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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8843
14 Nov 2021   #241
You should read more,

My friendly advice to you is to ignore that gender-confused, pussified slime. You will feel better.
pawian  225 | 27344
14 Nov 2021   #242
My friendly advice to you is to ignore

No, we need opponents like you to propagate our cause better. Firstly, through our debates, we can educate people, not only males but females too, about the objectives of feminism. Secondly, we have a chance to discredit you by exposing your nasty discriminatory views and outright lies about women.
Novichok  4 | 8843
14 Nov 2021   #243
Women are nuts. They lie. Their cruelty is worse than men's. When they murder, it's cold-blooded, well planned, and usually for life insurance benefits or during custody fights. Typically using poisons because women don't like guns.

Their only objective is roof and food. They will say and do whatever it takes to find a gullible sucker who will believe these bit*ches when they say "I love you so much". They mean his money, not the trusting idiot.
pawian  225 | 27344
14 Nov 2021   #244
Women are nuts.

Wonderful! More! More! Don`t stop. Tell us in detail what women haters keep in their deranged minds.

OK, let`s deal with your hateful obsessions one by one.

Post No 1

You said:

"Women are nuts"- of course not. There are more educated women in Poland than men.

"They lie" - of course coz all people lie when they feel the need to. And women are people, aren`t they?

"Their cruelty is worse than men's" - Really? Did women invent tortures, death penalty or the Inquisition? No, darling, your idealist males, the leaders of the patriarchal society, did.

"When they murder," - darling, tell us the statistics how many murders are committed by women and how many by men??? Coz my recent data is 10% vs 90%.

"Typically using poisons" hahaha funny. But it also shows your subliminal anxieties. Are you afraid of being poisoned???

Wincig  2 | 225
14 Nov 2021   #245
Women are nuts. They lie. Their cruelty is worse than men's

Well, well.. I truly pity you Novichok if the only women you ever met fit in those categories..
Alien  25 | 6369
14 Nov 2021   #246
Women are neither better nor worse than men. However, they use different methods in dealing with men and others in communicating with woman. Men often treat woman in the same way as other men, which is an obvious mistake.
pawian  225 | 27344
14 Nov 2021   #248
to find a gullible sucker They mean his money, not the trusting idiot.

Ooops. Let me guess - you are currently going through a divorce procedure, right? Did your would-be ex-wife eventually tell you that she had married you only for your money? I don`t think it was the case. She truly loved you but your misogynistic attitude destroyed that love. Simple. So, she mentioned money to hurt you and she was successful, I see.
pawian  225 | 27344
26 Nov 2021   #249
Some memes by Marta Frey refer to women`s problems like self-acceptance, complexes, depression, emotional merry-go-round, low-esteem, immaturity, getting lost in life etc etc
Well, nobody`s perfect.
It is also males` responsibility to give women a hand in solving those problems. We just need to show understanding and patience.

We don`t like people who are rude to us. That is why, be nice to yourself.

  • indeks.jpg
26 Nov 2021   #250

This song sums up feminism pretty well...
pawian  225 | 27344
26 Nov 2021   #251
This song

Tell us what it is about before we decide if we should open it.....
pawian  225 | 27344
27 Nov 2021   #252
refer to women`s problems

I am closing in on 40 but still have no idea what I want to be as an adult.

  • martafrejjestemni.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 970
28 Nov 2021   #253
^ That is what is known as Peter Pan syndrome and is a characteristic of emotional immaturity.
Novichok  4 | 8843
28 Nov 2021   #254
Women are neither better nor worse than men.

Nobody here watches as many crime shows as I do. Women commit fewer crimes but when they do their victims are typically their husbands rather than strangers because most husbands are worth more dead than alive. Killing strangers is men's specialty after rape or bank robbery. Women kill at home and prefer poison or a gun when the guy is asleep.

The single stupidest thing men do is buy life insurance with the wife as the beneficiary. Especially if she has kids of her own and she was married before.

The second dumbest this is telling her that you are going to file for divorce while she is still the beneficiary just as she was when things were lovely.

BTW, this has nothing do to with me and everything with statistics.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Nov 2021   #255
The single stupidest thing men do is buy life insurance with the wife as the beneficiary.

FU man, i bought 1/2 mil one at age 30 worth almost over 900k now to be shared between wife and kids equally.You blabber like a typical low life naturalised American.

Ane i bought for my kids too for a mil; each for my unknown grandkids at that time in late 1900s.
Novichok  4 | 8843
28 Nov 2021   #256
You blabber like a typical low life naturalised American.

I "blabber" like anyone who has eyes and a brain. Life insurance is meant to protect the kids, not the wife. She can go to work, kids can't. Duh!

Especially, if she is on her n-th marriage which is nothing more than a form of prostitution without a pimp. The most pathetic part of such arrangement is that the naive sucker actually believes her "I love you so much" crap. Watch Snapped for a while and then talk.

Again, this has nothing to do with me so take your personal insults and shove them.
pawian  225 | 27344
29 Nov 2021   #257
if she is on her n-th marriage

You mean Elizabeth Taylor? How many women are like her????

this has nothing to do with me

No, your sick zeal in belittling women suggests this has a lot to do with you.
pawian  225 | 27344
4 Feb 2022   #258
Excellent approach for middle aged women:

I am 40, plump, with wrinkles and cellulitis and I feel sexy........ You can`t forbid me!

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Miloslaw  20 | 5115
4 Feb 2022   #259

What is this cr@p?

What is wrong with you?
pawian  225 | 27344
4 Feb 2022   #260

What makes you think so??? Why do you want to deny women their rights? It is very discriminatory...... Live and let live! Aren`t you from Britain where this saying originated? Stop acting like a narrow-minded Eastern European rightard! Be a British rightard for a while!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Feb 2022   #261
What is this cr@p?

Maybe pawian feel like a woman. I think he/she likes Novi - cośtam.
Maybe he is insane?
Maybe he is a woman for real.
Maybe he is bipolar?

Given nosense posted on this forum they are worst things being posted and there are bigger loons.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2022   #262
It is very discriminatory

It most certainly is very discriminatory:

Poland - Retirement pensions.

"...the pensionable age: 60 years for a woman and 65 years for a man."


Now let's take into account life expectancy:

Poland - Life expectancy at birth

In 2020, Women: 80.80 years; Men: 72.60 years


So, Polish men are expected to work half a decade longer than women but then have only 7 or 8 years of retirement before they die.

Meanwhile, Polish women stop working for good much earlier than men and then enjoy just over two decades of being paid to be even more idle in society than the little effort they put in while "working."

This discrimination is universal and we are yet to see any feminist or lesbian stand up and fight for progress and true equality between men and women.

And because of this unacceptable gender bias, some men are going to extreme measures to right this wrong:

Swiss Man Legally Declares Himself A Woman To Retire With Pension 1 Year Early

"Thanks to a new law, Swiss citizens are allowed to change their sex on paper without needing to provide any documentation from a doctor or physician. All it takes is 75 francs and a desire to be referred to as a man or a woman."

Novichok  4 | 8843
5 Feb 2022   #263
Swiss citizens are allowed to change their sex on paper without needing to provide any documentation

I am happy to report that on the moron scale the US is still behind Europe.

Given nosense posted on this forum they are worst things being posted and there are bigger loons.

It's doable, but still painful to read crappy sentences like that.

In 2020, Women: 80.80 years; Men: 72.60 years

Under Polish law, is nagging a guy to death classified as a felony or a simple misdemeanor?
pawian  225 | 27344
5 Feb 2022   #264
"...the pensionable age: 60 years for a woman and 65 years for a man."

Do you really think it is a big problem? If you do, why?? Tell us sincerely, darling. :):)
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2022   #265
is nagging a guy to death classified as a felony

It should be. Men's productivity at work (often requiring double the effort when there are female employees present) takes a physical and mental toll. Then going home to an ungrateful banshee adds an emotional toll. This lowers the quality of life and thus life span of any man. Statistics prove this. And since women are always the predominate instigators of arguments in relationships it is a premeditated act. Malice aforethought is a baseline criteria when convicting someone of committing murder. So it is no wonder women live longer. They have way too much fun getting away with it. Statistics prove this too.

Do you really think it is a big problem?

It's the elephant in the room.

And no one is talking about it.

If you do, why??

You cheerlead for gender equality on here all the time. I've actually agreed with you and even showed beyond a shadow of a doubt that society has been way too gynocentric for generations and a correction is long overdue.

So what's the solution, you hesitantly and feebly ask me.

There is only one solution and it is word which is revered in the lexicon of leftists like you everywhere: EQUITY!

Option A) 20 Year Retirement

Women expect and even demand to be able to retire at age 60 so as enjoy 20 years of retirement based on their life expectancy.

No problem.

In the name of EQUITY so that we men can also enjoy 20 years of retirement based on our life expectancy our retirement age needs to be set at the age of 53.

Option B) 7 Year Retirement

Women complain (as they always do) that men still need to work longer otherwise "society" (i.e., their own personal comfort provided to them by men) will be destroyed!

Again, no problem.

We men can continue to work until the age of 65 knowing we still will have only 7 years to enjoy some solace before death.

In the name of EQUITY women too will be allocated only 7 years for retirement and so based on their life expectancy they will need to continue to work until they reach the age of 73.

Pick your poison pawian! :):)
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Feb 2022   #267
Well, well, and the dead arose and appeared to many ................Poloniusz is back.

ungrateful banshee

You shouldn't use references that you don't understand. The Banshee 'bean sidhe' is a fairy woman who foretells the death of a member of certain old noble Irish families. Her wailing is the cry of mourning for their imminent death. So it's not a suitable analogy in this case. She is a creature filled with sorrow, not rage.

Women expect and even demand to be able to retire at age 60

Which women, where?? Women may retire at 60 in Poland but not all over the world.

Women complain (as they always do) that men still need to work longer

Again, which women and in which countries??
Lenka  5 | 3537
5 Feb 2022   #268
Which women, where?? Women may retire at 60 in Poland but not all over the world.

And even in Poland it's in big part so they can look after the grandkids
Novichok  4 | 8843
5 Feb 2022   #269
Men's productivity at work ... takes a physical and mental toll.

Stress kills. The tool: heart attack. That's why men die first. The unresolved question is where they get stressed more, at work or at home.

Tell us sincerely, darling. :):)

You are mental. Or a woman working at a daycare place for retarded children.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
5 Feb 2022   #270
Excellent post!

Thanks. It's a very important topic too.

Well, well...Poloniusz is back.

Well, well, well, look who is oblivious to the fact I've been posting monthly since November 2021.

You shouldn't use references that you don't understand.

You shouldn't comment on cultural matters you don't understand.

The banshee not only heralds death but causes it.

Cry of the Banshee/Film synopsis: In Elizabethan England, a wicked lord massacres nearly all the members of a coven of witches, earning the enmity of their leader, Oona. Oona calls up a magical servant, a "banshee", to destroy the lord's family.

And regarding the film's attribution to Edgar Allen Poe, well, the Irish in Ireland claim him as one of their own:

Edgar Allen Poe - an author of Irish extraction


Women may retire at 60 in Poland but not all over the world.

Correct and that is discriminatory towards Polish men who have to wait until 65.

So which retirement option based on life expectancy do you prefer, A or B?

Since you are already old you should do what is right and repair the harm caused in the past. Take to the streets today and lobby hard for Option B so that you can be denied any pension benefits until you hit 73. It's about EQUITY and you need to do your part.

Home / Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?
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