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The climate for gardening in Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #121
We have 3 fig trees in our garden and I have just eaten the second fig this year. There are still 2 growing on the branches but I doubt they will ripen before cold temps.

The climate in southern Poland isn`t good for fig trees. They take too long to regenerate after frosty winter and in result produce few fruit.

But those two figs were big and delicious.

I can`t give up hope for better crops in the future.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2023   #122
They take too long to regenerate after frosty winter

In the past, when they were still young, I used to cover-wrap them for winter. Now, tall and wide, it is impossible. So, I have to count for mild temps in wintertime to attain a more plentiful crop in summer.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Sep 2023   #123
I have just eaten the second fig this year. There are still 2 growing on the branches but I doubt they will ripen before cold temps.

I was wrong again. The weather has been intermittently sunny and warm or even hot for a few weeks now. Today I have eaten another fig (delicious again) and spotted about 10 new figs growing on other branches. It is incredible coz I hadn`t seen them before - they must be some late occurence. Latent, too. Normally, fig trees start producing fruit in May, even before leaves come out. Did those newly discovered figs come into being in May but were so small I hadn`t found them and they started growing only recently ??? Amasing processes......
Alien  26 | 6528
22 Sep 2023   #124
and spotted about 10 new figs growing on other branches.

Do you have some oasis in the desert or what?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2023   #125
in the desert

Fig trees don`t grow in the desert. But it has been warm or hot enough for them to grow a record number of fruit.

They are quite big now. The fruit giver is on the right. No fruit on the left one. Strange. Another natural mystery to solve - they both receive a similar amount of direct sunlight which is a must in their case.

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Barney  19 | 1755
22 Sep 2023   #126
Do you know the variety of fig you are growing. In Ireland, as far as I know, brown turkey is the only one that produces fruit that ripens.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2023   #127
brown turkey

I have the same stuff.

I have just recalled I started this thread writing about fig trees and even showing a pic of one.

Quote from post 21
In the first post you can see a fig tree still in the pot, it has one fig. I put three such saplings into the ground in spring 2017 and look at one of them in 2018.

Wow! It means those currently 3 meter tall trees are only 6 years old? Amasing!
Barney  19 | 1755
22 Sep 2023   #128
Thats great, I started mine in a greenhouse but soon had to move the greenhouse as the fig had quickly outgrown it. It is about 10years old now and gives a lot of fruit on the new growth. Despite the wasps getting a lot of the fruit I still get enough for my needs plus I propagate it making nice presents.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Sep 2023   #129
Despite the wasps getting a lot of the fruit

yes, wasps and hornets in my area too but they focus on other fruit and leave figs in peace.

And even if a tree gets completely frost bitten and all its upper part dies after severe winter, it will wonderfully recover as long as the root is OK. It happened to my trees about 3 years ago.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Oct 2023   #130
There are still 2 growing on the branches but I doubt they will ripen before cold temps.

I was right - they have remained hard and green. Let`s hope better for the next year. As always.... :):):)

Yesterday I visited a distant part of the orchard where I seldom go and got a positive shock. My jaw dropped, in fact.

I have found these on an 8 year old tree. What namely???

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22 Oct 2023   #131
They look like chestnuts to me.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Oct 2023   #132
No, we are talking about edible stuff, I mentioned the orchard, not the garden. :):):)
23 Oct 2023   #133
edible stuff,

Sweet chestnuts are edible! The only fruit I've seen that has a prickly type outer casing is rambutan but I doubt it would thrive in Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Oct 2023   #134
Sweet chestnuts are edible!

Yes, that`s what I meant. But you said chestnut which is an inedible species growing in the park. :):):)

Why was I so surprised seeing the fruit? I had always believed the tree had to be very big to give fruit. While ours is only 8 years old.

However, the chestnuts were empty. It always happens when you grow only one tree. That is why we have two for cross pollination but the other one is still small - it nearly died in wintertime 3 years ago and has been still recuperating.

BTW, those shells are really spiky - you need to handle them with care. Take it into consideration if you plan to plant this tree next to your house.

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23 Oct 2023   #135
But you said chestnut which is an inedible species growing in the park. :

I thought you would have known that I didn't mean horse chestnuts, the outer casing is different. Hair-splitter!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Oct 2023   #136
I thought you would have known that I didn't mean horse chestnuts

So you mean that saying chestnuts you always think of sweet ones???? That`s a novelty to me. :):):)


Yes, you can use those casings instead of a hairbrush, indeed. Very tough spikes.
23 Oct 2023   #137
that saying chestnuts you always think of sweet ones????

When they have a very distinctive casing as in the pic you posted, then yes :)
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2023   #138
then yes :)

I see. It didn`t occur to me. Thanks. :):):)

Winds can be strong in our area. After the first impact I strived to straighten those corn stems. After the next gales I gave up. But they kept growing and gave abundant crop.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2023   #139
What was I doing with that stuff on and in the ground ???

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24 Oct 2023   #140
It looks a little bit like rosemary but I don't think it is. Picture's a bit blurred. Whatever it is has spread and you're clearing it?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2023   #141
Sorry, no. That one pic wasn`t enough and now I am adding three new ones and there are no more. What was I doing exactly? And why?

PS. There is still the possibility of another hint from me concerning the plant which grows in this patch. Just in case....... :):):)

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24 Oct 2023   #142
What was I doing exactly?

Digging a furrow. Doesn't look like it's for irrigation.

And why?

You're expanding the patch and want to grow more of whatever that plant is?
24 Oct 2023   #143
whatever that plant is?

Or are you going to be sowing more corn?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2023   #144
want to grow more of whatever that plant is?


A hint: Contrary to what you said.

Hint 2: the plant is balloon berry aka strawberry raspberry.
25 Oct 2023   #145
The furrow is for irrigation?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2023   #146
Nope. Let`s go back to your suggestion which I commented on with: On the contrary.

You suggested growing more of the plant in that patch.
I replied on the contrary which means no more growing.

What does it all mean? Why is there a tape like object in all pictures? Did you notice it changes its position??? How???
27 Oct 2023   #147
Hint 2: the plant is balloon berry aka strawberry raspberry.

It can be invasive and spreads underground. You're trying to stop it spreading by putting a physical barrier in place?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
27 Oct 2023   #148
Exactly. I bordered the 12 square m patch with thick plastic tape to avoid the spreading of that fruit plant.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2023   #149
to avoid the spreading of that fruit plant.

I didn`t do it a few years ago and now the fruit plant grows with potatoes. It irritates me coz I like order in the fields.

It is the end of July and fava beans still in the fields??? What`s the matter???

It is a riddle, if you didn`t know. :):):)

Hint: it wasn`t caused by my forgetfulness. Intentional. Why???

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28 Oct 2023   #150
fava beans

Broad beans or bób :)

It is the end of July and fava beans still in the fields??? What`s the matter???

They're not ready to be harvested yet?

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