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Startup with Blue Card or TRC in Poland?

4 Feb 2016   #1
Hello everyone,

Very happy TÅ‚usty Czwartek! :)

I have been living in Poland for quite sometime now and plan to extend my stay again with blue card or trc. I am more inclined toward Blue card (better respected) but before deciding on which card to apply I have doubts about following (I googled about it but found no specific info)

Can a blue card holder (working in Polish company with open end contract), do a startup in Poland. I am asking as googinfo suggested with blue card you should work only for particular employer...does that mean I can't be employed in my own startup as director or something?

So based on your knowledge, could you please suggest on which path (Blue card or TRC) would be better with startup in perspective?

thanks in advance! :)
sys_chaos  1 | 3
5 Feb 2016   #2
Or is this a flawed question?
Looker  - | 1129
5 Feb 2016   #3
In short - you can't do a startup in Poland basing only on the Blue Card. Besides, to obtain it, you still need to find an employer who would want to hire you. And it can't be a common job of let's say a driver or some teacher - the Blue Card is given only to people with an extraordinary skills, able to do an extraordinary job. Read more here:

What conditions must I fulfil to apply for an EU Blue Card?
You must prove that you have 'higher professional qualifications', either by showing a higher education qualification or by having at least five years of relevant professional experience;
You must work as a paid employee - the EU Blue Card does not apply to self-employed work or entrepreneurs

So TRC? But what is that? I don't recognize what it might be.

If you want to register your own business in Poland, some factors must be fulfilled: /conducting-business-activity-in-poland-by-foreigners.html
sys_chaos  1 | 3
5 Feb 2016   #4
Dear Looker...thanks for reply.

I am aware of the eligibility conditions for blue card. So the question remains, can a blue card holder (evidently not doing "common" driver/teacher job), do a startup in Poland? Can he be hired at two places (by blue card employer and his own startup company)?

By TRC I meant temporary residence card..may be I should have used TRP for clarity.

Thanks for the link but says nothing about blue card. Could you please suggest on the original question on Blue card vs TRP/TRC with startup in perspective.

thanks! :)
Looker  - | 1129
5 Feb 2016   #5
Can he be hired at two places (by blue card employer and his own startup company)?

No problem with that. In Poland you may have an regular job and be self employed at once - the only what matters is to paying taxes and ZUS contributions.

And the Blue Card has not much to do with registering own business in Poland so it can't be your 'base' to startup here.

On the first post you asked about prolongation of your stay in Poland. The "TRC" is required in that case, but extending Poland's visa is not an easy task: Prolongation_of_a_visa_in_Poland.html
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Feb 2016   #6
In Poland you may have an regular job and be self employed at once - the only what matters is to paying taxes and ZUS contributions.

No, that only applies to EU/EEA/CH nationals (and a few others, such as citizens of the European microstates and Americans). Others cannot be self employed in the Polish sense. They can start different forms of companies, such as a sp. z o.o.

The OP is most probably Indian, in which case, he can certainly have a startup, but the legal aspects are likely to be daunting.
sys_chaos  1 | 3
5 Feb 2016   #7
thanks Looker!...thanks delphiandomine!

Honestly, I am not looking for ways to extend my stay in Poland (my current job would suffice this until I am fired!). I am rather exploring a path where I can keep my job alongwith satiating my desire to experiment with a startup (I don't wish to die with boredom! :D)

Blue card sounds nice...but probably TRP has more degrees of freedom...I don't know which one would help me achieve aforementioned with lesser hassles. Anyways..

thanks again! :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Feb 2016   #8
Blue card sounds nice...but probably TRP has more degrees of freedom...

They're both the same in terms of what they allow you to do here.
Harry84  1 | 82
7 Feb 2016   #9
Blue card will be apply from the day of entering into Poland ?

I am planning to move to poland for next 1 year on high skill program i.e. on work permit visa.

So wanted to know that, shall i apply the blue card once i get the Work permit and residency permit in Poland ? or i need to stay some months in poland and then after i can ?
viral patel
10 Mar 2016   #10
Im a student in poland
But I want to move in Portugal
So cnn I apply for resedent permit in portugal
Harry84  1 | 82
12 Mar 2016   #11
Hi Viral,

I am not sure on this, but you can reach to Indian embassy in Poland so they will guide you on better way.


Hi sys_chaos,

Did you find the answer on your query ? if yes then can you share your knowledge .
Even I got confused which one should I apply Blue card or TRC.
Blue card eligibility is match with my current position but still wanted to know difference between BC and TRC.

Please suggest on this.
bakkalgazi  2 | 21
6 Jun 2017   #12

Blue Card or Normal Residence Permit

Hello everybody
I've just started to work in Poland and i try to understand differences among the residence permits. First of all i was sent a work permit and i applied for D-Type visa. Then i was given D-Type visa for 1 year. As i know, till my visa will expire, i can wait to apply for residence card. When we apply for residence permit, we can not leave Poland until it will be granted and i heard that it takes minimum 6 months to get it.

What about applying for Blue Card? It takes maximum 2 months to get it. And we can also have work permit for other Europen countries. Can someone please explain the situation for these work permits?

Thanks in advance.
Harry84  1 | 82
11 Jun 2017   #13

TRC and Blue card both process are same, blue card is just for high skill program,
Both will take same timeline, there will be no difference.

12 May 2019   #14
Hi- How about if someone worked in Poland for 3.5 years first card was Karta pobytu for 3 years and after that EU blue card roughly half a year, is person eligible to change job basis EU blue card, despite the fact EU card holder should have worked for 2 years, does prior work exp. count for karta pobytu?
12 May 2019   #15
No. You must work for 2 years on the basis of the blue card to be exempt from the need to apply for a new work permit when changing jobs.
19 Jan 2021   #16

Can I start my own online business while employed full time in Poland


I have a work permit to work in Poland but I would also like to run my own online business ( I'll be selling tangible goods) while being employed full time. I plan to apply for TRC after I move there. My question is after getting the TRC will I be able to register my own online business and be employed full-time
30 Mar 2021   #17
Hello Everyone.
I am first year student in Poland ,my visa is about to expire .How do i apply for a TRC?What is the procedure,where do i go and if anyone has contact details please assist me.Thank you in advance.

Home / Law / Startup with Blue Card or TRC in Poland?

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