It had nothing to do with "equality".

Related to this is the topic of 'chivalry'.
You noted that men are the CEO's etc but they are also the 'beasts of burden' more often than not. From the link:
""feminists compar[e] the plight of average women to the topmost men (the monarch and other aristocrats), rather than to the average man. This practice is known as apex fallacy,, and whether accidental or deliberate, entirely misrepresents reality."

In short, females who complain about not having 50% of all the top jobs are the same ones who ignore all the working stiffs who are long-haul truckers, oil rig workers, miners, and hundreds of other jobs which are also, as you put it, in a "log male tradition". Women aren't seeking these 'careers' nor are women seeking to be drafted into the military. Nah, they just whine about not being top managers in equal numbers while avoiding the ying-yang aspect of the downside jobs.

Gotta go......
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Mar 2013   #50
Depends when you are/live I guess ;)

well of course i would not wish to disrespect the women of Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or Somalia, who really do suffer for their gender, but my comment was about Western women really.
OP jasondmzk
13 Mar 2013   #51
ZIMMY seems to REALLY like men, doesn't he? If you defend women, you're a "male basher". If you have different sources than he does, "you're brainwashed". If you believe in something other than his beliefs, you're "eating out of Eve's Apple". Is it pro-male to be anti-female?

The Polish Woman, a creature to be exalted:

Polson  5 | 1767
13 Mar 2013   #52
It made sense that men created, developed and built through evolution what we have today.

Because men are the superior race?...

Women aren't seeking these 'careers'

Men neither. They do when they don't have much choice and wifey is home taking care of kids.

but my comment was about Western women really.

I hope so. The general condition of women here (Western world) is better, still not as good as men's.

ZIMMY seems to REALLY like men, doesn't he? If you defend women, you're a "male basher". If you have different sources than he does, "you're brainwashed". If you believe in something other than his beliefs, you're "eating out of Eve's Apple". Is it pro-male to be anti-female?


ZIMMY, question, if you don't mind: what would be a perfect world for you? 'Genderwise'.
pgtx  29 | 3094
13 Mar 2013   #53
Amazing, people still try to argue with Zimmy about men and women :))))
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Mar 2013   #54
ahh it is quite enjoyable really PGTX a bit like banging your head on a wall - nice when you stop...
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
13 Mar 2013   #55
Because men are the superior race?...

I really got to seem to need additional corrections (it's noticeable that you are unable to retort in a specific manner to my many examples and explanations). Men and women are the same species and not a separate race. Your premise is juvenile.

if you don't mind: what would be a perfect world for you? 'Genderwise'.

Don't have the time to elaborate on this as the answer is and will be very extensive. I will however, sum up in simple manner what the current conditions are in western cultures.

I'm having dinner with a woman who is talking about women and "equality". It's our first date and she excuses herself to go to the restroom when the check arrives. When she comes back I tell her that after listening to her that I I believe in "equality". I tell her what her half of the amount is. She looks surprised. I'm aware I won't see her again, nor do I wish to, but I challenge her on her beliefs. Somehow her (and so many womens' definition of equality) version of "equality" stops when the bill comes due. This scenario epitomizes what is so hypocritical of the modern spoiled western women. It isn't just this kind of instance at the restaurant, but many others in general.

As I've pointed out in the Obamacare forum. Feminists got lots of news coverage talking about the "war on women" because rational people opposed giving women free birth control thru the new health care programs. Ironically, Obamacare creates 3 new governmental womens health offices but none for men. There was no news coverage about this even though that would seem to be a 'war on men'. That is what I mean when talking about the advantages women have in western cultures. Can you imagine if only men's health departments were created but none for women? The liberal woman and man is immune from understanding such simple concepts.

Happy Womens Month, bye


Amazing, people still try to argue with Zimmy about men and women :))))

As long as (some) women continue to be hypocritical and male bash, I suppose the answer is yes. If you honestly read the posts, they don't seem to argue well though......
OP jasondmzk
13 Mar 2013   #56
Somehow her (and so many womens' definition of equality) version of "equality" stops when the bill comes due.

THAT'S what you got outta that? THAT'S what it epitomizes for you? You should have told her you were going to be a terrible date before she wasted her time!
f stop  24 | 2493
13 Mar 2013   #57
Zimmy likes to hang out on misogynystic forums and looks forward to trying on us some of the "solid" arguments he learned there.
Marynka11  3 | 639
13 Mar 2013   #58
And after all these years on the forum I still get so angry about the lies he spits out here. I should put him on ignore. Or he should move to "Toy Soldier" or something like that. He would be so much happier in a like-minded community.
f stop  24 | 2493
13 Mar 2013   #59
I have him on ignore.
A while ago, I found him on some anti-feminist forum, and seriously, one would have to search far and wide to find a dumber and more maladjusted group of people anywhere.
jon357  72 | 23361
13 Mar 2013   #60
some anti-feminist forum

Such things exist?

No wonder International Women's day is still so important.

Home / Life / Don't Forget: Tomorrow, March 8 is Women's Day in Poland!

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