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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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New Law regarding private VAT payers in Poland - a bank that has that product to open account?

Cargo pants  3 | 1425
27 Jan 2020   #1
Konto rozliczeniowe dla osób fizycznych zarejestrowanych jako czyni podatnicy Vat, nie prowadzący działalności gospodarczej, rozliczający się z US z najmu prywatnego

I went to uzad skarboway even they didnt have any answer,
Looker  - | 1129
27 Jan 2020   #2
Read this:
(first register for a free 24h access)
and probably you will understand.
I won't pretend to know anything about these matters, but it seems that you don't have to open any special business account...
OP Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Jan 2020   #3
Thanks man,as we dont have a company but have it on our personal names to save tax,they freaking make the laws without knowing how to get them implemented.

No bank opens personal individual bank account for VAT and the Uzad Skarbowe wants us to,.Fugin mess and my tenants are panicking.

Home / Law / New Law regarding private VAT payers in Poland - a bank that has that product to open account?

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