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Not having a car insurance for a little while in Poland

ska  9 | 14
23 Aug 2016   #1

I have a car that has been registered and insured for the last 1 year. Now, the insurance renewal must be done now, but I'm going to be out of Poland for several months. I'm wondering if I can just postpone paying for a insurance renewal. So, I will have an uninsured car under my name for 6 months. Of course, when I come back and want to use the car, I will pay for an insurance. Is there any legal problem with this?

Thanks for info.
Looker  - | 1129
23 Aug 2016   #2
Of course it is a problem. Even if your car is not used, and registered, you have to pay insurance. The continuity of insurance must be preserved. The only way is to unregister it (but then impossible to re-register in Poland).
smurf  38 | 1940
23 Aug 2016   #3
I'm wondering if I can just postpone paying for a insurance renewal.

You can postpone the non-compulsory aspect, AC or OC, I always mix them up, call or email your company and sort it with them.
Doubtlessly you'll get differing opinions here because not everyone is insured by the same companies.

I wouldn't do it though, if your car is robbed or damaged you'll get nothing and Polish insurance is pretty cheap anyway, better safe than sorry imo
gumishu  15 | 6228
23 Aug 2016   #4
AC or OC

AC - Auto Casco - non-compulsory
OC -ubezpieczenie od Odpowiedzialności Cywilnej (odpowiedzialność cywilna = legal liability) - compulsory

odpowiedzialność cywilna = legal liability)

actually more like civil liability according to examples
23 Aug 2016   #5
Fine for not insured (OC) period longer than 2 weeks is 3700 zł, for sure insurance is cheaper ;)
gumishu  15 | 6228
23 Aug 2016   #6
I'm wondering if I can just postpone paying for a insurance renewal.

if you don't use a car there wouldn't be legal problems (if it safely parked especially on a private property) - but as Looker said the continuity must be preserved - so your company will demand from you the payment for all the time you haven't been in Poland - if you have the resources now just pay the OC (they usually want you to pay for half-a-year periods anyway)
terri  1 | 1661
24 Aug 2016   #7
The problem is that even if the car is parked on private property - there is always someone who may wish to 'borrow' it for a joyride. Would you be insure then?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Aug 2016   #8
TWOCing (taking without owners consent) means that the insurance would be null anyway surely.
kpc21  1 | 746
25 Aug 2016   #9
The problem is that even if the car is parked on private property - there is always someone who may wish to 'borrow' it for a joyride. Would you be insure then?

No, this is just a stupid rule to allow the insurance companies make more money.

But yes, it is so, there must be a continuity and you can get a big fine from the Insurance Guaranty Fund (UFG) otherwise. Unless the car is a bus or an old-timer (I am not sure about trucks), they can be de-registered temporarily.
8 Jan 2024   #10
I was out of Poland for 6months and my car insurance haven't been paid yet... and I got back to find they insurance company issued me some bills to pay...

My question is, if I don't have the money yet to pay and decide to pay later. Would it be a bigger problem?
Alien  26 | 6551
8 Jan 2024   #11
Would it be a bigger problem?

Driving an uninsured car is always a bigger problem.
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2024   #12
My question is, if I don't have the money yet to pay and decide to pay later.

You can delay but you mustn`t drive the car. If the police catch you, you will get a huge fine. If they see you are a foreigner without a permanent address, they can even arrest you and keep in cell until you pay everything. That`s what they do with foreign drivers stopped for road misconduct and fined.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
9 Jan 2024   #13
Always exceptionally dangerous to drive ANYWHERE without
at least minimal automobile insurance, especially as a foreigner
abroad. Bad idea.

Home / Law / Not having a car insurance for a little while in Poland

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