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Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Feb 2018   #361
So to answer your question tac, no amount of shootings will make me or millions like me change our mind. I live with this stuff everyday and had pistols shoved in my face and been shot at twice. All it does is make me want to level the playing field with a gun in every victims and potential victims hands especially women and teachers

Yes you would keep a gun within arms length. You put a $7 lock on the trigger. No need to keep it in the basement where it does no good. Someone kicks in your door or breaks a window to get in and now you cant reach it. And if you have kids you lock your bedroom, put it on a high shelf in the closet, put a trigfer lock, keep the mag in another location theres plenty of options

Theres a 911 recording that came out recently. Some psycho kept banging on some girls door trying to break in. She calls 911 and the whole time you can hear the guy trying to break in. She tells the 911 operator that she doesnt want to shoot the guy and begs the operator to tell the cops to hurry. Well eventually the guy breaks in and the girl shoots him - all while shes on the phone with 911. The cops arrive 30 mins after the 911 call was placed. Now if that girl didnt have a gun shed likely get raped or killed as this wasnt a robber. With response times like that and even worse in bad neighborhoods and the countryside how could you expect legal owners to give up their firearms with all the sickos and murders out there? You guys are lucky you dont have to deal with sh1t like that. Count your blessings.that you dont live in a city or country with multiple shootings every day or a serial killer the cops camt find who is mutilating women, putting their bodies in dumpsters and setting them on fire. Although most of the shootings are between criminals and gangs, and usually over the dumbest sh1t imaginable like accidently stepping on someones shoe or a Facebook post. But sometimes innocent people get caught up whether its because theyre wearinf the wrong colors on the wrong street or because someone wants to rob them. Theres no reason to ban guns for people to legally own them atleast not in the us as it will only increase crime as these people are cowards and prey on weaker people esp women and people they know arent armed. Theyre not going to rob some hick in a rusty pickup because they already know hes packing. In poland you dont have a culture and society like that so count your blessings. I likely wont care whether i have a gun or not in poland but if i were living in the paris suburbs or malmo.

Id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 anyday
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Feb 2018   #362
@DirkDIggler, that "small" number is already one number too many!

@TheOther, I''l frankly put my money on a brick wallLOL
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Feb 2018   #363
that "small" number is already one number too many

Absolutely, yet it pales in comparison when compared to total homicides - most of which are caused by guns acquired illegally - not crazy people who managed to obtain a gun because they passed the criminal background check.

If a person wanted to make a REAL impact on gun deaths, they'd focus dealing with all the illegal guns - not legally acquired ones. All gun control does, at least in the US, is make it more difficult for law abiding citizens to acquire guns. Criminals will acquire them without a problem. I could drive to the hood right now and within 5 minutes I'd be able to buy a pistol - for far cheaper than it would cost in a gun store too.

The democrats don't focus on illegal guns though because most of the people who own them are criminals which are disproportionately black and Hispanic. In Chicago, which has more shootings than any other US city, over 80% of both perpetrators and victims are blacks - despite them being a minority. They won't go against illegal gun owners because the dems don't want to send a bunch of cops into the hood as that is their voting base. If the cops REALLY wanted to make an impact on the deaths and shootings here they'd simply make laws against loitering. No dudes standing on the corner selling heroin all day and shooting at rivals, and often missing, would drastically and immediately lower the gun crimes.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
23 Feb 2018   #364
right but in the recent school shooting, the weapon had been acquired legally, by a white person.
so not sure how you can turn this into your usual rant about Black and Hispanic people. Unless you are sick.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 Feb 2018   #365
Youd put an armed guard in a bank, even fancy hotels and airplanes. Why wouldnt they do the same for schools everywhere?

They did have an armed guard at that school on duty.
When the shots started ringing out the armed security officer ran outside and hid.
TheOther  6 | 3596
23 Feb 2018   #366
When the shots started ringing out the armed security officer ran outside and hid.

So much for the NRA's "only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun"...

Arming teachers as they are discussing right now would be absolutely nuts, too. You'd only need one mentally unstable teacher locking the classroom door and gunning down his or her students, and then what?
O WELL  - | 150
23 Feb 2018   #367
So you mean lets disarm cops too then?There will be rogue cops who could do the same as well.
And then what Military>>
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 Feb 2018   #368
What a stupid analogy ........I don't think the armed guard was a good guy, he should be charged with murder for not doing his job.

If he would have been an ex-Marine the shooter would be dead.

and then what?

What would happen if a stray meteor hit the earth today ?

I see that President Trump and the Governor of Florida just passed a law to raised the age to purchase a firearm to 21 in Florida.

That's more then obama did to try to fix the problem.
The teachers know what kids are potential threats.
(This kid had been kicked out of school for being aggressive..... RED FLAG..... that should have been put on his record for the back ground check)

Why not let teachers order mental evaluations on these troubled kids to force accountability ?
Because the parents would say that it wasn't their kid who is the problem and say that it was the other kids fault that their kid was running with.

Also reopen the Mental facilities that closed and turned the mentally ill out into society.
Get these people off our streets for their safety and ours.
Notice that ALL these shootings have been done by mentally ill people on anti depressants and anti anxiety pills.
(Oh and they all have been Democrats too)
23 Feb 2018   #369
I have cpl friends who only use hollow points in Poland but even they dont know the answer

Soft points are standard for hunting.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Feb 2018   #370
They did have an armed guard at that school on duty.

They had a security guard but he wasn't armed. He was also a coach. He didn't have a gun and instead used his body as a human shiled to protect students. What good is a security guard if he can't provide security and enforce law and order?

When the shots started ringing out the armed security officer ran outside and hid.

That was a cop actually or more specifically I believe a sherrif. They're all tough when they arrest an unarmed person and body slam them. But when the tables are turned and someones shooting they're total cowards and refused to go in to stop the shooting. Cops are pu$$y ass losers who think they're hot sh1t only because they have a badge. In reality, you take that badge away and they're cowards of the worst kind.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
23 Feb 2018   #371
All right there, Dirk, granted the statistics may or may not back you up on that one. Nevertheless, somethin's gotta give sooner or later. We only hope that it's sooner.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
23 Feb 2018   #372
Go on fbis website for overall stats and specifically for chicago.

The fact is far far far more people die from illegal guns than legally acquired ones. The media only focuses on mass shootings esp if they involve a white person with an ar15. But when a black guy shoots at a crown and kills 3 and injures a dozen including children its nowgere on the news.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 Feb 2018   #373
Here is a stat for you Liberals, "More knives kill people then do guns."
Again and again and again, it was NOT the guns fault in Florida, it was the authorities who refused to act fault.
How many red flags do you want !
Here, read the damn thing for yourself right from Florida so you will quit denying it.

They had a security guard but he wasn't armed.

I respectfully disagree with you Adrian.
Just type in and Google 'armed guard in Florida shooting' and twenty media outlets have stories that the security guard was indeed armed and in uniform.

Please post your source where it says he wasn't.

In reality, you take that badge away and they're cowards of the worst kind.

Try walking up to a car with stolen plates out on I-94 at 3 a.m. or search a warehouse where there is an armed perp hiding Adrain and tell me how you did.
mafketis  38 | 11137
23 Feb 2018   #374
the security guard was indeed armed and in uniform

Number one rule of gun safety: Don't arm someone who won't shoot if necessary.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
23 Feb 2018   #375
You are TOTALLY correct on that and very good point maf.

I have taken several concealed and carry classes, mostly for the law aspect of it as I qualified as a sharpshooter when I was nine years old.

I could honestly say that 75% of the people that take those classes to qualify for a concealed and carry SHOULD NOT own a gun.
They come to those classes and don't even know how to load a gun and are constantly innocently pointing them at people.
I have had at least six people thrown out of classes for innocently pointing one at me.
This brings us to your point maf, if someone pulls theirs to merely intimidate or threaten another person and not willing to use will end up bad for them.

If they live to tell about it the least they will get is four or five years in prison for brandishing a weapon.
My personal view is that if I ever have to pull my weapon that I will be using it or it stays in the holster.
O WELL  - | 150
24 Feb 2018   #376
JR very well said,You can see those idiots walking around in a gun range all the time and also some are law enforcement.
TheOther  6 | 3596
24 Feb 2018   #377
I don't think the armed guard was a good guy, he should be charged with murder for not doing his job.

Turns out there were also three Broward County Sheriff's deputies cowering behind their vehicles, and none of the four deputies had entered the school. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, right? Now let's waste a billion dollars to arm our teachers instead of implementing some basic gun control and investing the money in our schools. Education is overrated anyway...

What would happen if a stray meteor hit the earth today ?

Stupid deflection. What's the chance that a wacko gun nut enters an elementary school and massacres the kids?

Fact is, Poland does not need this BS. Ever.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Feb 2018   #378
Most cops are cowards. I have no respect for them until they prove me wrong. The whole fact that they hid likr a bunch of pussies speaks volumes. Theyre paid to protect and serve and they clearly failed by hiding like a pussy behind a car even though they have a vest a handgun and a shotgun too in their car - not to mention backup. And yes i can say that bc ive lived in the hood been shot at been stabbed etc. Instead of cleaning up the west side and focusing on gangs theyre giving speeding tickets and harassing people sellinf cigarettes illegally instead of catching real criminals. Theyre not hard to catch they go on youtube bragging about all the people they killed. They even say it open i.e. 'psycho rots in a black and blue box' or whatever their gang colors are. They dont even bother to hide their face. I mean these are the dumbest criminals yet cops dont go after. And people wonder why 80% of murders in chicago go unsolved. If some **** happens i wont call the cops because theyre useless. Some guy breaks into my house ill be dead and my gf raped before they get their fat asses here. They signed up for a dangerous job so they need to do the job they signed up for amd taxpayers are paying for.

And the guy I'm talking about was a football coach AND guard who used his body as a shield to protect students. This dude is a hero - no gun and he knows he's going to catch a bunch of rounds yet he has infinitely more guts than those POS cops

"He was our Assistant Football Coach and security guard. He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories"

But why did a 'guard' for the school not have a gun???

I'm referring to the security guard - NOT the coward school officer. And I've lived in Broward County - specifically Del Ray Beach and worked in Boca Raton. It's the same story as pussy ass chicago cops - they don't go to west palm or boyton to arrest known zoe pound gang members or the haitian/jamaican dudes openly selling drugs at the same places day after day after day... no, they go for rich people with sports car going over the speed limit.

That football coach/security guard has a million times the heart than that ******* cop. I hope he never works as a police officer again - he doesn't deserve it and clearly the community can't trust him when the sh1t hits the fan. He should be ashamed of himself. He didn't even bother going in to see what was happening knowing there's a shooting. Meanwhile, a real hero who has no gun uses his fat ass (literally) to catch slugs and protect the students. He sacrificed his life for them. The cop had all the gear he could ever need to at least go in and take a look - gun, bulletproof vest, and a shotgun too. Meanwhile all this coward gets is a lost job - which hell likely just become a cop in the next town over as so many disgraced cops do, while a real hero - the football coach - is dead. And people won't even remember his name 2 weeks from now...
johnny reb  49 | 7974
24 Feb 2018   #379
Stupid deflection.

No it wasn't, it was an analogy to your stupid "what if remark" about an armed teacher shooting up the school.
You don't want to debate solutions, you want to disarm every law abiding gun owner in America.
That is your bottom line goal and the Europeans here should be aware of that.
We call people like you "Gun Grabbers".
When you migrated to America from Australia you knew that we have Constitutional Gun Rights so why are you so adamant.
The airplane flies both ways.

But why did a 'guard' for the school not have a gun???

Did you not read what I posted back in post #373 Adrian ?

I respectfully disagree with you Adrian.Just type in and Google 'armed guard in Florida shooting' and twenty media outlets have stories that the security guard was indeed armed and in uniform.

Here, read it for yourself that the school guard was indeed armed.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Feb 2018   #380
Did you not read what I posted back in post #373 Adrian ?

We're talking about 2 different people - I'm talking about the football coach who was also a security guard (who wasn't armed) and instead used his body as a shield. The media is focusing on a coward cop who was armed yet didn't have enough balls to go in. The sad thing is people will focus more on this coward and every media outlet instead of praising a martyr who sacrificed himself to save students - he didn't have to do that. That took hell of a lot of guts. And yes, to my understanding that football coach/security guard was unarmed for whatever reason. Even the rent-a-cop in my office has a gun in his desk (i doubt his job requires it but he's not much of a security guard if he can't provide security or guard....) The security guard/coach and school officer are two different people - the security guard wasn't armed for whatever reason, the cop was yet infinitely more of a coward than the unarmed security guard/football coach
Joker  2 | 2390
24 Feb 2018   #381
The sad thing is people will focus more on this coward and every media outlet instead of praising a martyr who sacrificed himself to save students -

Yep, the msm pounced right on it.

He was employee of the month as well...jeez
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Feb 2018   #382
Education is overrated anyway...

Well formal education kind of is.... depends what you study anyway
24 Feb 2018   #383
Can we get back ti discussing Poland rather that Shii-- Fourth World warzones...
24 Feb 2018   #384
let's waste a billion dollars to arm our teachers instead of implementing some basic gun control

It's the height of insanity as far as I can see, but I'm sure the gun nuts on here will be able to justify it to themselves, just as they try and justify the over 8000 gun homicides per year, yet rant on and on about Muslim terrorism......

As this latest shooting has proved, the fact that the armed school resource officer did not go in, nor the four deputies, only goes to show that despite having guns and training, one never knows how people will react in a situation like this. It is anything but normal to have armed teachers and if this goes ahead I'm wondering how long it will be till there are reports of teachers accidentally shooting students because they were thrust into a terrible situation and panicked. Of course there is always the chance that despite being armed, they might freeze and do nothing. Trumps argument is that presumably potential shooters will think twice about going into schools if teachers are armed, but in the case of those with mental health problems they are clearly not thinking rationally in the first place and probably realise they're not going to make it out alive. The Oregon community college shooter, for example, turned the gun on himself after killing 10 people.

Fact is, Poland does not need this BS. Ever.

No it doesn't and although this is yet another tragedy for America, it will at least ensure that Poland doesn't relax it's gun laws. No country in its right mind would want this sort of sh1te for its' citizens. I just wonder how high the human cost has to be before anything changes. The second amendment was supposed to allow Americans protection against their government, not for it to be used for modern day terrorism, because that's what this is.
SigSauer  4 | 377
24 Feb 2018   #385
As far as I can tell, no one on here is a "gun nut" whatever that is supposed to mean or be implied as a pejorative. There are, people like myself, who are responsible owners with all of our weapons, and who have extensive training in the employment of firearms. The spirit and purpose of the 2A is just as relevant today as it was in 1776. No government is immune from the path to tyranny, as we've seen several democracies this decade revert to strongmen dictators a'la Duterte and Erdogan.
24 Feb 2018   #386
Perhaps your rights to own firearms was needed in the past for a tyrannical government

The only reason you need a gun in America now is because it's a degenerate depraved sick society driven by greed and consumerism. Every sense of community is a virtue signal and you could not even trust your next door neighbor of two decades.

Soulless people without culture, without any sense of belonging totally sick people. Worship of the almighty dollar and blind patriotism is all they know.

You import millions of low-skill low IQ peoples prop up your pseudo king lives and created a giant underclass. You encourage and enable the elites of your society to subject the majority to a mundane meager boring life of misery. So most people are prepared on homicide or suicide.. That's the only reason anyone needs a gun in America
SigSauer  4 | 377
24 Feb 2018   #387

Yea, not really sure what you're on about, but you clearly haven't lived in America. My hometown is quite nice, an extremely low crime rate, high property values, and amazing schools.

To your second point. Do you want me to apologize for any of that? Because frankly I don't care, I support American hegemony and whatever is necessary for my people to continue to live better than other people. I think a lot has been done to bring the rest of the world out of poverty, and I'm on board with that, so long as it doesn't mean that Americans have to have less.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Feb 2018   #388
As this latest shooting has proved, the fact that the armed school resource officer did not go in, nor the four deputies,

Indeed. If armed professionals weren't able to catch him and take him out on the scene, what hope would the average teacher have?
johnny reb  49 | 7974
24 Feb 2018   #389
Because they were not professionals and at least the average teacher would have a fighting chance.
The S.W.A.T. teams are professionals in these cases.

I just wonder how high the human cost has to be before anything changes.

As long as you gun grabbers refuse to face the issue and debate it the longer it will go on.
It is not the guns fault, the gun is being used as a political pawn for the Left which is typical for the Left.
WE don't choose to have guns so YOU shouldn't be allowed to have one either mentality.

As far as I can tell, no one on here is a "gun nut" whatever that is supposed to mean or be implied as a pejorative.

Just another clueless foreigner that thinks they know what is best for America Sig.
I have an idea, let's turn this thread to the real issue to correct the problem since all these shooters have one thing in common....MENTAL ILLNESS !

All of them have been on mind altering anti depressants and anti anxiety medication.
All these prescription drugs have warnings on them not to operate machinery or drive a car because they may cause drowsiness yet none of them say, may cause hallucinations WHICH IS one of the side effects of these drugs.

Until the bleeding heart liberals understand that these mental patients should be placed in mental hospitals for their safety as well as the publics safety instead of having the rationalization that it violates their Constitutional Rights the problem is going to continue.

That's the problem, not the guns.
Like Sig, live in a very peaceful town where there is never any gun violence even though many people carry one.
Knives kill more people then guns do.
So back to my idea, let's compare and debate how Poland and the rest of Europe deal with their mentally ill population compared to how America deals with theirs.

That is the key component in these shootings.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
24 Feb 2018   #390
That's the only reason anyone needs a gun in America

Its true and it's quite sad. That's why I tell people to count their blessing that they don't need a gun in their country for self defense. Unfortunately, there's so many shootings here and cops aren't much help so it forces people who want to have at least a fighting chance to acquire guns. Gun control only makes it harder for those people to have that fighting chance should something happen. A lot of people would rather live in a society where you don't need to carry a gun in order to feel slightly safer - including myself as a person whos been shot at on two seperate occasions (thankfully not hit because black teenager gang members don't know how to aim let alone hold a pistol properly) and stabbed in the side over a bicycle when i was 13. This is one of the many reasons why I am relocating to Poland and will make that my primary residence. But alas it is what it is. The media focuses on school shootings because it combines the two things they hate most - white males and ar15s. THey dgaf about the kids one bit - not CNN, not FOX, none of them. If the media actually cared about reducing homicide rates they'd expose all the ghettos where people shoot each other every 2 minutes like my city and then brag about it online who they killed - while cops do NOTHING about it and only 20% of murders are cleared - actually only about 10% are solved as the other 10% are considered self defense/shooting by police/similar.

Home / Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun?

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