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Polish movies with English subtitles

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
12 May 2010   #31
There was also one what the ladies love. But for the life of me I cant remember the name of it. It was about a woman who got a divorce, left her husband to build a little wooden house in the country and fell in love with another guy. Jak milosc or something like that. Im not into chick flicks but I found this film quite easy to follow despite not knowing much Polish at the time.
internaldialog  4 | 144
12 May 2010   #32

i dont do chick flicks i just watch many films that seem interesting a German one i would recommend (i watch with polish reader on) is Die Nacht der lebenden Loser (in Polish is: noc żywych kretynów and English is: Night of the Living Losers always has me in stitches ... very slapstick comedy that you think is from 80s but its a 2004 film :D
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
12 May 2010   #33
Die Nacht der lebenden Loser

I will check it out. I need some more material to watch when I do night shifts.:)

Here is also a great site for you. It has many of the most interesting Polish films from the 40's to the present day :)
mafketis  38 | 11266
12 May 2010   #34
There was also one what the ladies love. But for the life of me I cant remember the name of it. It was about a woman who got a divorce,

Nigdy w życiu starring Danuta Stenka, for my money, one of the most sensual of Polish actresses.

Not great but pleasant enough
(the Polish imdb reviewers are entirely too harsh, typical of Poles who love to criticize their country to foreigners and somehow don't realize this shapes Poland's international reputation).

There was a sequel or two as well but I haven't seen those.
polskisoldier88  5 | 11
27 Jun 2010   #35
anyone know of any medieval movies of poland with eng subs like teutonic knights or the start of poland
6 Apr 2011   #36
I'm looking for a Polish film "Yesterday" with English subtitles, it's by Piwowarski from 1984. Does anyone know if this movie appears in a translated version? I've been looking for it and can't find it. I;m lokated in US, moving to Poland in 3 months
1 May 2011   #37
I guess it was "Dzień Świra" with Marek Kondrat as the literature teacher.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
1 May 2011   #38
anyone know of any medieval movies of poland with eng subs like teutonic knights or the start of poland

There is a recent Polish movie with english subtitles on Youtube called "When The Sun Was A God" that fictionalizes the lives of the progenitors of those that would found the Piast dynasty and Poland.
3 Aug 2011   #39
The movie title is "Yesterday".I985 polish porduction.Director Piwowarski:)
Mara  1 | 8
5 Nov 2011   #40
sorry for refreshing old topic but i really need help. Im looking for old polish movie "kogel-mogel" or also called "Galimatias" with polish subtittles. Do you guys think is possible to find?
scottie1113  6 | 896
5 Nov 2011   #41
I don't know. I'm looking for Katyn with English subtitles.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Nov 2011   #42
Its on utube matey.
6 Nov 2011   #43
I must recommend 'katyń' Andrzeja Wajdy for sb, who is interested in polish films. Although these films are (in my opinion) ... Not so good nowadays but this one is the best I've ever seen. However, It depicts our history so it can be boring for watcher but the actors or the plot e.g. are fabulous!
strzyga  2 | 990
6 Nov 2011   #44
There was a sequel or two as well but I haven't seen those.

Good for you. Not worth the time. No Stenka either. Grażyna Whatshername... just awful.
baranyigb  - | 3
22 Feb 2012   #45
I would like to watch 3 Marek Koterski movies with English or other subtitle: Porno, Ajlawju, Baby sa jakies inne. Can everybody help me? Please, write me an e-mail.
AlicjaK  - | 14
20 Jan 2013   #46
could any of you share English subtitles to ANY of Polish movies? Even if I have original copy, the are not translated. Now, if I buy in a shop, I often choose by the fact if they have subtitles or not, but generally, I have CDs from newspapers.

Yes, I have some favorite films, but to many to write titles (I'll just mention some in the end), and I know it's hard get subtitles. So I'd be happy with any- than it's easier to find, buy or download a film.

Pieniądze to nie wszystko
but these are just some, of course- as I said, I'll be happy with any help :)
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jan 2013   #47
I have found this - if you know how to use chomik you are fine with a couple of films:

in this service you pay for transfers by sending texts but it is pretty cheap

let know if you have questions
antheads  13 | 340
21 Jan 2013   #48
the best way is to get the polish film u want on or or wherever then download the subtitles seperately from or!, for example alicia
11 Aug 2013   #50
Hi, have you found this movies as I am looking for it too. Appreciate your guildance. Thank u
17 Feb 2014   #51
I have watched a Polish Movie in Bangladesh in 1980s. I am not so sure about the name but it may be "The Stars fall upwards"I any body have any idea about the correct name or how may I download the film. thanks
Wulkan  - | 3136
18 Feb 2014   #52
The title was porbably entirely changed when translated into Bengali language. It happens a lot everywhere in the world.
23 Mar 2014   #53
There is a movie Katyn available on amazon with English subtitles. I also recommend a book Katyn: Untold story of Stalin's Polish massacre by Allen Poul.
13 Nov 2014   #54
Merged: Looking for subtitles for Polish movies namely...

Hi everybody

...for the movies "Warszawa" (Dariusz Gajewski 2003) and
"Pieniądze to nie wszystko" (Juliusz Machulski 2001).

I had a look in ALL the obvious subtitles websites but couldn't find anything.
Subtitle in english, german, dutch or french is OK.
Eventually, in last resort, in Polish.

Thanks for your time,
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Nov 2014   #55
Have you downloaded them as a divx?

If you buy them in an on-line store (say they should have English subtitles - they are dirt cheap

oh well - Warszawa is not available through at the moment
Schmiznurf  9 | 31
28 Aug 2015   #56
Merged: Polish movies with english subtitles

Does anyone know a good place to find Polish movies with English subtitles?
22 Oct 2015   #57
Here's a good one
16 Mar 2016   #58
Merged: Polish subtitles that match Polish dubbings

Hi all, sorry I'm not writing in Polish but if I tried you probably wouldn't understand me. ;) I downloaded some Polish subtitles from of English-language movies so that I can watch Polish dubbings together with Polish subtitles, but they don't match. The texts of the subtitles don't use the same words as the dubbings. And I can't find any subtitles at all for Polish movies. I also searched for a Polish version of something like (Internet Movie Script Database) to follow along with the screenplays for Polish movies, but again nothing showed up.

Do you know of a source for either Polish subtitles that match their Polish dubbings, or Polish subtitles for Polish movies? If I buy the Polish versions of DVDs for English-language movies, will they include Polish subtitles? If you're learning Polish, where do you download your subtitles? Thanks for your time.
mafketis  38 | 11266
16 Mar 2016   #59
Do you know of a source for either Polish subtitles that match their Polish dubbings, or Polish subtitles for Polish movies?

Dubbing scripts never match subtitle scripts in any language. Subtitles have to cut from a quarter to a third of the content in dialogue (as do voiceover scripts).
Wulkan  - | 3136
16 Mar 2016   #60
Hi all, sorry I'm not writing in Polish

This is English language forum so why do you apologise?

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