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Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :)

Alien  26 | 6565
7 Mar 2024   #91
hey why sometimes I watch polish tv and I can understand almost everything, like the entire thing, but other times i watch and I can't understand the words in the sentence

This seems completely normal to me, I also understand almost everything from the BBC news but only a small part of fast spoken dialogues in American movies. It's the same with the Polish language. Just because you understand the news doesn't mean you will understand everyday speech.
mafketis  38 | 11284
7 Mar 2024   #92
why sometimes I watch polish tv and I can understand almost everything,

What are some samples of things you understand almost entirely vs only understand some things?

It might be related to time.... sound in movies from the 1990s tends to be worse as it became fashionable to mumble....

I find older movies (up to late 1980s and then sometime after 2005 or so) to be easier to understand than those in the middle.....

The differences don't make much difference to native speakers but can make things much harder for non-natives.
Robin1988  10 | 68
7 Mar 2024   #93
I always fantasied about different quantum within Poland that have everything so perfect, but how do I get there lol
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Mar 2024   #94
everyday speech

Yes, and although Poland doesn't have much in the way of dialects, there is slang and idioms which can be hard to pick up.
jon357  72 | 23706
7 Mar 2024   #95
It might be related to time

That can be.

It also obviously makes a world of difference if he knows, is comfortable with or is thinking about the context rather than switching channels to someone babbling away suddenly.
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Mar 2024   #96
babbling away

I think the pace of Polish speech has got much quicker over the last few years. Anybody agree?
Novichok  4 | 8788
7 Mar 2024   #97
Poles imitate the US. Here, we talk fast, loud, and with our hands to prevent fact-based discussions. This is why women win 99% of the time.
Paulina  19 | 4558
8 Apr 2024   #98
I really want to learn more about how the religion of the Kapelusznik will develop. He is a fearsome God, and one I have come to grudgingly respect.

I've got something for you then ;D:

  • IMG_20240408_210321_.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11284
8 Apr 2024   #99

Noszę kapelusz, żyję w kłamstwie....

Home / Life / Polish people and TV Series - so good and hilariously spot on :)

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