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Lost my Polish driving license. Can I get one from abroad?

7 Aug 2013 #1

I got my polish driving license during my studies in poland. Unfortunately i lost my wallet in a gas station. How do i get new one from abroad?

Is it necessary to travel back to poland do paperwork?
31 May 2014 #2
Yes - when the driving license is lost, there's no other option - you have to come back to Poland and fix everything personally.
Johnmaynard - | 19
5 Jun 2014 #3
Yes, Poland is a very bureaucratic/paperwork country, and they usually mostly impose you to queue personally in the administration office with a valid ID and all required papers before you can get anything.

I know it's very annoying when you are used to arrange most of things concerning the bureaucracy by email, post or phone; but it's, unfortunately, that way.
5 Jul 2023 #4
Lost my Polish driving license. Can I get one from abroad?
Atch 20 | 4154
5 Jul 2023 #5
No. You have to apply in Poland.

Home / Life / Lost my Polish driving license. Can I get one from abroad?