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The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland?

NomadatNet  1 | 457
12 Feb 2011   #271
Robber: "Bang" Pain this!

Robber killed himself here? If not, he did worse than killing himself then if he is really poor.
Marek11111  9 | 807
12 Feb 2011   #272
there are one thing for sure arming average citizen bring down crime statistics as robbers do not know who has a gun.
smurf  38 | 1940
12 Feb 2011   #273
so that's why crime is so low in America. Eureka moment.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
12 Feb 2011   #274
robbers do not know who has a gun.

small (poor robbers) or big (government) robbers don't know who have guns? Who knows.. But, I know, definitely all robbers have guns.
convex  20 | 3928
12 Feb 2011   #275
so that's why crime is so low in America. Eureka moment.

In the areas with high gun ownership, you're right. There's your Eureka moment.
smurf  38 | 1940
12 Feb 2011   #276
I disagree.
Do you mean legal gun ownership or illegal gun ownership?
I seriously doubt that in areas where illegal gun ownership is high there's a low crime rate.
Marek11111  9 | 807
12 Feb 2011   #277
here is eureka for you

the best gun control and crime fighting programs are jobs a economical prosperity to all people.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 Feb 2011   #278
Ban knives:
Ban automobiles because drunk drivers kill people and themselves.
Ban (........pick your censored item of choice)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Feb 2011   #279
Ban knee jerk reactions to media hyped single events.
Our olympic pistol shooting team has to travel to mainland europe simply to practice .22 pistol shooting,range,about 15m......yet legaly I can own a 5 shot mosin nagant sniper rifle with PU scopes and hypotheticaly take out a target at 1km..........crazy UK gun laws.......
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 Feb 2011   #280
Our olympic pistol shooting team has to travel to mainland europe simply to practice .22 pistol shooting,range,about 15m..

This is off topic but I am most accurate with my Smith @ Wesson .22. A real fun gun to shoot and I'm always around the center target even distances past 100 feet. Of course, I prefer my high capacity Bersa Thunder Pro (9mm) for protection.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
14 Feb 2011   #281
I guess Im coming from the "combat shooting" angle then. If I had to STOP something(body) at 100 foot Id pick my 7.62 over your .22 any day of the week. But thats kinda hypothetical seeing as Im no longer licensed and the only rifle I still own(legally,licence free "antique".) is from the 1820s and Im quite attached to my face and hands thanks v much :)
Marek11111  9 | 807
14 Feb 2011   #282
100 foot a 33.33 yards a 31.33 miters for protecting I will choose my .357 magnum no need to have alternate version of events then my version.
9 mm it will stop but may not finish the job.
convex  20 | 3928
15 Feb 2011   #283
.357 is a great round to hunt with, too much penetration in my opinion for the urban environment. For any decent sized round, placement is power.

That should be taught over and over and over again. Shoot with what you're comfortable with, and shoot often to get comfortable with what you rely upon. .40 low recoil hydrashoks, yes please.

This is off topic but I am most accurate with my Smith @ Wesson .22.

I second that, was a great purchase.

Back to the original topic, there is no call for the right to own guns here...which is strange when you consider that whole "fear of the neighbors rolling in" thing...

An interesting little side note, the US has more gun laws on the book now than any other time in history.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
14 Apr 2011   #284
This video does not make a hollow point

People have a right to protect themselves - because the government cannot protect them and because the bad guys have the guns anyway.
gumishu  15 | 6230
8 May 2011   #285

after living in Poland for a couple of years you would probably conclude that you do not need a gun here
Koala  1 | 332
8 May 2011   #286
People have a right to protect themselves - because the government cannot protect them and because the bad guys have the guns anyway.

The "bad" guys have to belong to some organized crime organizations (mafia or at least a small gang). Because the access to guns is somewhat more difficult, you don't have any psycho waving a gun. Isn't it funny that all these famous mass shotouts in public places (schools etc) were either in the US or Germany?

I'd feel a lot LESS safe if I knew anyone on the street could have a gun. Besides, I'd have a very difficult time shooting someone, even if in self- or relative's defense.
Ogien  5 | 237
8 May 2011   #287
^In the US, it's incredibly easy to buy guns illegally.
17 Jul 2011   #288
Why do Polish immigrants disrespect America's 2nd amendment!?!

Most of the Polish immigrants I've met that come to our country have some strong distaste for the American right to own guns. Why is this?
teflcat  5 | 1024
17 Jul 2011   #289
Probably because they come from a country where it's very difficult to legally own a firearm. As a result, there are very few gun-related deaths here. I never even think about the possibility of my neighbour going nuts with a gun because it's highly unlikely he's got one. Kids don't get frisked or walk through a metal detector in schools. They don't even have security guards. Don't need them. I know it's the American way to have guns but here in Europe we prefer to forego the joy of having a Tech 9 or a Magnum for the sense of security that low gun ownership brings.
Marek11111  9 | 807
20 Jul 2011   #291
Poland needs to start issuing guns to every citizens just like Switzerland
guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #292
Excellent reply!

it makes sense only to the people who have obviously never been to the US. Just because we have someschools that actually did it in some ghetto areas, it doesn't meant that we have metal detectors everywhere here.

You guys always say that we don't travel and don't know much about Europe and now you both proved that you don't know much about the US.
20 Jul 2011   #293
Poland needs to start issuing guns to every citizens just like Switzerland

Poland doesn't need to do anything of the sort.

It sort of works in Switzerland because the Swiss are the most rule-bound nation on the planet. It's not a total disaster in America thanks to a well-equipped and ubiquitous police force, and has its roots in the founding years when there was no such police force, so there's some history there.

You weren't here in the mid-90s when a lot of people did have guns. Not nice. The rights of the many - not to get caught in the crossfire when some pisshead goes loco - outweigh the usually rather pretentious claims to freedom of the individual parrotted by the gun lobby, I'm afraid.

Or, to put it another way: in 1995 I was able to talk a paranoid ex-SB guy down from taking out me and everyone within 10 feet with a baseball bat. Would have been trickier if I'd been looking into the hot end of an AK-47. Would have been a whole lot f*cking worse if he had been, too.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
20 Jul 2011   #294
Just because we have some schools that actually did it in some ghetto areas, it doesn't meant that we have metal detectors everywhere here.

It is not about metal detectors.

But the more guns that a society has, the higher is the risk that people will get shot. If you dont have a gun, you cant shoot anybody.

It would be interesting to compare how many people get shot per million inhabitants in the US and Europe.

Even a non-criminal person can turn crazy for different reasons (alcohol, and many other reasons) That is another reason why people should not have guns.
20 Jul 2011   #295
It would be interesting to compare how many people get shot per million inhabitants in the US and Europe.


Poland: 0.29/100,000 (2002)
US: 15.22/100,000 (1993)

Go figure.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
20 Jul 2011   #296
WTF? That is just sick.

If both were compared in 2002, it would probably be even bigger difference.
20 Jul 2011   #297

And yes, there is a strong correlation between firearm deaths and the rates of intentional homicides (weapons-agnostic). Simply put: no gun probably equals no murder.
guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Jul 2011   #298
If you dont have a gun, you cant shoot anybody.

the only problem with what you just said is that in Europe (OK, in Germany and Poland for sure), it's relatively easy to buy a gun (illegally) if one really wants it.
20 Jul 2011   #299
Which, in general terms, we don't. And there's the key difference. In the European mindset a firearm is at best a necessary evil, and for most of us not even as good as that. It has never been seen as effectively a human right.

Where did you get the idea it's relatively easy to buy illegal weapons here? Relative to what?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
20 Jul 2011   #300
the only problem with what you just said is that in Europe (OK, in Germany and Poland for sure), it's relatively easy to buy a gun (illegally) if one really wants it.

Mostly criminal gangs have guns. And they usually shoot each other. You very seldome hear that ordinary people get shot by these persons.

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