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Who's the best looking (and acting/singing) celebrity in Poland?

childwithin  8 | 136
7 Feb 2010   #1
i vote for tomasz karolak and ania wyszkoni
EchoTheCat  - | 137
7 Feb 2010   #2
I vote for Maria Kaczynska ;)
convex  20 | 3928
7 Feb 2010   #3
While Maria is hot, she just doesn't do it for me in the vocals department. I don't know what it is, but I bet she is being held back by her partner.
EchoTheCat  - | 137
7 Feb 2010   #4
vocals department

I don't know what are you talking about. Is that her way of speaking ? Her lisping ? :)
convex  20 | 3928
7 Feb 2010   #5
no no, the lisp, it's quite a turn on. i think her partner dragging her around to various meetings and formal events is really stopping her rise to greatness
EchoTheCat  - | 137
7 Feb 2010   #6
Oh, but it's natural for the first lady. In fact it's her obligation. On the other hand it's very difficult when some people compair her to Jolanta Kwasniewska: younger, nicer, etc.

I can't say I like her but I respect her. She has hard role to play, especially with weird family ;)
OP childwithin  8 | 136
7 Feb 2010   #7
think her partner dragging her around to various meetings and formal events

what you need to do is imagine her in more informal way
Rysavy  10 | 306
21 Oct 2012   #8
tomasz karolak

had to look:
not my type in genral but Oh magawd..his smile is adorable (or is that just my fetish liking modest gap in front teeth showing?)

Actually a singer I am fond of , Andrzej Piaseczny was quite a hottie and a good looking guy now.

There is a polish descent soccer player, plays for Czech team? one of our US...*kaf!* 'celebrities' was toting on her arm for a while
David_18  65 | 966
21 Oct 2012   #9
Magdalena Mielcarz

Magda Poland
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
21 Oct 2012   #10
It's all subjective ;)

Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska
She's so hot that the Devil briefly allowed Red Adair out of his air-conditioned room in Hell, just so he could go and put her out. lol
Angelika100  - | 3
22 Oct 2012   #11
Best looking, singing etc Monika Brodka of course:)
pawian  226 | 27453
20 Oct 2019   #12
Who's the best looking (and acting/singing)celebrity in Poland?

To many young people it is Popek, member of the gang of Albania: He underwent scarification on his face, colouring of his eyes and metalisation of his teeth. He`s wonderful.

  • 5c17612562a55_p.jpg
Bobko  27 | 2079
21 Oct 2019   #13
What a beautiful man.
pawian  226 | 27453
21 Oct 2019   #14
Yes, he is really charming. And not a bit unassuming.

  • 58dcb57f4108c_p.jpg
Spike31  3 | 1485
22 Oct 2019   #15
Joanna Opozda by all measures
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Oct 2019   #16
Piotr Stramowski and Sławek Uniatowski and some more.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
22 Oct 2019   #17
Who the hell is Joanna Opozda? What a funny name - you exchange the second "o" for "i" and you suddenly have a new quality.
pawian  226 | 27453
22 Oct 2019   #18
Guys, I think you should provide photos, not only names. Frankly, nobody is going to google them.
Spike31  3 | 1485
8 Mar 2020   #19
@pawian, good point

  • Joanna Opozda
5 Jun 2020   #20

Polish celebs 101

Apart from polititians what are some popular Polish singers, actors, models (modelki) on the covers of magazines, gym instructors etc? I was told Doda's sth like the Polish Britney Spears? Do you have someone like your variant of Scarlet Johansson, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt? Any trashy celebs like the Kardashians?
mafketis  38 | 11137
5 Jun 2020   #21
Doda's sth like the Polish Britney Spears?

10 years ago....

Here's someone more... up to date

What Bulgarian singers are really popular? I remember a few names (mostly chalga) but it's been so long since I've been there...
5 Jun 2020   #22
Some very trashy ones (Dara, Tita, Geri-Nikol) so I stopped following them. 2010-2014 was a better era here with the likes of Mihaela Fileva.
pawian  226 | 27453
23 Jun 2020   #23
Apart from polititians what are some popular Polish singers, actors, models (modelki) on the covers of magazines

I am afraid no members here are interested in such things. We prefer to focus on a really serious stuff and to run deep intellectual discussions on history, philosophy, education, science, economy etc.

My advice is: goggle the name of a magazine you like with the word: okładki which means covers. Then you will be able to see them all grouped together.

23 Jun 2020   #24
Haha don't be so funny. Serious stuff my @$$.
pawian  226 | 27453
23 Jun 2020   #25
If it wasn`t serious, informative, educational, you wouldn`t hang around here, would you? After all, you are an intelligent person, aren`t you?
Joker  2 | 2374
27 Jun 2020   #26
[moved from]

My comment was about Doda.

But more than that her personality seems to be even worse

It sure seems like she gets around a I see, she's all tattooed up now, ick. Time isn't being kind to her... How about electing the Polish triplets then?

  • dodasanskrit.jpg

  • 600fullalizmatripl.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jun 2020   #27
What is it about her personality you hate?

For myself she's just kind of cheap and vulgar... which is fine for a popstar but gets tiresome very quickly.

the infrastructure of Hungary

When? I remember flying once from Budapest (which I love) to Warsaw a few years ago and Warsaw looked far better in terms of infrastructure (going from the airport to the train station.... and then the train station was back to not so great....).

Maybe things in videken (roughly "not Budapest") have gotten better? Or are you talking about NWest Hungary? It's a lot better off than the rest....
Lenka  5 | 3528
27 Jun 2020   #28
For myself she's just kind of cheap and vulgar..

Also self centred, going from one temper tantrum to another, with awful manner of speaking. She disappeared from main pages of gossip columns for quite a while now. Whether it's because of all the lawsuits or she decided to move into the shadow I don't know
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Jun 2020   #29
self centred, going from one temper tantrum to another, with awful manner of speaking

like I said... a pop star.... the only problems is when people take her seriously....
27 Jun 2020   #30
Btw she looks quite exotic with her brown eyes. Her real hair color is also obviously dark brown. Is her type rare in Poland? She could easily pass for a Balkan Slav.

Home / Life / Who's the best looking (and acting/singing) celebrity in Poland?

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