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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

johnny reb  49 | 7922
3 Mar 2018   #571
Rich, coming from you.

Thanks, I take that as a compliment.

He wants to buy this in 7.62mm for 5000pln. Strikes me as way overpriced even if fully accessorised.

Those guns are worthless for hunting as they are similar to an AR-15. (The gun of choice for mass shootings)
AKM's sell from 1300 pln to 10,000pln depending the brand and how you want to have it tricked out.
People in Poland should know this weapon is designed for hunting people and not animals to put food on your table.
I recall you bringing this weapon up as your favorite.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Mar 2018   #572

In reality crossbows are easily purchased with no id at numerous stores

@johnny reb

Poland uses a 5.56 modernized ak the tantal and beryl. The new territorial militia uses a polish rifle more similar to the AR15.

I think 7.62 is a better round. Ak over ar all day.

Shotguns are popular and every once in a while you can cop a beautiful coach gun off an old dude. A lot of poles hunt pheasant ducks etc
O WELL  - | 150
3 Mar 2018   #573
hunting people and not animals

Rapid firing gun to hunt???HO!HO!HO!
3 Mar 2018   #574
In reality crossbows are easily purchased with no id at numerous stores

I wouldn't know as I just provided links to show that a licence is required. If it's not a problem then he won't have to worry about getting stopped by the police while in possession of the one he's bought then will he?
O WELL  - | 150
4 Mar 2018   #575
The one I bought is in states.I will not take it to Poland until I am dead sure.This time when I go I will take a walk to nearby police station with printed copies and ask them there if they say so maybe will ask them to write it or some proof if they will.
johnny reb  49 | 7922
4 Mar 2018   #576
I think 7.62 is a better round. Ak over ar all day.

Yes, the AK 7.62 is a better round then the AR-15's .223 round.
They have better shocking power as a .223 round is going so fast that if it even hits a twig it deflects the round.
Plus you can shoot .223 rounds in an AK but you can't shoot 7.62 in an AR-15.
Judas priest we are totally off-topic AGAIN........
4 Mar 2018   #577
I will not take it to Poland until I am dead sure.

If you think about it logically, do you really think that you would be able to walk around Warsaw brandishing an extremely dangerous weapon? You are very likely to get yourself arrested.
O WELL  - | 150
4 Mar 2018   #578
Brandishing????? I would always keep it hidden.Since crossbow is mostly an offensive weapon and not MUCH of a defensive( unitl you are highly trained) but still can save your life.Being a silent lethal legal(if i know) with force.I carry it always in my car in States as I dont have a permit to carry a concealed licensed also an baseball bat in Poland by my driver side door in Poland just in case?I aint goin down without a fight.
Joker  2 | 2372
4 Mar 2018   #579
Tut Tut, if you cant handle the facts maybe you should avoid reading the forum.

Oh Tut Tut. Perhaps, if didn't break every forum rule you wouldn't have to post as an un-welcomed guest now..LOL

Yup. There's no doubting that, t

Yup, its as clear as day when your PFBF comes back around here, you get sooooooo excited....... been lonely lately huh?

Exactly and why O Well wants to carry one around in Warsaw is beyond me.

It is beyond you because youre not a Polish citizen and cant vote there!.

Only a Brit dictates how other ppl should to run their country whilst your capitol of Londonstian is a terrorist enclave.

Oh the Irony, thanks for the laugh!!!!!
4 Mar 2018   #580
I carry it always in my car in States

But Warsaw isn't the US. It's a pretty safe city.

youre not a Polish citizen

So? Polish law dictates that he needs a licence to have a crossbow, and O WELL isn't a Polish citizen either. When he first enquired about getting a crossbow a few years back, it was in response to a guy kicking and putting a dent in his car. If you seriously think that this is the type of incident which requires arming yourself with a crossbow, then you're nuts. Hardly a life or death situation is it?

Only a Brit dictates how other ppl should to run their country

By providing links showing that O WELL does in fact need a licence to comply with Polish law and possess a crossbow in Poland? Do you have a comprehension problem? Do you actually have anything to add that is relevant to the discussion or are you just trolling?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
4 Mar 2018   #581
?I aint goin down without a fight.

Then go and get some proper hand to hand combat training, and if you are really worried carry a 3h pencil.

The only problem in Poland is a few random football lunatics who might want to give you a little slapping, the chances of someone pulling a knife or gun on you is next to zero here.

Really!!! save your WMD's for when you are back home in the USA you need them there.
johnny reb  49 | 7922
4 Mar 2018   #582
All Pam knows is what she has been exposed to by the drive by media.
If she wasn't so damn ornery I would invite her to come to the U.S.A. for a month and experience it first hand.

She could return to Poland and actually say that she did not witness a single gun while being here.
It may even shock her that the area I live in is more peaceful then Warsaw is.
I live in a highly populated area of Polish people where she would feel right at home speaking Polish, eating at Polish restaurants and yelling at me.

Then the alarm clock went off and I woke up.
Ironside  50 | 12941
4 Mar 2018   #583
Poland uses a 5.56 modernized ak the tantal and beryl.

Not really. the PA use beryl as a standard weapon, 5,56 mm, whereas tantal is 5,45 mm and there are tons of them in a storage.

The new territorial militia

The National Guard is being organized as we speak some of them use beryl and some of them are using Grot (Modular Firearm System 5.56 mm) a brand new Polish weapon. The aim is to gradually replace the old model beryl with the new weapon.

I just provided links to show that a licence is required.

Yeah, that nonsensical drive to licence everything,. they even think about licensing ammo to muzzle leader. Until recently anyone could buy one or two or as many as was his want without any licence or some such nonsense. People didn't use it in duels, assaults or in drunken brawls - so that argument against gun ownership is proven to be invalid.
O WELL  - | 150
4 Mar 2018   #584
O WELL isn't a Polish citizen

What makes you so sure??????
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
4 Mar 2018   #585

Territorial defense is suppose to get thw new msbs rifle to my understanding. Theyre gradually using more and.more nato standards with 5.56. I believe all the polish guns are primarily made in radom. Ive always liked eastern european guns over german and american. Theyre more reliable and simple imo. My first gun was a czech 22 rifle and ever since then esp for rifles ive preferred polish russian yugo bulgarian and czech guns. Ukraine is now making a mashup of the ak and ar but it looks silly lol
Ironside  50 | 12941
4 Mar 2018   #586
heyre gradually using more and.more nato standards with 5.56.

They have been using nato 5.56 for a while, hence tantal is in storage or for sale.
Joker  2 | 2372
4 Mar 2018   #587
You should man,always helps but be carefull of the tax man

It would be more like a distant future retirement situation.

Babcia isnt going to be around forever and there is property involved, at some point in time we will have to make a decision.

It may even shock her that the area I live in is more peaceful then Warsaw is.

With all the lying hollywood libs and fake news they dwell upon, every town must be a battlefield to them. lol

I dont even need to lock the door in my neighborhood, but still have my .357 just in case.
O WELL  - | 150
4 Mar 2018   #588
Tell you man in europe they think in US everyone is running around packing and its a wild west here.Look at the stabbings happening in the EU.

Thing is 1 American dies whole world hears about it.10 Europeans die a flash news comes,200 asians/africans die no one hears about it.But thats the way it is.

Joker: chek ya pm box.
johnny reb  49 | 7922
5 Mar 2018   #589
If any of you Europeans want to decipher the FACTS of guns in the U.S verses the Myths that the media projects to you then read the FACTS here:

With all the lying hollywood libs and fake news they dwell upon, every town must be a battlefield to them.

Sure and the reason the lying Libs and fake news headline gun crime is because they use guns as a political pawn to buy votes with.

Like I said, if these gun grabbers in Poland would come to the U.S. of 350 million people and drive the 3000 miles from the East coast (New York) to the west Coast (San Francisco) I would be willing to bet they would not see a single gun unless it was a varmint rifle in the back of some cowboys pick up truck window out in Wyoming.

They just can't understand that most of the gun crime occurs in ten cities in the U.S. (All Democratic run) (All the mass shooters have been Democrat)

Now let's try to stay on topic.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
5 Mar 2018   #590
Yea but a lot of people now have concealed. And if they came to chicago i could easily show them our wild west hahahahaha. N liberals want to take guns from homeowners living in those areas who legally carry. They claim to be all about dicersity inclusion helping the poor man yet its mainly people forced to live in really bad areas along w those in the countryside amd suburbs who mainly have guns. Plus theres a big ass sticker almost everywhere you go which shows you cant bring your concealed inside.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Mar 2018   #591
Fortunately, the chances of that happening in Poland are less than zero.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
5 Mar 2018   #592
Let's hope so, jon.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 Mar 2018   #593
Poland doesn't want a gun culture like the US. There are legal owners who have weapons for hunting, sport, and self defense. The process is similar to the US but a bit more stringent especially if self defense is the purpose. However, militia movements have a long history and then generally weapons are stored at the base not at home. There are thousands of people in militia and gun registrations are slowly increasing but nonetheless the rate of ownership is rather low both by world and European standards. Poland doesn't have the high crime rates that the US does so people don't feel the need to have a concealed carry. There's a lot of crazies in Poland, but there's a hell of a lot more in US and even places like France, Germany, Sweden, etc. where I believe more people esp women should be given access to guns as a response to the numerous instances of rape, muggings, knife attacks, etc.
peterweg  37 | 2305
6 Mar 2018   #594
People in Poland should know this weapon is designed for hunting people and not animals to put food on your table.

He's got a hunting license but wants this for fun.

The point is that if people want these sort of weapons, with effort they can get them. Huntering clubs welcome members.

Ditto pistols, you need a license, but you can get them.

5000pl looks reasonable for a fully accessorised model, I suppose.
7 Mar 2018   #595
if there is price to pay for that freedom its worth it.

I disagree. The price is too high. All I've heard on this thread is excuse after excuse for the thousands upon thousands of deaths in the US. To the gun supporters there will always be a legitimate excuse for those deaths, no matter how high the body count rises. That is the simple truth of the matter.

that nonsensical drive to licence everything,

That is Polish law and crossbows are lethal weapons. Personally, I think it's right that ownership requires a licence, but then we'll never agree on anything Iron ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Mar 2018   #596
Well in my particular area, the main people who own guns legally are homeowners, moms, dads, cab drivers, off duty cops firefighters soldiers etc. And use them for home security/self defense mainly due to the ridiculous amount of illegal guns. The homicide stats not just in chicago but all over the us are driven not by legal gun owners but illegal ones. For every 20 kids that die in a mass shooting, theres hundreds of mainly black and hispanic male gang members who both kill and are killed and its not just chicago.

If you want these gun owners to get rid of their guns and not have such a drastic personal and home security measure, which is a huge chunk of owners esp concealed carry, get rid of the illegal guns and drive down the homicide rate. Then we can live like in poland where people and generally do not feel the need to own guns esp.for self defense. Hunters and sport shooters will always exist amd thats generallt a hobby for a small population. The average person buys a hundgun for defense though not hunting. But no one has succeeded in doing that because theres so many illegal guns.

The political bs behind this shooting is just a distraction of the left. Theyll never admit that statistically mass school shootings are a fraction of total homicides. Thats because the peiple driving rhe homicide rate are mainly the same nationalities race etc as their base - black and brown. Well anyone can look up fbi stats to see which demographics are driving up the homicide rate - but no its not conservative whites. However when the left has a white kid shooting up a school ita an easy way to whip.up their brainwashed base which has lost all touch with reality, facts, statistics, logic. They only care about feelings and emotions.
Paulina  19 | 4458
8 Mar 2018   #597
For every 20 kids that die in a mass shooting, theres hundreds of mainly black and hispanic male gang members who both kill and are killed

Dirk, the problem with this argument (which sounds rather heartless, tbh) is that regular people usually stay away from neighbourhoods where there are some kind of gang wars going on (in Chicago it's apparently near the south side of the city?), unless they're unlucky enough to live there.

But as far as mass shootings done by psychos are concerned - it can happen anywhere. You won't know what place to avoid. You would have to stay put at your house and not go anywhere - not send your children to school, highschool, university, not go to the cinema, to a club to have some fun, to a concert, to the church, etc.

It's not only about numbers of people killed but about the sense of security and psychological comfort.

It's the same with terrorist attacks in Europe. More people die in car accidents or from smoking or whatever than in those terror acts but you guys make a big deal out of it. And the media make a big deal out of it. Because it's not only about the numbers, but about the sense of security, it's about being able to go about your everyday lives, about going to a shop to buy groceries or to a cafe to drink some coffee with your friends without the fear of getting a round of bullets in your body or of being blown up into pieces.

You could argue in boh cases (mass shootings and terrorist attacks) that it's about "feelings and emotions" and not about "reality, facts, statistics, logic".

Both are unpredictable and can happen pretty much everywhere, it's difficult to predict and counter them and both induce fear, terror and panic in ordinary people who are just going about their daily lives and minding their own business...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Mar 2018   #598
it's about being able to go about your everyday lives, about going to a shop to buy groceries or to a cafe to drink some coffee with your friends without the fear of getting a round of bullets

Exactly, which is why many people chose to arm themselves due to all the crime here and to feel safe. If some people want to legally carry a gun, such is their right whether US or Poland as long as they pass the criteria. If they chose not to carry or own a gun that's their option too. That's what freedom is about - having options.

is that regular people usually stay away from neighbourhoods where there are some kind of gang wars going on

These areas occupy half the city. So basically you'd have to avoid the entire west and south side which is impossible for people living, working, or even visiting friends/family in these areas.

And actually, if we're going by mass public shootings from 2009 to 2015, Norway is at the top of the list as it has the highest death rate per million by mass shootings and occurrence of mass public shootings per million. US isn't even in the top 18 if we're going by that statistic

This shows 40 more people died from mass shootings in the EU (140 more if going by all of Europe) than in the US from 2009 to 2015 - the years measures in this study

So stats can be twisted anyway possible. This makes Norway appear far more dangerous than US and indeed the statistics show that you're more likely to be killed via mass shooting in Norway than US - which doesn't even make the list.
peterweg  37 | 2305
10 Mar 2018   #599
Ignores that there have been no mass shootings in Norways, UK etc since 2015 whereas the numbers have gone up from 25 (from your link) per year to hundreds in the USA
johnny reb  49 | 7922
10 Mar 2018   #600
Mass school shootings ? Hardly.............
One in the U.S.A. this year that I know of.
Of course the Liberal Gun Grabbers here on this forum and the Liberal Drive by Media have to give misleading statistics and definitions of what a school shooting actually is.

Let's breakdown these statistic's in question at this point and compare it to the Liberals definition to a "school shooting" so you people in Poland understand what is gong on here.

When we look into it, we find that although all the incidents involved the firing of weapons in school zones, some bore little resemblance to what most of us would think of when we hear that a school shooting has taken place.

Two were solely suicides, for example (one of which occurred at a school that had been closed for several months).
Three involved the accidental firing of a weapon.
Eight resulted in no injuries.
One was a drive by shooting at the school late at night when the school was closed.
One was when a 3rd grader accidently pulled a police officers gun trigger and no one was hurt.
Five have been within school zones (a school zone is within 1000 feet from school property) that were at private residences where a gun had been discharged without incident.

Only seven were intentional shootings that occurred during normal school hours and eight happened during not school hours.
Two of the seven were done by M-13 gang members here in the U.S.A. illegally from Mexico because the Liberals think illegal gang members have rights to be in our Country to murder U.S. citizens and President Trump has no right to build a wall to keep them out.

So people of Poland don't let these Liberal Gun Grabbers mislead you about how they define "school shootings".

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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