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Poland's feelings on glorified vaccinations

Novichok  4 | 8847
27 Dec 2022   #61
You seem very dismissive about the medical profession,

That's a stretch you are not entitled to. We are dismissive of the government goons with Gestapo powers claiming "science" where none exists. See Australia and school lockdowns.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #62
See Australia and school lockdowns.

That's an irrelevance. Australia is not Poland and there are no current school lockdowns.
Novichok  4 | 8847
27 Dec 2022   #63
Auschwitz is closed, too. Therefore what? Forget it?
We will remember the gov goons and their tactics for a very long time. And the "doctors" like that pos Fauci.
Try to suggest school closings today...hahahahaha...and run for your life.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #64
Auschwitz is closed, too.


Fortunately Poland has a very good take up rate for vaccinations.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
27 Dec 2022   #65
Oh joun please stop with your shaming tactics by taking things out of context.
Of course I don't tell the truth about my personal life because it is none of your business, Aunt Nosey.

On the basis of six years medical training and a four year medical placement

Yes joun, when you go to the doctor WITH FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS the docor assumes that you have the flu.
He can only rule out any other symptoms with lab tests so in essence the doctor treats you for the flu.
He tells you to go home, stay warm, drink lots of clear liquids, get rest, and eat some chicken soup, and take acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) to reduce fever and muscle aches.

You will be better in a week or ten days.
If your temperature is 101 degree F (38C) or less you are sent home.
If it is higher they hold you for observation and often hook you up to an I.V. to replenish your fluids.
The vaccines for the flu work sometimes and sometimes they don't which makes them way overrated.
In fact the flu vaccine shocks the immune system so bad that it often makes people deathly sick with flu like symptoms.
And joun, this thread is about GLORIFIED VACCINES which include both the Covid and Flu vaccine !
We notice how you refuse to entertain the gene altering experimental Covid vaccine that your Dr. Whitty was involved with from the onset of the development of it.

This thread seems to upset you so maybe you should refrain from further involving yourself in it.

It's the middle of the night in Michigan.

Another of your shame game remarks but I will explain just for you, one time only.
It was a little after midnight and I was just finishing up making cookies for a homeless shelter as if I need your permission on what time I go to my bed, Aunt Nosey.

Now back off with your diminishing remarks and stick to the topic.
jon357  72 | 23426
27 Dec 2022   #66
shaming tactics .........
Of course I don't tell the truth

You shame yourself here in this very thread.

And why lie? On second thoughts don't answer that; the reason is obvious. You don't have a point to make, only trying to pick an argument and losing.


Are you seriously saying that influenza can't be fatal? It is frequently very much'a death sentence' to the elderly, the infirm, and the immunocompromised.

Hence annual influenza shots being recommended for people who are vulnerable for these reasons.

This has been carefully explained to you several times however it's obvious you're more interested in posting conspiracy that American right-wingers like to smear across social media.

I was just finishing up making cookies for a homeless shelter

No you weren't. As you said yourself just now:
"Of course I don't: tell the truth".
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
28 Dec 2022   #67
Oh lord, another meltdown with your vax tyrant pot and pan banging.
Do you really think you can make me defend my personal life to you. Pfffft good luck with that bozo
I will lie to you every time to your BAITING.

And why lie?

Your made up lie about me being your fictitous Jim character should give you a clue. lol
Joun for crying out loud, you have seen what happens when people divulge their personal information here, get real.
Remember what happened to yourself with your sexual preferences.
You came to my thread to start an argument with me with 27 of the 66 posts in my thread only to keep losing.
Now you are pouting because you can't BAIT me into defending myself to you.

joun you know very well that in Poland, despite the recommendations, the rate of vaccination against influenza is still low in all age groups.
In the United States the vaccination rate is only about 50 %
SEE, not everyone agrees with you and you can't make them. :-)

Are you seriously saying that influenza can't be fatal?

Joun those are YOUR words and that is what YOU are saying. I said that it wasn't a death sentence and now you are singling out the elderly. lol

Are you saying that without a flu vaccination you will die ?

This has been carefully explained to you several times

If you remember it was I that explained that to you. SEE !

You must quit with your twisted lies like the one I just pointed out above.
Now that we have beat the glorified flu vaccination to death lets move on to the glorified Covid vaccination that 70% of the people opted out on this time around with their booster vaccine.

Doubtful that you will try to control the narrative on the glorified Covid vaccination too.
Better you get lost and find someone else to stalk if you can't stay on-topic in my thread.
jon357  72 | 23426
28 Dec 2022   #68
Sad to say, the only meltdown we see here is from you. An embarrassing meltdown.

As you were told, Poland has a very good take-up rate for vaccinations generally, and the influenza shots (a life saver for people in your age group) are an established disease prevention measure.

You were also told that influenza can be deadly for people over 60, for people with various illnesses and for people with compromised immune systems. That is why the Ministry of Health is so keen to avoid people catching it and passing it on.

Immunisation (as you were also told, here and elsewhere) is one of the biggest scientific developments that humanity has achieved, significantly extending life expectancy around the world and significantly reducing infant mortality rates. Hard to know why you have a problem with that.

in my thread.

It isn't 'your' thread.

In future try not to pick fights and lose badly, as you have here.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
28 Dec 2022   #69
More Rinse & Repeat Rants as your pots and pans go Bang Bang Bang !
Have you no shame at all ?
As you were told, Poland has a very poor uptake for vaccinations, GENERALLY.
I would recommend the flu vaccine for people our age especially if they have a low immune system and are vulnerable to decease such as yourself.

significantly reducing infant mortality rates. Hard to know why you have a problem with that.

Problem ? I don't joun,as I have posted here several times now yet you keep trying with your Rinse & Repeat to promote your lie for some credibility on your part and at the same time diminish me with another of your lies.


Have you no shame at all to that you have to keep making up lies about me as I just pointed out AGAIN.
You think if you repeat a lie often enough that it will become true like your "Jim" fantasy character ? Hoot !
jon357  72 | 23426
28 Dec 2022   #70

The only 'rants' we see are yours.

Rinse & Repeat

To repeat (and rinse if necessary):

- Immunisation is perhaps the most significant single development in healthcare ever.

- Influenza is a serious viral illness; it has claimed many victims over the years, including in my family.

- Annual influenza shots are recommended by the Polish Ministry of Health and the Britisn National Health Service for senior citizens and others at high risk of not surviving influenza should they catch it.

- I've had influenza and it's not just a winter bug; it is very unpleasant and can cause lasting problems for those who survive it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
28 Dec 2022   #71
I have never disagreed with any of that.
Those are undisputable statements.
- The flu virus is not a death sentence -
Now lets talk about the vaccine itself that does not guarantee you getting it or dying from it.
The facts of the vaccine itself is what seems to have you so upset.

It isn't 'your' thread.

Yet another lie.
Tell us joun, who is the OP for this thread ?
No essays, just the name.
You really should know better than to pick fights with your lies with us Americans as all you do is embarrass your shameless self.
In the future try to stay on topic and keep your diminishing insults and lies to yourself.
Hey, how about those life saving Covid Booster vaccines that only 30% of the people got this time around now that we have put the glorified flu vaccines to rest that only 50% of the people got poked with and most likely even less than that in Poland. ?

joun people who received mRNA Covid vaccines are least twice as likely to be infected with the coronavirus as unvaccinated people ?

Perhaps you would like to explain that one, joun.
jon357  72 | 23426
28 Dec 2022   #72
I have never disagreed with any of that.

Good to hear it.

- The flu virus is not a death sentence -

Influenza is very much a killer for people who, like yourself, are elderly and/or in poor health; hence the government recommending flu shots. What have you got against them?

vaccine itself that does not guarantee you getting it or dying from it.

It does however significantly reduce the risk of an early death, as you have already been told.

You are out of your depth here and don't really have anything at all to say.

Sad to see an old, decrepit, man, picking a fight and losing it badly. Especially when you're tryting to disparage a very effective disease prevention measure aimed at people like yourself.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
29 Dec 2022   #73
What have you got against them?

Not like you who walks slumped over with a persistent cough, I am in excellent health.
Most likely the flu vaccine would do my superior immune system more damage than good.
i understand your paranoia concerns because of your family's history dealing with the flu however.
I recommend that you do get a flu vaccine as they are for fragile people like you.

t does however significantly reduce the risk of an early death,

For who, a 90 year old ?

Especially when you're tryting to disparage a very effective disease prevention measure

So now you are saying that if you get the flu jab that you can't catch the flu ?
It's TRYING not tryting
jon357  72 | 23426
29 Dec 2022   #74
Not like you who walks slumped over with a persistent cough

Hard to know where you pulled that idea from; probably the same place that you pulled this thread from. And I'd not call your recent kidney translpant "excellent health". One reason why you should follow advice and get an influenza shot.

It could save your life.

As you were told, the Polish Ministry of Health and the British National Health Service do not strongly recommend them on a whim; they recommend them since influenza is a killer for people in certain groups.

if you get the flu jab that you can't catch the flu

As you were told, an annual influenza vaccination significantly reduces the chance of catching influenza and mitigates its (very unpleasant) symptoms in those who do catch it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
29 Dec 2022   #75
And I'd not call your recent kidney translpant "excellent health".

joun, it wasn't a transplant for me, I donated one of my kidneys to a little Polish girl who needed one or she would have died.

you should follow advice and get an influenza shot.

The Polish Ministry of Health and the British National Health Service do not apply to us Americans.
We have our own liar and prostitute Fauci to tell us what we should inject into our bodies.

an annual influenza vaccination significantly reduces the chance of catching influenza

As you were told, so does washing your hands with soap and hot water.
So what are your thoughts about the experimental Covid gene altering vaccine joun ?
I think you should get one of those too for your frail health and paranoia.
jon357  72 | 23426
29 Dec 2022   #76
it wasn't a transplant for me,

It was. You posted about it. You received a kidney from a donor because you needed one.

As you were told, annual influenza shots are invaluable for elderly and vulnerable people. Why are you against them?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
29 Dec 2022   #77
It was. You posted about it. You received a kidney from a donor because you needed one.

Please produce that post for us liar joun.
As you were told, I have nothing against them for older frail people such as yourself.
In fact I even recommended one for you.
How about your Covid poke of poison, did you get that one too ?
jon357  72 | 23426
29 Dec 2022   #78
Please produce that post

It's on a church website (with much else besides).

I have nothing against them for older frail people

Very good. They are after all recommended for over 60s such as yourself. they are life-savers for some older people.


Pretty well everybody in the developed world has has that, as have you. There is however already a thread for your covid stuff.

Up late again?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
29 Dec 2022   #79
It's on a church website (with much else besides).

Post it for all of us to see or are you lying again.
Now please stay on-topic and quit deflecting.
Meanwhile back to the flu vaccine.
They are after all recommended for over 60s which would include you so it is no wonder you got one.
How many times now have you repeated that now ?
Yes joun, the flu vaccine is recommended for everybody your age.

There is however already a thread for your covid

Yes, many, but this one is specifically about the Covid vaccine so don't try to wiggle out of it as you are so well known for.

So did you cave in and get the Covid vaccine ?

Up late again?

Yes, I go to bed late and get up early.
Is that o.k. with you joun or do I need your permission. lol
jon357  72 | 23426
29 Dec 2022   #80
one is specifically about the Covid vaccine

It isn't.

Poland does however have an excellent vaccination take-up rate. We use a variety of vaccines giving a broader immunity than the one you had gives..

do I need your permission

OP johnny reb  49 | 8005
29 Dec 2022   #81
Poland does however have an excellent vaccination take-up rate.

Compared to who ?

As you were told, Poland has a very poor uptake for vaccinations, GENERALLY.


Not mother !

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