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How do I verify a Polish company's existence?

mahbub Hassan  - | 1
27 Apr 2019   #181
Dear All,
Do you can confirm me the company mentioned below is authentic ?=====

Company Name: Agri-Food Processing and froestry Forest Sc.Jerzy Brostek Arthur Brostek.
Ul,Reymonta 23
07-430,Myszyniec,Province Mazowieckie.
Phone: 2977
Do you can find out NIP and REGON number for me? As one of my person asked them to file a work permit for me.

Waiting for your kind reply.
terri  1 | 1661
28 Apr 2019   #182
You could have done this yourself by putting their name into google. But NIP is 7582313567 and Regon 142257973, business started 01-04-2010
14 Jun 2019   #183
hey guys i am from New York and wanted to start business with polish company called NDEVR SP. Z O.O. i am not sure of they are real, can any one please advice how to check if they are registered company and anything else you guys can help.
Atch  22 | 4299
14 Jun 2019   #184
I just googled them. Here are their registration details. At the top of the page are their NIP, REGON and KRS numbers. NIP is the tax identifier and KRS is social insurance. It's KRS for agricultural /farmers and ZUS for other types of business. They seem to be genuine.

Here's a view of their location from Google street view:,21.717795,282.74h,-11.42p,1z

And this is their website:
gumishu  15 | 6228
16 Jun 2019   #185
KRS numbers.

KRS is not social insurance number - KRS (Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) is an official register of - among others - all companies/firms - don't ask me why is it necessary but it is obligatory

social insurance office for farmers is KRUS not KRS
Steve87  - | 3
10 Jul 2019   #186
@Daury - I'm curious to know if you started the business with NDEVR, and how was your experience?
Steve87  - | 3
10 Jul 2019   #187
You mentioned it's a genuine company. Now, please check the below link. This page shows that a different company is registered with same KRS, REGON, etc. Please correct me if I am wrong:
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jul 2019   #188
You mentioned it's a genuine company.

I said it seems to be genuine ;))

a different company is registered with same KRS, REGON, etc.

I followed the link you provided and the Regon, Nip etc are not the same.

NDEVR SP Z O O (KRS: 0000524535, NIP: 7352861153, REGON: 123217508)

INTERNATIONAL RECYCLING COMPANY SP Z O O (KRS: 0000720061, NIP: 8133774058, REGON: 369677811)
Steve87  - | 3
10 Jul 2019   #189
@Atch: I re-checked. You are right. Thanks a lot :) .. TBH I wanted to be wrong here ;)
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jul 2019   #190
No probs :) business matters in foreign languages/countries can melt one's head a bit.

Just a note of caution, the International Recycling Company is owned by guys with Russian surnames, not Polish. Of course there are legitimate Russian entrepreneurs but the old Rooskies do have a bit of reputation. They might be Ukrainian of course. Lots of Ukrainians in Poland. I checked out the address and it's a business park with many different companies located there at number 5.

"BiznesPark is a complex of office buildings and business premises located in Rzeszów at ul. Przemysłowa 5. Within BiznesPark there are two office buildings, a warehouse with a ramp and a large parking lot. The excellent location provides ideal conditions for business development."

International Recycling Company also has another address at Stanisława Trembeckiego 11a, 35-235 Rzeszów but it's not clear what's there, looks light industrial neighbourhood.,22.015341,342.42h,-6.49p,0z

The fact that they've been in business a year and haven't got even a basic website raises a few questions, but they could be getting plenty of business locally and with Russia/Ukraine. Bear in mind that the "International" title was probably just selected to sound impressive, rather than having any actual significance.
12 Sep 2019   #191

Polish equivalent to the Better Business Bureau

Hello to everyone,
Can you please tell me if there is an equivalent in Poland to the Better Business Bureau? I wish to verify if a business is legit, what kind of rating it has, any complaints or actions against it etc...

Thank you,
22 Nov 2019   #192
hi guys
meed help.
this company realy exist ???

Holdin West Sp. z o.o.
Zimorodków 28, 40-534 Katowice, Poland
VAT PL9542640120
REG 0000308890
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2019   #193

Seems genuine.
Loads of mentions if you Google them, they are on Google maps and have a website.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2019   #194
If you go on Google Maps Streetview you can see their office with the sign outside.
So they do exist.
wasdom  - | 1
16 Dec 2019   #195
is this company trustworthy? did someone do business with them before? any experience.
18 Dec 2019   #196
I am dealing with this company. And they are fraud . Every now and then NDEVR SP ZOO and their shipping company ETAS LOGISCTICS are leving more charges on us of no reason . They are such a game player. Be aware of them.
13 Jan 2020   #197
I'm the owner of NDEVR Sp. z oo . My company data has been stolen by cheaters and the is the FAKE site.

My company deals with photovoltaic power plants only. This case has been reported to polish Police on the beggining of 2019.
14 Jan 2020   #198
Basically NIP and REGON, you can order publically information online
Lawrence  - | 1
19 Feb 2020   #199
Do your company sales mask ? Recently saw a guy using ur company to sell surgery mask ?
10 Mar 2020   #200

I would like to start dealing with this company ... would you please let us know at least if they did sent you the goods or not ?
Castle Trader
12 Mar 2020   #201
I Would like to Some Business with "HOLDINWEST Sp. z o.o." Im very curious to know whether that company Exists?
Please Help me out ?

Company Details
COMPANY REG: KRS 0000308890
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Mar 2020   #202
Yes it exists; this link is to the registry of companies:

It has been a registered company since 2008.
Castle Trader
15 Mar 2020   #203
Thank You

See the google review of that company
They take advance money from people and dont deliver the Goods
Be Careful with this Company
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Mar 2020   #204
Remember the KRS extract just confirms the legal status. It doesn't (and legally can't) reflect other issues such as the way a company and its customers interact.
18 Apr 2020   #205
Can someone tell me the existence of Zamet Industry? I am worrying if they are a legit company since I want to buy product from them. Thanks
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Apr 2020   #206

There's more than one company called Zamet. One is in Stargard Szczecinski and makes heavy machinery.

It certainly exists. Is it Zamet in Stargard that you're asking about?
24 Jun 2020   #207
Hi every one, could any one tell me if NDEVER SP. ZO.O scam or not?
cms neuf  2 | 1944
24 Jun 2020   #208
The information is in the thread above. It's a scam and the owner had his data stolen
3 Jul 2020   #209
Hello please can someaone inform us if the company

REGION : PL008488
NIP VAT : PL7822073879
KRS: 0000136633

exist ? or its a scam
4 Jul 2020   #210
nasza.chata.sp zoo The company cheated us of our money Please be careful of cheaters

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