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New Polish generation prefers black culture?

cheesymac  4 | 60
16 May 2011   #1
Why is it the new youth of Poland prefer black culture, predominately in the cities around Poland. Not only in Poland but in other countries as well. Is it that they relate poverty to black people? Also, is it they feel that it is rebellious towards institutions such as the government?

Few facts:
-rap music or 'hip-hop'
-also all the weed smokers in Poland act black, or Rastafarian, is the culture so boxed in that they find this intriguing?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
16 May 2011   #2
Czesław Miłosz wrote that upon his arrival in the USA he found that African-Americans were like Poles. The creativity and emotional exuberance of both peoples are in stark contrast to uptight Anglo culture.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
16 May 2011   #3
black culture?

There is no such thing as ''black culture''.

I believe what you want to talk about is "Ghetto African American black culture".

Unbelievable that youz group so many people, so many lifestyles and cultures into one segment of one country's culture.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
16 May 2011   #4
That is a very demeaning thing to say about one's own nation.

What did Miłosz say that demeans a nation, and which nation was demeaned?
Havok  10 | 902
16 May 2011   #5
I think they are being silly because most of them are copycats and probably have no clue what they're mimicking and why.

Here is my take on it though

- Not all rap music or 'hip-hop' is bad.
- Gratifies can be art if displayed in designated places, otherwise it's vandalism.
- Tough-guy fashions such as baggy pants is outdated and it's seems very silly now. There are some that still do it though.
- I'm not sure what do you mean by attitudes, kids always had one. Do you know enough about black people to tell the difference?

- Smoking weed and acting black, that's funny as hell lol
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
16 May 2011   #6
If you mean the "Ghetto" and the "Gangsta" ... then I don't think that most of the Polish New Generation prefer it. There are derailed, and mostly disinterested in education youth who would be into it. But this is not a healthy thing.

I pity this culture, and those blacks who are not a part of it are labelled for it in a very unfortunate manner.

Although it does seem that a huge part of the black population are a part of it.

It is not a good culture.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
16 May 2011   #7
Are you sympathising with 'white power', maybe?

No, I am not white, I study in Poland, I see sympathizing towards black people... I think it's very old... considering they give themselves their own problems
Trevek  25 | 1699
16 May 2011   #8
I don't think it's that. It is probably more that Black culture is connected with world culture and makes them feel part of the outside world. I mean, how many Polish bands are influential worldwide in the way that hip-hop, soul etc is? Many bands just play a Polish approximation of Black American music and don't necessarily provide a fashion outlet etc.

But is this anything new/ My wife was into Bob Marley decades ago. Blues has been big for a long time, as has jazz and gospel.

It could be worse people could prefer country. Imagine all those cowboy boots and people shouting yee hah when their sports team won.

They have that in Mrągowo every year.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
16 May 2011   #9
It's true rock and roll has both black and white forebears but the term itself originated amongst black Americans as a coital euphamism before it was used to designate a genre of blues music. I think Polish youth like hip hop because it is a freer art-form than earlier styles of pop music and that appeals to the poetic unbound nature of their spirit.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
16 May 2011   #10
Why is it the new youth of Poland prefer black culture, predominately in the cities around Poland. Not only in Poland but in other countries as well. Is it that they relate poverty to black people?

I don't see that.. Black people in Poland are a minority with some differences of course. If you are in a forest of, say, apple trees, and if there are a few pear trees in this apple forest, you may think everywhere is a lot of pear trees..

Similar perceive can be seen in South Africa too where a minority are white people and majority are black people.. Maybe, people there in South Africa relate whites to being richness as the white are riches there and this might have been transferred to the north, Europe.. However, if you are in NBA basketball field, whites are poors.

(btw, naming darker skin people as black and lighter skin people as white are wrong - there is no white skin people and no black skin people. White people are pink skin people mostly.)
A J  4 | 1075
16 May 2011   #11
I think Polish youth like hip hop because it is a freer art-form than earlier styles of pop music and that appeals to the poetic unbound nature of their spirit.

Well, since I'm *obviously* not allowed to post anything on-topic here, or even say *anything* in defense of black people because they are people too, I'd like to thank you for being sensible and realistic, because in Europe and other parts of the world, Hip-Hop *really* doesn't have much to do with crime or even black culture, since most Hip-Hoppers nowadays seem to share the opinion that this music is universal and that music doesn't have any skin-colour. I think most young people in Europe like this music because it's a very free form of self-expression that leaves room for a lot of creativity, venting and experimenting.


If this gets deleted I'm going to laugh!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
17 May 2011   #12
Not surprising, especially taking into consideration that "black music" was popular in Poland during the 30's. Although it's different it still applies
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #13
I think most young people in Europe like this music because it's a very free form of self-expression that leaves room for a lot of creativity, venting and experimenting.

That is true, in America the popular rap... hip-hop, or the real form is not so popular commercially, is very negative.
Why in Polish clubs does American/ English music play overwhelmingly compared to Poland's own music?
17 May 2011   #14
It's not true anymore. Hip-hop is in the decline for several years now.

Now if something is popular in clubs it's the British grime and dubstep.

Why not Polish music? Because Polish music is frozen in time and only nice thing are rock songs from the early 90s.

Btw. all modern popular music is greatly influenced by African American culture. Jazz, rock&roll, techno... they all have Afroamerican roots.
milky  13 | 1656
17 May 2011   #15
y is it the new youth of Poland prefer black culture,

It,s a world thing not just Polish, maybe the poor are more creative than those with money coming out or their ears.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
17 May 2011   #16
It,s a world thing not just Polish

No it is not a world thing. There are many other music which can be very interesting. I for one like Persian classical, as well as Indian Sufi ... and also American Jazz ... also Spanish Influences into music.

As for the "Black Culture" ... I think it would not be a correct statement, due to so many blacks into an entire separate continent of Africa (Central and South), and then Americas ... all have variations in their culture. I feel that the GANGSTA and the THUGGY or other forms of various names have a very negative image. No person with a decent mind, a good education and a healthy family structure would be attracted to such stuff. Among these people I would also include dignified and educated black folks.

Although I am not the man to really be able to say when it comes exclusively to blacks, because I never had the opportunity to know a black person up close or befriend that well ... but I have faith that not all can be into this Hip-Hop, thuggy, gangsta kind of thing. But as I said, through the media we know that most seem to be on this track.

Hence, whether they are into it or not, many aimless Polish youth with broken families, lack of values, or disinterested in education can follow such things. They may create a lot of noise, but the do not represent the whole of Polish New Generation in any which ever way you can think of.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
17 May 2011   #17
Yes, yes, the music as such is not only the result of presence of Black musicians. However, many sea-shanties, blues, a lot of jazz. a great deal of rock, soul music, rhythm & blues, ska/reggae and many modern genres I'm not familiar with are the result of the Black presence in music.

Furthermore: Who says rap/hip-hop cannot be interesting and valuable music, not only related to poor people and street kids?
Mieszko of Grupa Operacyjna sings very good songs, with intelligent lyrics.
17 May 2011   #18
I never had the opportunity to know a black person up close or befriend that well ...

for someone who doesnt know any black people and lives in a white city you do make a lot of sweeping negative statements, based on nothing.

you just take as gospel any negative story in the paper then?
This is like me saying that I know for a fact that most white people are football hooligans, must be true I read it in the paper..

I find your fake liberalism Lodz the boat quite offensive.
I suppose white people take on black culture becasue it is so prevalent in the music industry.
17 May 2011   #19
Mieszko of Grupa Operacyjna sings very good songs, with intelligent lyrics.

Mieszko? Rather not.
Fisz is the real avant-garde. If it goes for texts most Polish hip hop "songs" bears positive message.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997
17 May 2011   #20
Marysiu, let's not diverge from the topic by discussing musical tastes. Fisz or Mieszko, they are influenced by the music of Blacks, and both of them make good music.

Regarding "positive message" I might not agree simply by pointing to Rychu Peja.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #21
I suppose white people take on black culture becasue it is so prevalent in the music industry.

I am not white but it isn't the influence in the music industry. It is a half-black person like the USA president that say's he likes Ludacris... Ludacris sings... or raps... I got hoes in different area codes... so he is saying his wife is a hoe, he talks about killing, robbing, puts women down, etc, etc... but the president likes it... maybe it is for the sheer votes he will get from the people that vote that also listen to Ludacris... but this kind of music and thinking brings society down... to think Poland endorses this culture is shocking and deserves no applaud... why can not black people bring a taste into a country without bringing it down, or do they only appeal to low-class, better yet, uneducated people... the sad part is you have to sympathize... but you honestly don't... no one held any other races hand... why do they need their hands held... if they bring society down and do not change for the better, since they have substantial influence they should bring it to a positive light... not negative like how it is!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
17 May 2011   #22
quite offensive

How did I offend you? Why do you think I preach complete liberalism? Did I ever mention such a thing?

I believe in balance, and balance is better than any ism.

I am not interested to please all with my words, as long as they are consistent and according to my beliefs ... if ofcourse there is a reasonable opinion against it, I would like to pay attention to it. However, the black gangsta culture, or the thuggy thing is not at all to be followed or appreciated.

I do not thing all or most of the new generation of Poles like such stuff. There are other forms of music which have great acceptance among the people ... ofcourse this form of music with the author talks about it also listened, but to think that this is the TOP OF THE CHOICE would be silly.
A J  4 | 1075
17 May 2011   #23
If it goes for texts most Polish hip hop "songs" bears positive message.

Exactly, and maybe we should end this thread - which is nothing more or less than disguised racism - on that note?


Why do you think I preach complete liberalism?

You? Liberal? Dude, you're conservative as hell, and your every post proves it!

Midas  1 | 571
17 May 2011   #24
for someone who doesnt know any black people and lives in a white city you do make a lot of sweeping negative statements, based on nothing.

you just take as gospel any negative story in the paper then?
This is like me saying that I know for a fact that most white people are football hooligans, must be true I read it in the paper..

I find your fake liberalism Lodz the boat quite offensive.
I suppose white people take on black culture becasue it is so prevalent in the music industry.

Madam, don't worry about him, I stopped reading his posts quite some time ago. Guy's got a penchant for writing about stuff he's not really well informed about.

Other than that, I don't get why every time "black culture" is mentioned there's a bunch people coming over and basically dumbing the discussion down to:

-- baggy pants,
-- hip hop music,
-- smoking weed,
-- bling bling and dubs,

then throwing the obligatory "gangsta/thug" stuff and reaching some odd conclusions ( see cheesymac above, black people bringing societies down? Really? ).

It is kind of as if someone decided to talk about "Jewish culture" and then went on rambling about the exploits of Dutch Schultz, Lepke Buchalter or Bugsy Siegel. Based on them, "Jewish culture" can indeed be broken down to illegal alcohol production, drug trafficking, racketeering and shooting anyone who bothers You in the face.

So maybe if we're to talk about "culture" we shouldn't be looking at streetwise toughs or "musicians" pretending to be them, but at writers, scholars, artists and such? Seems more reasonable.

Regarding the topic itself, there are some odd assumptions.

"attitudes" - and what exactly is a "black attitude"? Because I'm honestly lost here. And plz tell me what's a "white attitude" while You're at it.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #25
So maybe if we're to talk about "culture" we shouldn't be looking at streetwise toughs or "musicians" pretending to be them, but at writers, scholars, artists and such? Seems more reasonable.

They are not pretending to be them, even if they are pretending they are taking actions into that direction; selling drugs, pimping, dumbing-down society as whole for themselves... funny thing is this is the majority of blacks, so it is there culture... the minority of blacks do not act in this manner

that is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Midas  1 | 571
17 May 2011   #26
They are not pretending to be them, even if they are pretending they are taking actions into that direction; selling drugs, pimping, dumbing-down society as whole for themselves... funny thing is this is the majority of blacks, so it is there culture... the minority of blacks do not act in this manner

that is the whole truth, nothing but the truth, so help you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And You came to all these conclusions in Katowice, Poland, which is, as we both know, simply overrun with black people?

Honestly, what You posted is simply biased and offensive.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60
17 May 2011   #27
I study in Katowice, Poland... I am born in Oakland, CA and raised in Richmond, CA... I think my opinion would stand greater then anyone else in this whole website... I just want your opinions... not biased, sympathetic opinions and/or viewpoints of a one-way street.

Even if I was from Katowice, Poland, which I am not... I could check statistics on the internet regarding blacks/ afro-american...
they influence in the wrong way
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
17 May 2011   #28
spot on Mr Midas.....its all dumb stereotypes and assumptions and media driven generalisations

why can not black people bring a taste into a country without bringing it down, or do they only appeal to low-class, better yet, uneducated people.

What is this rubbish?? Ever heard of CLR James author of the "The Black Jacobins" and many other academic books, Viv Richards world class cricketer, Benjamin Zephaniah poet, Black women writers from America such as Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison, plus, perhaps better known, many famous musicians and contemporary TV presenters??

This thread is getting silly....and then they talk about "uneducated"
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
17 May 2011   #29
Hip Hop music is clearly what the thread is about and mentioning it doesn't dumb down the discussion. Hip Hop is the aspect of American black culture that the Polish in question youth prefers. Baggy pants have been a part of white cultures from France to Kurdistan for centuries and are thus not specifically black, nor is smoking weed, nor is conspicous jewelry. What aspects of specifically black culture are Polish youth into besides Hip Hop music? Is there a youthful Polish craze for eating pork fat laden Soul Food? Are Polish youth attending Protestant churches and listening to the repetitive histrionics of a sweaty fopishly dressed peacher before joining the rest of the congregation in a boisterous gospel singalong whilst dancing? I think not.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
17 May 2011   #30
ha ha ha essientes you are funny....I can see it now....I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!!!

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