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Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland?

pawian  225 | 27344
27 Oct 2021   #61
Ok, you stopped talking about sweaty sex so I can get back to our discussion. Why? Because too many companies are run by chauvinist men who view exploiting women as sth normal coz it has always happened in history. They need to gain new awareness that such treatment is discriminatory and unjust.
pawian  225 | 27344
27 Oct 2021   #62
Sometimes chauvinist men have to be shattered and tossed energetically to believe that women mean their rights seriously.

First female uni students on Polish land, 1894.
Professor: Dear ladies, you will attend zoology course only over my dead body.
3 female students: It probably means you will have been dead by the end of the summer.


  • brakujacapolowadzi.jpeg
Novichok  4 | 8844
27 Oct 2021   #63
Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
Miloslaw  20 | 5115
27 Oct 2021   #64
A Great question!
Curious to see if there are any answers.... I somehow doubt it.
Novichok  4 | 8844
27 Oct 2021   #65
Debating leftists actually feels icky. Like arm wrestling 10-yo girls. One question and it's over.
In this specific case, that question can be answered easily - if one has functional brain cells.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #66
Curious to see if there are any answers

You need to visit an opthalmologist then, darling. :):)

One question and it's over.

Of course not.
Tacitus  2 | 1271
28 Oct 2021   #67
Something I find rather interesting is the portrayal of murders done by the husband/boyfriend against their wife/girlfriend. In Germany those were often euphemistically called "Beziehungsdrama" (relationship tragedy) but a few years ago the coverage of it started following an international trend and called it "femicide" instead. I was initial sceptical about this term, but after realizing how many women are murdered by their male partner, and that they were indeed ultimately killed because of their sex, it now seems appropiate.
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #68
Of course not.

Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #69

Darling, you need to accompany milo who was sent by me to an eye doctor. :):)

I know making an appointment with an eye doctor right now can be difficult. So, I strongly advise you to eat some carrots tonight - they are said to work wonders for poor eyesight. You will certainly see better. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #70
Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #71
Can you at last use some remains of your intelligence to find out why I am joking about your visiting an eye doctor? Your silly question has already been answered but you refuse to see it coz you are so narcissistically focused on yourself. Get a grip and try to pay attention to others, too.
Tacitus  2 | 1271
28 Oct 2021   #72
It is rather interesting to note that when it comes to women in high government offices, conservative parties in Europe have a surprsingly good effort. The Tories made Thatcher the first prominent female politician to lead a country and later had with Theresa May their second female PM. Merkel became the first woman as chancellor of Germany, with her party colleague von der Leyen becoming the first woman in charge of the European Comission. PiS gave Poland its first female PM, although she was little more than a puppet.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #73
although she was little more than a puppet.

Can you say for sure, as an expert from Germany, that Merkel wasn`t a puppet, either?

PiS gave Poland its first female PM,

Not a big deal but the first female PM in Poland was Hanna Suchocka in 1990s. And yes, she was also a puppet of her senior colleagues.
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #74
Your claim, you support it.
Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
Tacitus  2 | 1271
28 Oct 2021   #75
Considering how many of her adversaries within her party she overcame, that seems safe to say. Merkel has been accused of many things, but never of being a puppet of her party.

first female PM

Apologies, thanks for the correction.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #76

Why do you reiterate the same question over and over again if it has already been answered?? Why don`t you want to use that little of your intelligence? :):):)

but never of being a puppet of her party.

Good. I asked to prevent any accusations from rabid women-haters.
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #77
You didn't answer it and I will not stop asking until you do. Start with:

Companies pay men 50% more than women for the same work for the following reasons:
1. ...
2. ...
3. ...

So here is the question:
Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #78
You didn't answer it

Yes, I did, darling. You are still blind. :):)
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #80
No, darling. Go through the posts and find it on your own. I want you to stop being such a tragic narcissist for a while and pay attention to what others say instead of to solely your own production.
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #81
I found this moronic post:

Because too many companies are run by chauvinist men who view exploiting women as sth normal coz it has always happened in history.

...which has nothing to do with my question about unequal pay for the same work that YOU raised earlier. So, again:

Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?

...and invite the full force of government anti-discrimination agents? Only in the minds of leftist idiots a company would spend more AND get into legal trouble for that act of idiotic generosity. But I am not surprised...
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #82
I found this

At last. But it took you one day exactly. Funny.


You seem to suffer from instant amnesia. I must remind you that your question has already been answered. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #83
has already been answered

No, it was not. There are laws against discrimination and thousands of drooling lawyers ready to sue.
Under such conditions:
Why would a company hire a man for 50% more to do the same work a woman can for less?
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #84
No, it was not.

Yes, it was.

There are laws against discrimination

Which countries are we talking about, darling???? :):):)


Your question has already been answered. :):)
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #85
Name one company that pays women 2/3 of what it pays men for the same work.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #86
No, darling, I asked you a question about countries. Now it is your turn to answer mine. HA!
Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #87
No, darling, I asked you a question about countries.

Your claim. Your countries. Use the one you meant while making the claim.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #88
Use the one you meant

No, you must start thinking on your own at last. Look at the title of the thread. Can you guess the name of the country I meant?

Here are some possible choices:

1/ Brazil
2/ Gabon
3/ Poland

When you finally establish which country I was talking about, can you do sth with it?:

There are laws against discrimination

Novichok  4 | 8844
28 Oct 2021   #89
Name one company in Poland that pays women 2/3 of what it pays men for the same work.
pawian  225 | 27344
28 Oct 2021   #90
What for? I know the statistics made annually by professional consulting companies, that is enough.,9607,gender-pay-gap-in-poland.html

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