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Polish folklore/legends

Blue  - | 5
19 Jul 2009   #31
Jul 19, 09, 18:46 - Thread attached on merging:
Polish Folklore.

I'd be delighted to read about Polish folklore, superstition, the odd local legend or even a typical Polish fairytale.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
19 Jul 2009   #32
Then read here:

Linky Thingymerged

The search function on this sight is quite good, Kudos to Admin!
Blue  - | 5
19 Jul 2009   #33
Thank you, but I should probably inform you that I'm currently unable to read Polish. I've already tried a variety of search engines, and the results have been limited to say the least. Quite the disappointment actually, I somehow expected to find much more reading material.

I've read the previous thread, and surely another attempt at reviving this particular subject couldn't do much harm? Suffice to say I'm none the wiser.
Arien  2 | 710
19 Jul 2009   #34
I do know one story though! (Just can't seem to remember the title!)

ShawnH  8 | 1488
19 Jul 2009   #35
Well, Wiki can be your friend!

A collection of Polish Folklore - check the bottom for some English titles that may be available at your local library

Then there is the story of a mysterious black limo

Also, check out the story about a Duck living beneath a castle, with fabulous riches.
Arien  2 | 710
19 Jul 2009   #36
Well, I still live in Holland, and I'm pretty sure my library has very little to offer when it comes to books or novels by Polish authors. It's much easier when you know what to look for isn't it?


wojobeada  - | 8
3 Aug 2009   #37
Plk123 mentioned the ritual of sending off winter. That might be the legend of Marzanna. You can google it.
plk123  8 | 4119
3 Aug 2009   #38

that's it.. man, it takes me forever to recall the name.. i have done this on a number of occasions.. always fun. :)
A J  4 | 1075
27 Jul 2010   #39
Thread attached on merging:
Polish Folklore.

I don't know much about Polish folklore and legends, but I would like to hear your stories if you know any. (Local stories aswell!)

Samue1son  2 | 7
29 Nov 2015   #40
Merged: Polish folklore

Hi all. I could just Google or Wiki this subject but I'm more interested in personable feedback.
I know every country has its own tales and myths/legends but when people tell me about them, it holds more interest.

The only thing I know of, first hand from my in-law family is Baba Jaga.
I know it may all sound very odd but I have my reasons for asking and it may help me understand some strange things about my travels in the future (i.e., some local superstition I've encountered).

Can any of you tell me what you were scared of as youngsters. Or now?!?! Or what stories held weight for you once upon a time?

29 Nov 2015   #41
Smok Wawelski!

More about the legendary dragon.
29 Nov 2015   #42
Here's another one but different versions of it exist across the Europe.

Offtopic: I and most of my friends were mostly scared of this terrifying monster:

link to wiki sadly only in Polish:
7 Dec 2015   #43
Twardowski had deals with devils. He was actually a semi-historical figure.

Poland doesn't have many ghost stories, but it has many devil stories. Those devils were most likely remnants of pagan faith. They weren't really Christian devils, but some local supernatural beings, often quite malicious, but rather harmless if left alone. The most well known ones are Boruta and Rokita.

Popiel was a mythical figure of a cruel ruler living in times of the Piast dynasty.

If your Polish is good, check out "Stara Baśń" by Ignacy Krasicki. If your polish is less good, check out the movie.

Kwiat Paproci - "Fireflower" - very similar to the Firebird tale from Russia.

Here's a riddle that will stump 99% of Polish population, then make them feel stupid!!!
"What's the name of the Slavic goddess of destiny ? 4 letters, starts with 'd', ends with 'a'."
The answer is.... Dola.

On the north, people tell the tale of a sea queen Jurata who had an amber palace on the bottom of the Baltic sea. One of towns on Hel Peninsula is called Jurata.

Slavic people feared winds, and many harmful demons were associated with them. In polish, two of them were Latawica and her male counterpart Latawiec. Today, latawica means a slut, and latawiec means a kite. There's a funny belief in Ukraine - have you seen fallen leaves spinning in circles on the ground in Autumn ? Ukrainians believe it's the DEVIL! But he's invisible. To kill him, you need to throw a knife dipped in holy water.

Not a tale per se, but "strzyga" was the ancestor of vampires. It was a corpse-like creature that drank blood of its victims, and it was very fast - but it didn't turn people into vampires or anything. Werewolves are also of slavic origin.
pawian  225 | 27331
29 Jul 2023   #44
The legend of Baba Jaga - The Baba Witch - in modern version.
Great acting, music, script, everything.
English subs in settings

Alien  25 | 6366
29 Jul 2023   #45
Baba Jaga -

Niezła Baba ta Jaga.
But who is this Perun, is it Putin?
pawian  225 | 27331
29 Jul 2023   #46
Niezła Baba ta Jaga.

What does it mean??? Is it Polish??

Perun isn`t Putin, it is a Slavic god from ancient pre christian times.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Jul 2023   #47
What does it mean??? Is it Polish??

There are some that think Jaga is a cognate of Polish jędza..... baba is of course self-explanatroy...

Perun .... a Slavic god

Polish cognate is piorun, I'm sure you know but some readers might not....
pawian  225 | 27331
29 Jul 2023   #48
but some readers might not....

For those readers who don`t you should have explained that Perun means Thunder. :):):
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Jul 2023   #49
Perun means Thunder

not lightning (lightning bolt or thunderbolt) as in Polish? : )
pawian  225 | 27331
29 Jul 2023   #50
I chose thunder coz his alternative name used by Slavs was Grom - Thunder.

as in Polish? : )

In Polish piorun is a thunder and a lightning combined.
Alien  25 | 6366
29 Jul 2023   #51
Polish piorun is a thunder and

"Piorun" kills, so there must be lightning.
mafketis  38 | 11162
29 Jul 2023   #52
In Polish piorun is a thunder and a lightning combined.

Well thunder is produced by lightning IIRC so that makes some sense, błyskawica is more specialized for lightning and grzmot for thunder....

Generally thunder is not that common in most of Poland, though today has certainly been an exception to that with alternating periods of strong winds and rain and thunder and lightning and relative calm... very weird, even by changeable Polish weather standards....
pawian  225 | 27331
9 Sep 2023   #53
The legend of Baba Jaga - The Baba Witch - in modern version.

Another legend from the series - this time about the Wawel Dragon. Very unusual approach.

You have to choose English subs in the settings:

The fembot which combats the Dragon reminds me of the female Terminator from part 3.
pawian  225 | 27331
10 Sep 2023   #54
this time about the Wawel Dragon

The next one is about the Basilisc. Watch out coz the protagonists use foul language. Still, it is the funniest of all films so far.

superpoland  - | 2
11 Sep 2023   #55
I love polish fairy tales, my mother used to tell me of this one tale called "Jesper Who Herded the Hares", I remember little me asking mother all the time to read this one to me. About a guy who trades with ugly fat people and then get big reward at the end. Read this one!!
pawian  225 | 27331
11 Sep 2023   #56
polish fairy tale "Jesper

Strange. The only Jasper I remember from a fairy tale is the leprechaun with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I used to read this tale to my kids in English.

get big reward at the end.

Yes, instead of gold they were looking for they got integrity, friendship, exercise in the open air etc etc.

Now you introduced an amasing mystery with this Jesper/Jasper. :):):)

  • 9789604430123Kit.jpg
jon357  72 | 23426
11 Sep 2023   #57

There's always Sir Jasper.

Oh Sir Jasper do not touch me
Oh Sir Jasper do not touch
Oh Sir Jasper do not
Oh Sir Jasper do
And so on
pawian  225 | 27331
11 Sep 2023   #58
And so on

Funny. :):)
pawian  225 | 27331
23 Dec 2024   #59
PAK poster wrote:I was taking twenty friends out to dinner.
I jokingly commented: How many returned?? :)):):):) Reminds me of King Popiel`s legendary feast. :):)?:):)

I am afraid my reply was lost on him and a few other members like Novi or Milo. Let me explain that the legendary King Popiel invited the heads of elite families to a feast and served them poisoned wine, to eliminate all potential rivals to the throne.

  • Beware of wine poison!!!!
Feniks  1 | 787
23 Dec 2024   #60
I know about that story. He was eaten by mice.

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