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Poland's Muzzle Law

johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jan 2020   #1
The 'Muzzle Law' proposed by legislation would give the government the power to fire and fine judges.
People are expressing fears that by defying EU law, the move in Poland would lead to Poland's eventual departure from the E.U.
The law was designed to further silence critical judges and prosecutors and stymie their independence.
I thought those days were over for Poland.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Jan 2020   #2
those days were over for Poland.

No. And the majority of people here don't care about freedom.
As long as they have their monkey and their cigarettes, they are happy. Or so it seems.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jan 2020   #3
the majority of people here don't care about freedom.

Communism must have really done a number on their head as in still shell shocked in fear.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Jan 2020   #4
It could be in reverse. I lived under communism and we were all politics, anti-communist, maybe careless and stupid, but not afraid.
Today, in a free and affluent Poland, people have no targets and no mission. To the well-off people, freedom of speech is like to me freedom to learn Chinese. No, thanks, I don't need it to go through another day. That is why every regime wants its subjects to be affluent just enough to keep them content and quiet.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
16 Jan 2020   #5
Concerning the current topic thread, I feel that there should be freedom of the press in any democratic society, this includes Poland, in which apparently one single "independent" judge has been harassed for wanting nothing more than to have the judicial system free from the constraints of the Sejm.

Imagine Trump dictating how he wants the bench to interpret the law.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jan 2020   #6
Back to Trump again are we........(puts face in his palms wondering how someone can be so thick while asking God for patience)
Trump dictates what the people who elected him wants him to do as should the elected leaders of Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
16 Jan 2020   #7
The question then remains as to why the electorate in either country want their rights slowly but surely taken away from them.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jan 2020   #8
Imagine Trump dictating how he wants the bench to interpret the law.

Thank goodness Teflon Trump would never do that.
Poland on the other hand fears critical judges and prosecutors.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Jan 2020   #9
Damn straight, fella!

And that plain stinks.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jan 2020   #10
I refer you to my earlier post. The electorate is too dumb to realise that their civil rights are being eroded, but believe the platitudes of their leaders. Like with the impending car insurance as an example, oh, this is yet another problem! So it's one less thing to worry about when the ruling party takes a controversial decision.

"Our government is taking care of business."
Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Jan 2020   #11
I refer you to my favorite Adlai Stevenson retort:

Woman: Senator, I believe every thinking man and woman should vote for you as president of the United States!

Stevenson: That's not enough, madam. I need a majority!

Hitchcock the director is credited with saying, "Actors are like cattle!"
So too, perhaps, the electorate:-)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Jan 2020   #12

Very witty Lyzko - apart from the fact that living in Poland in today's political climate is no laughing matter.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jan 2020   #13
No it's not Doug.
The result could be Poland exiting the EU.
mafketis  38 | 11276
17 Jan 2020   #14
"Actors are like cattle!"

Actually (according to Camille Paglia) what he said was more like 'actors should be treated like cattle'
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Jan 2020   #15
to further silence critical judges and prosecutor

you don't live here so you have no actual idea what is going on in Poland - as one of opposition MPs said in a leaked tape : 'judges won't harm us' - I guess you understand what that means
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jan 2020   #16
you don't live here so you have no actual idea what is going on in Poland -

How did you come to such an intimidating conclusion ?
You sound like Harry & delf now. lol

I guess you understand what that means

You guessed wrong.
Judges and law enforcement officers exposed in these recordings to restore dignity.
See, I don't have to live in Podunk to know what is going on there.
I have several Polish friends living in Poland also F.Y.I.
So put that in your Proud Polish Pipe and smoke it.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 Jan 2020   #17
Judges and law enforcement officers exposed in these recordings to restore dignity

please use English next time - it does not make sense

I live here, I watch TV in Polish, I read internet in Polish - and it is pretty obvious to me that most judges especially the top echelons are chums with the opposition - this was especially dire situation when presidents of courts (I don't know how to translate it better into English) assigned cases to particular judges to their liking

you rely on coverage in English language media which skims over the gist of the topic and are often written by POLISH journalists hostile to current government

I have several Polish friends living in Poland also F.Y.I.

your Polish friends are probably all opponenst of the current goverment
Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Jan 2020   #18
Same difference though, Maf, just different wording:-)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
17 Jan 2020   #19
I live here,

Some how I figured that one out.

your Polish friends are probably all opponenst of the current goverment

You may find it even more upsetting that I have friends that are opponents to my current government also.
I didn't mean to upset you gummy, I merely headed toward the direction that like Poland, the United States deals with the same frustrations.

Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution.

For example obama appointed the Liberal Federal Judges in California (just look at the mess there) and that is why the illegals coming from South and Central America take the route to cross the border in California, which is 800 miles farther then just crossing at the border in Texas where there are Conservative Federal Judges that Trump appointed.

They know the Liberal Judges will let them stay in some Sanctuary City while the Conservative Judges will send them back.
I have empathy for Poland to watch the same kind of corrupt Polytricks that makes the people tear their hair out.

Concerning the current topic thread,

LOL - You had three of your trolling posts in this thread sent to Random yesterday because they were totally Off - Topic and you didn't take the hint and came right back again with three more posts that add nothing to the thread what - so - ever and say, "Concerning this topic". Hoot !

WHY do you keep on doing this ?
Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Jan 2020   #20
Doing what, Johnny?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Feb 2020   #21
Today the puppet president signed the new law. Good. PiS will lose this way or another one day. All those guys who implement the unconstitutional solutions will be prosecuted. And this time there will be no mercy. I can`t wait. Pisiorki, they are coming for you soon..... :))
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2020   #22
Fortunately, the EU, through its proper institutions, is going ot make short work of all illegal decisions by PiS. In free Poland, today`s political criminals will be prosecuted and sentenced, while the oppressed ones will be rehabilitated and offered moral compensation and paybacks on salaries they were deprived of. I can`t wait. hahaha

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