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Statistics of crime rates in Poland

johnny reb  49 | 8003
22 Jul 2023   #31
Another stat that surprised me, did you know that Poland hits the list at number #5 of the most sought-after countries in Europe to visit.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jul 2023   #32
Cities ranked for the best quality of life put Wroclaw Poland at 100th in the world.
World ranking: 100
Another gem is Western Poland's Wroclaw.
Formerly called Breslau until 1945.
Very near the capital, a side trip to Wroclaw means visiting a beautiful city too often overlooked and teeming with history, cafes and pretty little boutique shops.

Townspeople have come together in Market Square for generations.
This Gothic city center is covered in cobblestones and features a gorgeous town hall that has been converted into an art museum.
Alien  26 | 6528
23 Jul 2023   #33
World ranking: 100

Was it the last place on this list?
23 Jul 2023   #34
Cities ranked for the best quality of life put Wroclaw Poland at 100th in the world

What does it have to do with crime rates?
Alien  26 | 6528
23 Jul 2023   #35
have to do with crime rates?

There is a high quality of life where there is little crime and vice versa where there is a lot of crime there is a low quality of life.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
23 Jul 2023   #36
Was it the last place on this list?

No, no it was not, not by far.

What does it have to do with crime rates?

There is a high quality of life where there is little crime and vice versa

Thank you Alien, I couldn't have explained it better to her myself.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Mar 2024   #37
Right now, the intentional homicide rate for Poland is 0,7 and 0.9 for Ireland. Comparing it to prisoner statistics, one can suppose that many Irish murderers aren`t sentenced to prison.

Statistics of intentional homicide for other countries to compare: I have chosen the ones whose citizens frequent the Polish forum:

Norway 0.6
the USA 6.4. WOW!!!!
the UK 1.0
Australia 0.8
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Jul 2024   #38
Amasing! I have never seen a black person on a most wanted list in Poland. I have no idea what he did. The list of 200 felons applies to Lesser Poland voivodship.

  • 6683ae2dca0ed_o_xlar.jpg
mafketis  38 | 11263
11 Jul 2024   #39
never seen a black person on a most wanted list in Poland

The wonders of diversity!

There are at least two black guys, African from their names.... there might be more but I got tired of clicking.... both are wanted for/suspected of....

"Art. 258 § 1 Branie udziału w zorganizowanej grupie albo związku mających na celu popełnienie przestępstwa lub przestępstwa skarbowego"

"Taking part in an organized group or association aimed at committing a crime or a fiscal offence"
Alien  26 | 6528
11 Jul 2024   #40
Taking part in an organized group

Are they the ones sending you emails saying you just inherited $30 million?
Novichok  4 | 8682
11 Jul 2024   #41
at committing a crime or a fiscal offence"

Who writes this stuff? "Fiscal offence" is a subset of "crime". The same with przestępstwo lub przestępstwo skarbowe.
Novichok  4 | 8682
11 Jul 2024   #42
"Art. 258 § 1 Branie udziału w zorganizowanej grupie albo związku mających na celu popełnienie przestępstwa lub przestępstwa skarbowego"

How about:

Art. 1. Popelnienie przestempstwa indiwidualnie albo w grupie.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2025   #43
Our Novi`s activity in the forum reminds me of recent cases of senile citizens who make up incredible stories.
On the night from Saturday to Sunday, the emergency services from the Olsztyn district were put on alert after a dramatic report from a 73-year-old resident of the Dywity commune. The man, clearly upset, informed the dispatcher of the 112 emergency number that he had been the victim of a brutal attack. According to his account, he had been severely beaten with a shovel and needed immediate help.

The police and ambulance immediately went to the scene, but upon arrival at the address, officers and paramedics quickly realized that no attack had taken place. It turned out that the reporting person was under the influence and the whole story was just a figment of his imagination.

The elderly man had in fact only had a bad dream, which he seemed to have accepted as reality. After talking to the 73-year-old and thoroughly checking the circumstances of the incident, the services confirmed that there had been no assault. The man was fined PLN 500 for an unfounded call to the emergency services.

Ironside  51 | 13086
8 Feb 2025   #44
A man in Poland who was caught smuggling illegal alliens were sent to ten months in prison. So far it is the only one I know about.
I wonder what punishment awaits foreign smugglers, mostly they are Ukrainians.

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