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Polish Police and Their Tactics

OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2021   #31
American cop will shoot to kill, Polish not.

That is because rather then house scum at $40,000 a year in a prison for the next twenty years ($800,000) and possibly face a lawsuit that ties the court system up for years $$$$ it is just more of a economically choice to kill them in America which most people agree to.

The thread topic is about Polish police tactics though, not America's.

the trust level dropped dramatically

This is because of the Politically Correct Socialist take over that says it's a crime for the parents to spank their child and the kid grows up having no respect for authority and totally out of control which makes the police having to change their tactics.

The people have screwed themselves with the trust the police worked so hard to establish.
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2021   #32
Because most of the time you don't have to kill to subdue.
And Police officer is not a normal person. He should be trained to make as calm decisions as possible. Most of the cases I read about resemble more an emotional/ scared response.

That being said I don't mind cops shooting legitimately when they are in danger.

Thanks to not using excessive force and not acting like tug Polish Police managed to distance itself from it's socialist past . Now they are in a bit of a PR deep sh*t but that is mostly due to the politics
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #33
Police worked hard for many years to get people's trust and it worked.

Trusting the police is cool when you are a child trying to cross the street. When the police investigate, it's beyond moronic to trust them.

American cop will shoot to kill, Polish not. That is just one difference.

You can't have it both ways - claim that your life was threatened and aim for the legs. If you do that, it means your life was not threatened because a leg wound does not incapacitate enough and you can miss easily. Then you will die because the perp will go for your center mass or the head. If he bleeds to death in the next 15 minutes will be of little consolation to you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2021   #34
Rich makes a very good point.

Because most of the time you don't have to kill to subdue.

Again this goes to different countries standards of the law.
A good example is Jamaica where the gun laws are like Poland's except the consequences are often fatal.
If the police catch you with a gun there is about a 50/50 chance that they will just shoot you dead if they have had a run in with them prior.

If the military catches you with a gun they will shoot and kill you regardless.
I can't imagine how that would go over say in Chicago or Poland.
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2021   #35
You can't have it both ways

That is your opinion. As it is in Poland excessive force is a very real term and you can be charged for that either as a cop or civilian.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #36
That is your opinion.

No, that's the fact they teach at the gun safety courses here.

So, one more time: If you believe that your life is threatened, act like your life is threatened.

That is why the police don't like warning shots. If they did, they would have a mess of trigger-happy idiots claiming that they thought the guy 100 meters away was a threat.
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2021   #37
I have to correct myself. The shooting in the legs was was a proposal but didn't come to life or anywhere close it seems.

They do however have to give a warning shot unless the situation is too dynamic
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #38
That is your opinion.

OK. What is your opinion? Two 250-pound guys - one with a knife, the other one with a gun - are 30 feet away and getting closer. You have a gun.

What do you do? Step by step, no lengthy and evasive crap what you WOULD NOT do. Go...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #39
They do however have to give a warning shot

Why would a cop shoot in the air??? when not feeling threatened and if they felt so like Novi said respond accordingly;

What do you do? Step by step, no lengthy and evasive crap
pull out the firearm and download all the lead on both.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #40
Why would a cop shoot in the air???

To let the bums know that cops have guns? Like they don't know already?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Apr 2021   #41
To let the bums know that cops have guns?

lol man fucin silly move to shoot in the air like those moose limbs celebrating Id Ul Fittar or whateva.
Rather download cpl grams of lead in them 250lb brothas wont change there weight.
mafketis  38 | 11262
20 Apr 2021   #42
The shooting in the legs was was a proposal

A terrible proposal... that takes much better aim than most police have (especially in situations of extreme stress). It's not for nothing that cops are trained to shoot for the largest area of mass (roughly the human trunk).

And.... by the time the cops start shooting at you they want you dead.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Apr 2021   #43
you are literally retarded. You dont have to shoot in the air you morons. You shoot on the ground or at a trash can or anywhere with no humans involved!. That is what a warning shot is moron not in the air lol. Thats what your Chechen buddies do and Muslims.

"I still call cops as needed without zilch fear. lol just like the BBC here would try to scare me about cops, straz etc and lately by urzad skarbowy HA!"

Of course you do. Until the day you and your lame normi life will come clashing down when you run into some street saavy punk like raphael luciano who knows exactly what to say or who or how to use his kids and fat wife to lie for him and your world will be quite different and you wont be calling ever again. you lame.

"And.... by the time the cops start shooting at you they want you dead."

in america all it takes is being the wrong color or being an immigrant and some of them want you dead.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #44
by the time the cops start shooting at you they want you dead.

I sense some American wisdom in your post.

Damn right, guns are to kill, not to make noise or scare. That's what we have Halloween for.

being the wrong color or being an immigrant and some of them want you dead.

OK, I got it. A polite Nigerian immigrant caught speeding gets a ticket and a bullet. I will google that.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Apr 2021   #45
You remember those wild wild west movies? That wasn't that long ago.

Whereas the experiences of 1914-1920 and within living memory 1939-1945 in Poland is perhaps one reason Poles dislike guns so much.
Novichok  4 | 8682
20 Apr 2021   #46
Why is it that the dumbest ideas always come from women? Like that a cop is obligated to take the first shot and talk to the shooter nicely - if he is still breathing, of course.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Apr 2021   #47
the Soviets chased the Germans out with roses and boxes of chocolates.

Did they? Who knew?

Everybody else thought they did that with tanks, heavy artillery, massive aerial bombardment and yet more guns.

Hence people in Poland not wanting to see them.

And wanting their law enforcement to be well trained, not over-aggressive and certainly not shooting people.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
20 Apr 2021   #48
it seems to work in Europe pretty well. much better than your gang infested California or Brazil. maybe you should learn something from the Europeans they can teach you a lot.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Apr 2021   #49

It's very on topic. Since so much around the policing culture of a given society is predicated by that society's experiences of authority.

Since we're talking about the police and guns (hard to say why since guns are not a thing in Poland) the recent history here of weapons use is very very pertinent,
Ironside  51 | 13086
21 Apr 2021   #50
Hence people in Poland not wanting to see them.

Don't talk for people in Poland.
Majority of people in Poland don't want guns for following reasons:
1. They have been used to the Soviet reality where only trusted Soviet Scum was allowed to have a gun.
2. They think that those who want a gun in Poland can get one with all the checking procedures and so all. Whereas in fact it is not so.

3. When' the gun law] in Poland is debated they imagine an 'American style' where (they assume wrongly that any Dick and Harry can walk into a shop and buy a bag of guns and munitions) all those shooting take place.

4. They personally do not want a gun (or cannot afford one) and think that their next door neighbor or some moron will get a gun and start shooting like a moron does on a street just for fun. Basically distrust their own countrymen.

A main problem in Poland with gun licenses is that that the police can refuse to issue you one just because. They don't have to give you a reason.

You can fulfill all the requirements that are stated in the law ( a psychological test and so on) and they tell - NO GFY!

So the issue in Poland at the moment pursued by the gun owners association is to make such authoritarian ruling by the police unlawful. Also they want to make same common sense changes to the law.

In this light talking about 'American style' gun ownership is just like a fairy tale.
Although it would be nice if in the future people who wants to own a gun or several would be able to do that.
jon357  72 | 23654
21 Apr 2021   #51
the tactics Polish police use to say disarm someone

It happens so rarely.

They are however trained to diffuse a situation wherever possible, and this is something they are generally good at.

it seems guns are not a factor to consider in the Polish police tactics.

Most police have probably never seen one pulled by a suspect.

I will let you

It's not up to you...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2021   #52
It's not up to you...

Of course it is as it is, jon, it's my thread, you are just a guest in it.

They are however trained to diffuse a situation wherever possible, and this is something they are generally good at.

I have never understood this as you Europeans have taught me something new.
Where I come from the police do just the opposite and are trained to insult, provoke, intimidate, threaten and harass you to create a State manufactured crime.

A broken taillight can turn into a felonious resisting and obstructing assault crime very quickly if you don't let them intimidate you.
That is why I started this thread is to understand about the Polish police tactics that are to de-escalate instead of using their authority to bully you into a crime.

And yes, they are trained to do this.

And they know even if you beat the charge in court it costs you at least $5,000 for a good attorney so you still lose.
Such different tactics I must say which explains why so many people end up dead like Floyd did over a f-ing fake $20 bill.
I truly do appreciate the literate posts here explaining the Polish police tactics in making arrests.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Apr 2021   #53
So you guys think it sok what usa are doing and polish cops should just start shooting real live bullets at the ultras and start a civil war against those patriots here in poland like they would do in the usa? They should go to the stadiums or arenas with real live bullets? thats what u fink?
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Apr 2021   #54
why so many people end up dead like Floyd

In Poland the police shoot to death about 5 people yearly. Poland has 38 million. Do US police kill 50 to reach a similar ratio to Poland? I think it is many more.

Statistics for 2015 said that Polish police fired directly at people 18 times.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Apr 2021   #55
what tactics a Polish policeman would resort to

The Polish police most famous tactics is to escort old ladies who oppose the rightist government.

Funny video - Granny Kate walking the dogs (in uniforms). Seven of them! hahaha Benny Hill music in the background. One of the comments under the video: even in communist times the police weren`t such idiots as today during rightist rule.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Apr 2021   #56
@johnny reb

I actually think it is unfair to compare Polish/European policing tactics to America.
America has a much greater level of violent crime than Europe.
Guns are much more easily available in America and Americans are more scared of violent crime than Europeans and righty so.
Police in America therefore react much more violently than European police to counter this extreme violence that Europeans struggle to comprehend.
George Floyd was a bad guy, but he did not deserve to die for using a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.
Derek Chavin was a bad cop.Unstable, violent and with some other social and mental problems.
But I object to people now referring to him as a white supremacist.
There are people out there, both black and white, who just want to stir up some kind of race war.
Don't let this happen.
It will benefit only the extremists on both sides.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Apr 2021   #57
Of course it is as it is, jon, it's my thread, you are just a guest in it.

It doesn't work like that.

A broken taillight can turn into a felonious resisting and obstructing assault crime very quickly if you don't let them intimidate you.

Which is why training is so important, a toolbox of tactics and possibilities and above all the skill of diffusinbg rather tha escalating difficullt situations Rather than shooting people or kneeling on yheir necks.

It must be working, given Poland's relatively low crime rate and tiny gun crime rate.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2021   #58
It doesn't work like that.

I am surprised you don't know how it works here for as long as you have been a member..

Which is why training is so important,

Did you miss this ?

Where I come from the police do just the opposite and are trained to, provoke, intimidate, threaten and harass to create a State manufactured crime.

The cops here are trained how to lie, how to ask you incriminating questions, how to write a twisted police report to convict you and how to provoke you.

I know this for a fact because I took a college class in criminal justice and that is some of what was taught.
This class is required for wanna be cops.
And no, I took the class for other reasons then being a cop.
(self preservation)
I'm sure the Polish police are not trained in this manner.
Novichok  4 | 8682
22 Apr 2021   #59
The cops here are trained how to lie,

The US Supreme court ruled that it's legal.

I'm sure the Polish police are not trained in this manner.

Why would you say that? Lying to suspects is a standard operating procedure in the US, not some kind of a crime by rogue cops. Why would Polish cops not use the same technique?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Apr 2021   #60
The US Supreme court ruled that it's legal.

When did they do that ?

Why would Polish cops not use the same technique?

Because jon said that the Polish police are trained to defuse the situation and not escalate it.

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