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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #91
Predictably, you are full of it. Quoting from that website:

The gender pay gap is a complex phenomenon, because it arises from the co-existence of many factors affecting the situation of women and men in the labour market. They include the objective differences, such as different education, professional experience, or profession practised.

Duh! Nothing to do with vagina vs penis! Next:

The lower salaries of women are also determined by their lower self-esteem - Polish women misjudge their job opportunities and have lower financial expectations than men.

Duh! - again. Did you notice that "lower self-esteem", professor? Translation for a leftist: You ask for less, you get less. Duh! That's how free market operates: pay the least for the most. That is how even the leftists shop for everything.

Final point is that you and the article cited no specific case of a company that pays men 50% more for identical work, experience, and education. This means that you lied earlier.

Leftist idiots start with the broad statistic that women make less than men - which is true - and look for that "equal work" bush*it to keep their progressive fire going.

In life, nothing is equal - starting with how you act during the interview. Duh!
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #92
Quoting from that website:

You are so determined to refuse women their equal earnings. Funny. How does your wife and other female members of your family and circle of friends react to your views???? Do they know of them at all?? hahaha

You ask for less, you get less.

Yes, that is why we are also working on the ways of raising women`s self- esteem. Good girls go to Heaven while bad girls get rises and promotions. We need to teach women to follow that golden rule. They must be bad! And they will be!!!
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #93
Nobody sane would walk into the conference room and say: Guys, I believe that we should increase our payroll by 50% and hire only men to do the same work as the women we are now employing are doing now.

The problem is not unequal pay but brainless leftists in search of another target to justify their brainless leftism. You know, movements need targets...
pawian  225 | 27344
29 Oct 2021   #94
The problem is not unequal pay

You see it this way coz you support that sick discrimination. Never mind. We all know what a nasty women-hater you are.

Women should develop more solidarity when fighting for their rights. It still happens that female workers are abused by another woman in the workplace. That should be terminated as sth harmful to women`s cause.

We are strong coz we stick together.

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pawian  225 | 27344
29 Oct 2021   #95
Objective No 4
We fight for bigger engagement of male partners in household duties and childcare. Today a typical woman works half a day in a workplace and then spends the other half taking care of home, kids and her lazy husband/partner who falsely believes his work is so incredibly more important. That is outrageous.

I start the day by making a list of things I am not going to do today:

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pawian  225 | 27344
29 Oct 2021   #96
a list of things I am not going to do today:

I will peel the potatoes but only in a renowned art gallery.

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pawian  225 | 27344
29 Oct 2021   #97
bigger engagement of male partners in household duties and childcare.

However, the truth is that the education towards that objective must be done when males are still young boys. By both parents. Especially mothers should quit spoiling their sons and letting them do nothing around the house.

I am a dad. I change diapers.

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29 Oct 2021   #98
What a load of utter shite, feminists (male ones included) are only truly interested in one objective and that is masturbating themselves (either alone or using the bodies of other people).
Paulina  17 | 4471
29 Oct 2021   #99
I will peel the potatoes but only in a renowned art gallery.

Haha :D This one cracked me up lol 👍

@James123, you have some sick and one-track mind. And as it is usually the case with the weirdos on this forum - you're probably projecting.
Novichok  4 | 8844
29 Oct 2021   #100
You see it this way coz you support that sick discrimination.

You do too. You want to pay the least for the most. As long as the contract is voluntary, there is no discrimination.
If you owned a store, would you replace a check-out woman with a man and pay him 50% more.
In Poland, the gender-based wage disparity is not even close to what you claimed earlier. You lied and this conversation is over.
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #101
replace a check-out woman with a man and pay him 50% more.

Why replace? Why do you want to make female workers redundant? Isn`t it enough you discriminate against them with wages?

You want to pay the least for the most.

What makes you think so??? I didn`t know you are living in my mind rent free. :):)

this conversation is over.

Goodbye, darling. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8844
30 Oct 2021   #102
You lied and this conversation is over.
jon357  72 | 23426
30 Oct 2021   #103
Why do you want to make female workers redundant?

Didn't a moustachioed politician in Germany once do that?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Oct 2021   #104
Objective No 4

All obectivies have a one theme in common - glorification of laziness.
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #105
this conversation is over.

Stop stuttering. We already read it. :):):)

All obectivies

I am delighted you have read all 4. :):) This means the thread has proved useful and important.


Yes! We are teaching women they have the right to be lazy whenever they feel like it. After thousands of years of home enslavement imposed by males, women can feel free of all males` silly expectations.

It is called a good change. Have you heard about it?

Take your son, Johhny. Time for a good change...

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pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #106
that is masturbating themselves

It is women haters who do it while participating in this thread. I won`t point fingers at anybody but you know who I mean.

you have some sick mind.

Yes, all those women-haters do.
Novichok  4 | 8844
30 Oct 2021   #107
Stop stuttering. We already read it. :):):)

No, liar, I am not stuttering. I am not going to let you quote selectively. The full sentence was:

You lied and this conversation is over.
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #108
You lied

Of course not. In your mind only.

I am not stuttering.

Yes, you are, all the time. :):):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
30 Oct 2021   #109
We are teaching women they have the right to be lazy

Is that because they need to learn to be lazy? I think left ideas rezonate for lazy people. It makes more sense.
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #110
Is that because they need to learn to be lazy?

Yes! Coz women work hard in jobs and later at home. They need to learn to be lazy and have time for themselves at last while their lazy male partners do the chores and look after kids.

Objectives so far so that we recall what we forgot to mention:

No 1 - educate males to give up their infantile feeling of superiority over women.

No 2. fight for equal treatment and pay in workplaces,

No 3 - put an end to tolerating home violence against women.

No 4 - teach males to share chores and childcare with their female partners

Here is a new one:

No 5 - raise the awareness that it is a woman`s choice to bear a child, not compulsion.

Unite against robbing us of our wombs.

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pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #111
woman`s choice

The situation when a woman is forced against her will is unacceptable.

As far as childbearing is concerned, you have no rights whatsoever.

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pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #112
Haha :D This one cracked me up lol 👍

Yes, a witty concept. It took me a little time to guess what the author meant by this art gallery.

I will peel the potatoes but only

That is not a call for women to give up kitchen chores completely but for males to relieve their female partners by sharing burdens equally.

My wife peels potatoes when she cooks dinner. But it is me who plants, looks after and then digs them out and brings home.
Besides, I cook my own meals most of the time so she doesn`t need to worry about me.
What is more, I cook mostly jacket potatoes so no peeling is needed.
On top of that, I rarely eat potatoes coz they aren`t good for me.
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
30 Oct 2021   #113
Have feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

Who cares?
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #114

Polish women do. You are not one, so you don`t. I think it is natural.
However, there are decent males who do.

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Miloslaw  20 | 5115
30 Oct 2021   #115
Polish women do

Some Polish women do.
But not too many care about feminism because they can handle themselves.
And fewer still care or even understand lesbians.
jon357  72 | 23426
30 Oct 2021   #116
But not too many care about feminism because they can handle themselves.

Which is of course in itself an expression of feminism. Not all feminism is confined to universities. It's a hard fought thing.

And fewer still care or even understand lesbians.

Perhaps more than most straight men think.

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Novichok  4 | 8844
30 Oct 2021   #117
And fewer still care or even understand lesbians.

Just as few understand other sexual anomalies because there is nothing to understand. Lesbianism is not math or physics.

The problem with trying is that by the time you do, these sickos invent another dozen perversions to make them a moving target and the mission a mission that never ends. Like the BLM.

That stick is never stuck.
pawian  225 | 27344
30 Oct 2021   #118
Famous Polish symbols of resistance against oppressors:
Stop crying! We won`t give up. Women make half society. We shall fight for our rights!

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Novichok  4 | 8844
31 Oct 2021   #119
One of the lies women use to justify violence against men - including murder - is "years of abuse". In the US, in almost all murder cases where a woman is charged with murder, the juries are forced to listen to sob stories of "years of abuse" or "rapes" with the same and very predictable result - we are no longer buying this crap.

Under the rules of self-defense, the target's life must be in imminent and immediate threat, or the target dies. Walking up to a sleeping husband and pumping five shots into his back because "he abused me for years" is working almost as well as claiming temporary insanity - which is not at all.

Personally, I am actually surprised that reputable defense attorneys would even try that line of defense as the first thought that comes to mind is "then move after the second incident and call it quits". The first one may have been a misunderstanding. You know, it was dark or he was sleepwalking... way. If you stick around and have sex and all, all prior events are forgiven and the future ones are consensual. Like BDSM.

Just watched 48 Hours about a case like this. The poor sob got shot 5 times in his back while asleep. She then went to reload and pumped 5 more into the head. When days later with a search warrant they finally found his decomposing body in a box, it immediately became the case of self-defense and years of abuse, notwithstanding the fact that she invited him to move in shortly before she shot him.

The jury promptly rewarded the suffering widow with 60 years.

What the bi*tch forgot is that after a self-defense shooting, it's normal to call 911, not to hide the body. That's how stupid women are.
pawian  225 | 27344
31 Oct 2021   #120
in almost all murder cases

A decade ago or earlier courts were very harsh on women who killed their aggressive husbands in self-defence. A typical sentence was about 7 years imprisonment.

Fortunately, it is changing now. This year or last, I don`t remember well, a wife was acquitted coz she had gone through years of abuse and finally had to stab the abuser while he was atacking her in the kitchen. She just grabbed a knife from the counter and did it.

So, thank you Novi for bringing up an idea for

Objective No 6 (which somehow is connected with No 3 - home violence) - feminists need to fight for better law for women who are desperate to kill their abusive husbands.

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