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Which animals are native to Poland?

johnny reb  46 | 7357
14 Aug 2024 #61
We have tons of them.
They make excellent stew in the crock pot.
pawian  220 | 24927
15 Aug 2024 #62
I didn't even know there were black squirrels

Yes, it is a melanistic variety of our red squirrel. Extremely rare. The one above was the second see in my life.

We have tons

Your blacks are a subgroup of grey squirrels while mine of red ones.
johnny reb  46 | 7357
15 Aug 2024 #63
Ours don't have the long-feathered ears like yours do.
They are from the rodent family.
pawian  220 | 24927
15 Aug 2024 #64
long-feathered ears

Those ears suggest a feline family coz they resembles lynxes.

They make excellent stew in the crock pot.

It seems Americans eat everything that walks, jumps or flies. Like the CHinese. :):):)
Alien  22 | 5478
15 Aug 2024 #65
They make excellent stew in the crock pot.

They also cause terrible tularemia in those who eat them.
pawian  220 | 24927
15 Aug 2024 #66
terrible tularemia

Come on, Americans are tough.
Alien  22 | 5478
21 Aug 2024 #67
Is that why they eat squirrels raw?
pawian  220 | 24927
22 Aug 2024 #68
All Americans?? I am sure Ptak makes nice stews of them when he hunts in the deep forest.
pawian  220 | 24927
22 Aug 2024 #69
Wasps live in several places in the orchard while hornets somewhere else but must be close coz when I open the wine container outside, they appear instantly.

They aren`t really a nuisance but my family are afraid of being bitten while picking fruit on which stingy insects prey. But such a fruit bite hasn`t happened yet. I am bitten about once a week when I move wasp nests in the orchard during grass cutting or tree care.

Hornets fighting over my wine

pawian  220 | 24927
23 Aug 2024 #70
I am bitten about once a week

It isn`t a problem at first coz the pain is short like sb put a needle into your body and instantly retracted it.
A worse reaction comes 24 hours later - the bitten part swells and becomes horribly itchy which lasts for about 2 days. I scratch it like crazy. That is why I try to avoid such close encounters with wasps.

when I move wasp nests in the orchard during grass cutting or tree care.

I moved the wasp nest a few metres away from that young tree which I needed to prune. Can you imagine the wasps which resided there were so stubborn they didn`t go with the nest but stuck to the trunk instead? I had to put the job off for a few days.

Alien  22 | 5478
23 Aug 2024 #71
am bitten about once a week

It's a wonder you haven't developed an allergy to wasp venom yet.
pawian  220 | 24927
23 Aug 2024 #72
I have been bitten a few times in my life before, first time in kindergarten. Probably I am immune to allergies of that kind.
Hey, I could develop it after all. This itchiness is sth new!
pawian  220 | 24927
1 day ago #73
Wow, amasing controversy.
White-tailed Eagle, or Birkut
The white-tailed eagle is our largest bird of prey and one of the largest birds in Poland. It does not belong to the same genus as eagles and differs from them in many ways. For example, it is largely fish-eating. It owes its name to the white feathers on its tail. Many believe that it is therefore our heraldic bird, but there are doubts about this.

pawian  220 | 24927
1 day ago #75
Yaaawn. Thank you Iron for this reminder. My Japanese sumo wrestler mattress is waiting impatiently for me...... :):):):)

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