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Marital abandonment laws in Poland

Piotr123  3 | 54
31 Aug 2020   #1
I was wondering if someone knows of the laws in Poland regarding marital abandonment? One website describe it as such:

"When one spouse just up and leaves the marriage, the other may have a fault ground for divorce -- abandonment, which is also known as desertion, a term with very unfavorable connotation.

Abandonment means that one spouse has left the other without consent, but like adultery proving desertion means more than that a person left home without the consent of the other spouse. Most states require that the defendant or respondent left home for a year or more; that the parties failed to agree about the departure; that plaintiff or petitioner failed to pay support; and that the departure was not caused by the plaintiff or petitioner."

How would the above situation be regarded by Polish law?
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2020   #2
Yes, marital abandonment is one of the reasons for a divorce and the leaving spouse`s fault.
27 May 2022   #3

What is the case when both agreed to divorce but one of the parties decided to ignore and stop responding to all messages? But you know that this person is active (I have her Instagram).

She said she would divorce but has stopped communicating.

Home / Law / Marital abandonment laws in Poland
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