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Any good Polish films to watch?

Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #1

I want to watch some good Polish films...any good ones, you could recommend me? even the recent ones? :))

I remember growing up; I enjoyed watching with my family "podroz za jeden usmiech", "sami swoi"...etc.

back to the topic...good Polish films to see??
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 May 2008   #2
Seksmisja is a classic but I think u really need to know the nuances of Polish humour. I much prefer British humour, it's different for sure. I'm glad that many Poles like Monty Python.

Check out stuff by Andrzej Wajda, he tends to produce some quality films.
OP Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #3
Thanks! :D I'll check it out! (whoa unusual film "seksmisja" I just read a bit now...interesting)
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 May 2008   #4
It's with the actor Jerzy Stuhr, he's quite famous in this neck of the woods.
OP Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #5
I think I've seen him somewhere :) I recognize lots of Polish actors...I grew up watching many Polish films (my parents enjoyed watching them)...they also enjoyed watching Polish comedies (they're pretty hilarious :P) "sami swoi" never got me bored :)
plk123  8 | 4119
6 May 2008   #6
i suggest you search the forums forst as there are several topics bout filsm etc already here.
6 May 2008   #7
that's what i was thinking too...
OP Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #8
i suggest you search the forums forst as there are several topics bout filsm etc already here.

sorry :) I guess I don't go to often here to check (just recently I have started checking this site out) ...but I'll check it out; dzenki!
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249
6 May 2008   #9
"Ashes and Diamonds" is great film by Andrzej Wadja. Other films of his that are a must are "Man of Iron" and "Kanal" but "Ashes and Diamonds" is the finest Polish film of all time, in my opinion. This isn't a single movie but a series, called "The Decologue." It's fantastic as well.
OP Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #10
is it in Polish? (I don't mind in Polish :)) just curious here
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
6 May 2008   #11
Seksmisja is a classic but I think u really need to know the nuances of Polish humour. I much prefer British humour, it's different for sure. I'm glad that many Poles like Monty Python.

Seksmisja isn't a hilarious comedy, but it is definitely fun to watch.
If I were to recommend someone a quality polish humor, than I would have to go with Koterskis "Dzień Świra". It's not a typical comedy, but certainly a great one. For a more lighter note I would recommend Kabaret Potem or Moralnego Niepokoju. Just keep awal from Koń Polski, Rak, Elita, Jurki, Pod Wyrwigroszem or that Ani mru mru nonsense.... :/
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 May 2008   #12
Dzień Świra is better 4 sure. Seksmisja wasn't that funny for me.

To be kurwa, or not to be, hehehe,, this one is better, the same clip but extended
6 May 2008   #13
ive got on dvd "testosteron" ... not bad film
plk123  8 | 4119
6 May 2008   #14

no problem.. have fun reading, the other thread is long and full of good info.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249
6 May 2008   #15
s it in Polish? (I don't mind in Polish :)) just curious here

They are all in Polish. Depends on the DVD you get, but there should be English subtitles. I'm sorry I don't know the Polish names for the movies, those are the translated English names.
Krzysztof  2 | 971
6 May 2008   #16
I'm sorry I don't know the Polish names for the movies, those are the translated English names.

"Ashes and Diamonds" = Popiół i diament
"Man of Iron" = Człowiek z żelaza
"Kanal" = Kanał
"The Decologue" = Dekalog
OP Kasia84  8 | 40
6 May 2008   #17
They are all in Polish. Depends on the DVD you get, but there should be English subtitles. I'm sorry I don't know the Polish names for the movies, those are the translated English names.

No problem :)

"Ashes and Diamonds" = Popiół i diament
"Man of Iron" = Człowiek z żelaza
"Kanal" = Kanał
"The Decologue" = Dekalog

Thanks Krzysztof! :)
elzoonia  - | 2
28 Jun 2008   #18
"Ciało" - My favorite:) And I think "Lejdis" is on top now. I watched it twice;)
Marek  4 | 867
30 Jun 2008   #19
'Kolejne' (?) = Generations
'Popiół i Diament' = Ashes and Diamonds

are among my favorite Polish films. Polański's 'Nóż we wodzie' unfortunately I've never seen in its entirety:)

The gritty realism of 'Ashes', for example, has stayed with me, the acting by Ewa Cybulska was stunning.
jonas  - | 5
30 Jun 2008   #20

About the massacre of Polish soldiers by the Soviets during WWII. It is depressing obvioulsy so not a movie for when you are feeling down...but it is very well done.
Eagle20  16 | 119
1 Jul 2008   #21
Haven't been able to bring myself to watch it yet.
jonas  - | 5
1 Jul 2008   #22
Yeah it made me angry and depressed at the same time. I can imagine for someone who is Polish and especially who had family invloved that is could be very tough to watch.

How people could do that to other humans is beyond me.
Marek  4 | 867
1 Jul 2008   #23
Along with 'Katyn', Wajda's 'Kanał' is particularly gripping. Scarecely a Hollywood-Happy Ending :)
panienka  1 | 205
1 Jul 2008   #24

About the massacre of Polish soldiers by the Soviets during WWII. It is depressing obvioulsy so not a movie for when you are feeling down...but it is very well done.

yes, Katyń is a great film...

check also Miś
1 Jul 2008   #25

About the massacre of Polish soldiers by the Soviets during WWII. It is depressing obvioulsy so not a movie for when you are feeling down...but it is very well done.

I love works of fiction
neil  - | 8
1 Jul 2008   #26

You truely have plumbed the depths with that post.

You should be ashamed of yourself.
urszula  1 | 253
1 Jul 2008   #27
check also Miś

Miś would be hard to understand if you're not Polish and haven't lived in that era.
2 Jul 2008   #28

You truely have plumbed the depths with that post.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

Hee Hee Hee !
mafketis  38 | 11287
2 Jul 2008   #29
I love works of fiction

Not to mention totalitarian murderers... No wonder you don't like Poland or Polish people.
Marco1975  - | 1
8 Jul 2008   #30
Hello, it's my first post in this forum.
I'm also looking for suggestions about good Polish movies to watch. So any idea is welcome.
For now I've seen only a limited number of Polish movies but I would like to strongly suggest "Katyń" (2007) and "Man of Marble" (1977), both by Wajda and both very intense and inspiring.

I also ordered "Man of Iron" but didn't get it yet.

Only for those interested in very old films, the yiddish-language movie "The Dybuk" (1937) can be worth a watching, as a legacy of a culture the WWII has bitterly eradicated.

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