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Help with custom Poland plates

27 Aug 2023   #1
Hi guys I work for company that is based in EU and I would need a little bit of help.
Is it possible to have custom or regular registration plates in Poland that look like this KACB0001 ( 4 letters and 4 numbers ) I don't know if there is any spacing between since in my job I don't use any spacing and dashes when entering vehicle plates.
Novichok  4 | 8732
28 Aug 2023   #2
Avoid "custom" plates like a plague. The best plates are those that are very hard to remember. Some want to impress the police and will report what they have noticed and remembered.

The same applies to shirts. Never wear a shirt with logos and slogans. One day, cops will be looking for you and that shirt will turn you in. Black and plain is what you want.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Aug 2023   #3
Avoid "custom" plates like a plague.

Exactly,also some people who have fancy frames around there number plates.Cops love to pull over them.

Is it possible to have custom or regular registration

One of my friends in Warsaw wanted that but they wont allow the first 2 or 3 numbers as they represent the district the car is registered at.

Use to be in US also when the cars starting with "Z" number plates meant a rented car,but they eliminated that cuz of carjackings.
jon357  72 | 23665
29 Aug 2023   #4
Is it possible to have custom or regular registration plates in Poland that

Vanity plates are relatively new in Poland. They do exist however they are sold in very limited numbers by state auctions and as far as I know fit the normal pattern of registration numbers.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Aug 2023   #5
they are sold in very limited numbers by state auctions

Must be a new thing cuz my friend who always have a number plates with oooo(zero)0 etc has to sell his cars with those plates.He just sold his X7 with those plates and had to pay for a new number with 7777 numbers for his S7 class.

Its kind of russian thingy same goes with them having cell numbers like that,honestly I care less about that.When in Yerewan for a wedding all those fancy cars from ruski land had those kinda fancy numbers.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Aug 2023   #6
cars from ruski land had those kinda fancy numbers.

LOL they kinda remind me of show off bragging Angelski teachur brits in Poland,except that ruskis have real moola.

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