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The climate for gardening in Poland

OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 Oct 2020   #61
There are two fruit which I am still picking right now. Mini kiwis - their taste is simply delicious - the same as big kiwi but better - more delicate. They can ripen at home, so you don`t need to look for soft ones to harvest. I already picked 3 kilos from one plant this year but next years will be much better after 20 plants we have in the orchard become mature. I was cheated 4 years ago when we planted the first mini kiwis - I bought some no-names in a supermarket and they turned males instead of females. You need one male for 5-6 female plants. This year they flowered for the first time after 3-4 years and I saw half of them were males. Cheaters! So, we planted new ones and now have about 20.

Disadvantages? Practically none - they are not preyed upon by any insects, but the only problem is spots on the skin which is also edible. But professional growers also complain about spots and encourage customers to ignore them.

The only fruit which is still growing and ripening is Goji berry - half of fruit on the plants is still green, but I hope they will ripen before winter. I also had issues with these plants - I bought and planted 2 no-name plants and left them alone coz I was busy with more important things. After 3 years it turned out a little disaster - they grew long and exuberant, but had very few small fruit. I did research and found out you need two varieties next to each other for better pollination. I got the variety called NO 1. Wow, amazing results. Now, all 5 bushes are on the verge of brewaking down under the weight of their fruit.

The taste - it is unique - sweet combined with bitter and sour. My family refuses to eat them but I have loved all exotic fruit - as usual - since childhood.

Disadvantages? None aboutr fruit but the plant itself is very invasive with its root shoots and needs constant control and checking. At first I had bought two, then I found out I had 5 after 3 years! Now I have also decided to shape them into small trees.

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johnny reb  46 | 7516
23 May 2021   #62
How is Poland's apple crop looking so far this year ?
Here in Michigan the trees are covered with blossoms like none other.
The hummingbirds are loving it.
Looks like a bumper crop on the way which is good because apple prices are very high right now.
Tell me what you are seeing in Poland.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
23 May 2021   #63
How is Poland's apple crop looking so far this year ?

Growers are optimistic, including me. The Cold Gardeners` Days which usually fall in mid May with frosty temps at night weren`t so severe this year. The continuous rainy weather has increased the humidity of soil after last year`s droughts. I see that even little trees which I planted two years ago are blooming.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
23 May 2021   #64
Days which usually fall in mid May with frosty temps at night weren`t so severe this year.

They were here but didn't seem to hurt the apples but they sure did the cherries.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
23 May 2021   #65
Sorry to hear that. Our cherry trees are doing well.

All my plants, bushes and trees survived the harsh winter except for fig trees - everything that grew above the ground is dead now. But I saw first shoots coming up from the roots.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
23 May 2021   #66
Our cherry trees are doing well.

To early to really tell yet for sure.
Bees play a huge part and they like it to be at least 50 degrees (10 Celsius) to do their part in helping pollinate.
Here is a good article about it from the area where I live.

Ever try cherry whiskey ?
OP pawian  219 | 24592
23 May 2021   #67
To early to really tell yet for sure.

Yes, correct. :)

(10 Celsius) to do their part in helping pollinate.

Fortunately, on each day when it rained there was also sunshine and while in the field/orchard I saw bees and bumblebees working hard.

Ever try cherry whiskey

Nope, only cherry coffee.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
24 May 2021   #68
To early to really tell yet for sure.

Your relevant remark provoked me to go and see for myself. Sigh! What a relief! All fruit trees are full of those little green oval shapes which will turn into sweet juicy fruit one day. Glory Alleluja! :):)
OP pawian  219 | 24592
26 May 2021   #69
I am worried about strawberries though. The everbearing Selva variety is blooming nicely but I cut off those blooms now to delay fruit produce for summer time. Kent variety has grown big but not a single flower has appeared yet. I wonder if it isn`t too late for them to give fruit which is due in June.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 May 2022   #70
Not good. It hasn`t rained for two months in our area. I water veg patches every few days but still some young seedlings have died.

This is life.

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Alien  22 | 5460
21 May 2022   #71
You shouldn't live in the desert.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 May 2022   #72
I was born here. It is my homeland:

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Alien  22 | 5460
21 May 2022   #73
This picture reminds me of my planet.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jul 2022   #74
Do you plant zucchinis?

A lot of zucchinis this year. We are unable to eat them in daily course (unlike cucumbers which vanish quickly) so I am making jar preserves. Pickles, I mean.

Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jul 2022   #75
Pickled zucchini is still only zucchini.
mafketis  38 | 10868
9 Jul 2022   #76
I like zucchini just fine, but I miss yellow squash in Poland.... has anyone seen it? I used to make a casserole with it that was simple but delish....

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OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jul 2022   #77
I miss yellow squash in Poland.

It is the same veg in Poland. We grow green, yellow and marbled zucchinis.

Pickled zucchini is still only zucchini.

Instead of what else? :):)
mafketis  38 | 10868
9 Jul 2022   #78
We grow green, yellow and spotted zucchinis

yellow zucchini is different from yellow squash (different taste and shape)...
Alien  22 | 5460
9 Jul 2022   #79
Instead of cucumber or sauerkraut🥒
OP pawian  219 | 24592
9 Jul 2022   #80
Instead of cucumber

I am going to check it out. :)

different taste and shape

Amasing! I always thought they were the same.

See our zucchinis, squash and pumpkins: produce and seed packets:

OP pawian  219 | 24592
20 Jul 2022   #81
in the desert.

Droughts have one major advantage - no mosquitoes. I go out to water veg patches in the evening and I haven`t spotted a single mosquito. I can see some larvae swimming in the turtle`s tank but they vanish into thin air after transformation.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 375
20 Jul 2022   #82

so I am making jar preserves. Pickles, I mean.

Your giving spirit and generosity just kicked the bucket, or it never existed? So give some away, you tight-wad.
johnny reb  46 | 7516
20 Jul 2022   #83
but I miss yellow squash in Poland...

I can't believe yellow summer squash does not grow in Poland.
It is so easy to grow and they ripen early.
My dogs enjoy them more then I do.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
21 Jul 2022   #84
yellow summer squash does not grow

They do but have different names, that`s why you have a problem.

the crooked neck yellow summer squash

So you need to be more specific and add crooked neck to yellow summer squash. Similarly, you could claim there is no bison in Poland which is untrue coz there is plenty of European bison here.Ha!

me that has the problem

Yes, coz you use mental shortcuts which are confusing in case of squashes. There is plenty of yellow summer squash while crooked neck or nose ones are rare.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
22 Jul 2022   #85
I did

No, you didn`t write crooked neck when I quoted you at first. Your first post about squash No 83 didn`t contain the phrase crooked nose. :):):)

you deleted that post

That was your second post which, after my previous correction, did contain the phrase crooked nose.

I very clearly put "crooked neck yellow squash

It is funny how you are desperately lying against clear evidence. AmaSSing! :)::)

Why did you delete that post

It was deleted coz you talked too much about moderators instead of squash. Each such a post will be also deleted in the future.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
27 Jul 2022   #86
Fruit - the essence of my life

It is a unique photo coz this year some fruit ripen early and some late which made it possible to put them together:
From top:
regular red raspberry
purple raspberry
strawberry raspberry or Japanese berry
goyi berry
goose currant berry
red currant
white currant
sour cherry
black raspberry
yellow raspberry

In the centre: Inca berry

I don`t include some fruit which we have already picked or which is still ripening:
Chinese magnolia berry (cytryniec chiński)
saskatoon berry (świdośliwa)
baby kiwi
black currant

OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Jul 2022   #87
What fruit can you see?

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OP pawian  219 | 24592
29 Jul 2022   #89
Yes, white currants.

I posted my pic to show you how they really look like - pale pinkish and yellowish colour. Neither fully white nor fully yellow.
So, guys, whenever you see ads showing such vividly yellow currants, stay away from those sellers coz they sell scam.

OP pawian  219 | 24592
4 Aug 2022   #90
Fruit - the essence of my life

Rasp strawberry comes from Japan. Not bad in taste but a bit seedy. Be careful - a very invasive plant. I let it grow freely and now have a problem coz rasp strawberry bushes are invading our potatoes.

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