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danger of animals during hiking in poland

gad123  1 | 1
13 Apr 2024   #1
is there any danger from animals during hiking in poland in marked hiking trails ?
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Apr 2024   #2
danger from animals during hiking in poland in marked hiking trails ?

The greatest danger comes from animalistic car drivers. 🦏
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Apr 2024   #3
is there any danger from animals during hiking in poland

there is a real chance that you happen upon a viper (a poisonous snake) - it typically looks like this:

żmija zygzakowata

(there are also more brownish and completely black varieties) - there are 3 other species of snakes in Poland that are not dangerous - in any case just careful with snakes

wild boars might be dangerous too if you have too close an encounter (those that live in the forest - there are wild boars living within the cities in Poland and they typically don't pose a threat)
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Apr 2024   #4
upon a viper

vipers are usually less than 1m long (70 cm long specimens are considered big) and they are said to be 'lazy' ('lazy' doesn't mean it won't bite you if you step on it or within reach of it's fangs - it means they,unlike for example European grass snakes (which are not considered poisonous) often won't flee from you especially if they are basking in the sun)
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Apr 2024   #5
often won't flee from you

this is means they are more dangerous actually
Alien  26 | 6527
13 Apr 2024   #6
they are more dangerous actually

Moreover, they like to bask in the middle of the path followed by hikers. You have to watch your step. And you should not collect "rubber" snakes from the ground because it may turn out that they are not rubber but real.
OP gad123  1 | 1
13 Apr 2024   #7
ok - 😃
your answer is very helpful.
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Apr 2024   #8
viper (a poisonous snake)

not poisonous (trujący) but venomous (jadowity)

and that species (vipera berus) tends to be very.... differentially distributed with large areas with no snakes and smaller areas that are infested with them.... so if you do see one... that could mean more of its little friends are around
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2024   #9
danger from animals during hiking in poland in marked hiking trails ?

Not really, although as posters have mentioned, watch out for snakes.

There are also ticks (a big problem in Poland) and mosquitos so read up on how best to avoid them.
Atch  22 | 4299
13 Apr 2024   #10
The ticks and mozzies are the worst thing, that's true. The ticks in particular are a big problem in forested areas. As for boar, I've lived in a house near the forest and never saw one but saw evidence of them - they seem to be most active at night? During the day you could see where they'd been foraging and where they'd been sleeping but I think they prefer to avoid humans. That's how it seemed to me as a casual observer anyway.
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2024   #11
As for boar, I've lived in a house near the forest and never saw one but saw evidence of them

They come down my street (near Kampinoski Forest) sometimes. In big groups (wild boar live in female/kids groups; adult males are solitary) snorting loudly. This only happens at night and in late winter when they're short of food. They've been photographed as far into town as Metro Młociny or even further.

It's great to see them, as long as you don't get too close.

they prefer to avoid humans.

Very much so. They start snorting since they're spooked by us. They're also quite stressed since seeing buildings roads and gardens is a long way outside their comfort zone. Like wolves, they're more afraid of us than we are of them.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2024   #12
Our most dangerous animals are black, walk on hind legs, and shoot kids on the way to school.
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Apr 2024   #13
they prefer to avoid humans.

walk on hind legs

Like your daughter, except her legs are always open to paying customers.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2024   #14
Would you like to meet when I am in Poland?
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Apr 2024   #15
Cruising? Already?

(had you not spammed the thread with a completely off topic post then I wouldn't have gone there but you did.... so.....)
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2024   #16
Cruising? Already?

No, just meet so I can hear the rest of your story about my daughter. We don't want to bore people here...
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Apr 2024   #17
he rest of your story about my daughter

I don't know anything about her and I care even less.

And personally, I'd rather meet a żmija than you - at least they only strike to feed or in self-defense.... you spray venom everywhere for no reason.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Apr 2024   #18
you spray venom everywhere for no reason.

You and jon are the reasons.
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Apr 2024   #19
Interesting to know that I have that much power over you... livin' rent free in your head!
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Apr 2024   #20
As for boar, I've lived in a house near the forest

Boars in cities are also a nuisance. Such boars which try to keep to the traffic rules are a rarity.

  • z25192484AMPDzikiw.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Apr 2024   #21
Interesting to know that I have that much power over you...

So do rats and cockroaches..I wouldn't live where they congregate...

Home / Life / danger of animals during hiking in poland
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