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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #211
Civilians with handguns?

No, jon357, with assault rifles sporting banana magazines taped together and handguns and frag grenades and some C-4 and mortars.

Jim just can't help being a jerk........

The coward Mr. Angry has been drinking again and wet himself. 🩲
jon357  72 | 23654
14 Apr 2024   #212
assault rifles sporting banana magazines taped together and handguns and frag grenades and some C-4 and mortars.

I'm sure the army in Poland know what they're doing with such matters.

Nobody would be stupid enough to let civilians have any of that at home in a country where vodka is the national drink.
Miloslaw  22 | 5207
14 Apr 2024   #213
I'm sure the army in Poland know what they're doing with such matters.

The Polish army are the biggest and best in Europe.

Nobody would be stupid enough to let civilians have any of that at home in a country where vodka is the national drink.

So true!!!!!!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024   #214
Nobody would be stupid enough to let civilians have any of that at home in a country where vodka is the national drink.

Now you are making some sense jon357.
I was thinking about how the Polish drive their cars drunk with no respect for others so I could only imagine putting a loaded gun in their hands.

The Polish army

Oh shut up and go to your bed !
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #215
Nobody here is advocating for that except several American posters

Americans are not advocating anything. I am asking questions to see if you, Euros, are able to think.

and mine does....

So what is your plan when you are upstairs and two azholes are breaking your front door?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #216
Civilians with handguns? Don't be a jerk.

Hey, stupid, a cop is a civilian with a handgun and badge...What do you think they are? AI Robocops?

So why do Polish cops have guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Apr 2024   #217
a cop is a civilian with a handgun and badge

Hey stupid. Police officers do not all have handguns.

So why do Polish cops have guns?

To shake down your daughter for their cut of her earnings that she keeps in her pussy purse.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #218
Hey stupid. Police officers do not all have handguns.

Hey, moron, I never said "all" so don't speak for me.

Do you want to play slippery faggot games? Fine.

Why do Polish cops who carry guns carry guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Apr 2024   #219
I never said "all" s

Nobody cares what you did or didn't 'say'...
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #220
Hey, stupid, why do Polish cops who carry guns carry guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Apr 2024   #221
Hey, stupid, why

Hey stupid, why do you think that repeating inane questions is more likely to get you an answer?

Run along and prepare your daughter's vinegar douche. She's due back from the lap dancing club in half an hour.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #222
Hey stupid, why do you think that repeating inane questions is more likely to get you an answer?

I will repeat it until I get the answer from somebody with brains. Clearly, it's not you so you can ignore it.

BTW, that BS of yours about civilians and guns was beneath even you.

So one more time: A cop is a civilian with a handgun and badge...many of them worse shots than civilians without badges who visit gun ranges regularly.

Memo to the defenseless Euro bootlickers and Lyzko: Cops are body counters, not your defenders, morons...By the time they show up, you are already dead. See Sydney massacre.

In that mall, if just one good guy had a gun...maybe the body count would be lower...

Back to my question:

Why do Polish cops who carry guns carry guns?

The answer: They have guns to be safe while arresting the guy who murdered you because you didn't.

Was it so hard, azhole?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #223
Was it so hard, azhole?

Now Novi, was that necessary ?

Just give us a break with trying to promote it for Europe. It's boring by now

Not Europe, just Poland.
As long as you keep responding with your defiance this thread will continue repeating itself with the same point counter points.
jon357 finally made a point that actually made sense however.

Nobody would be stupid enough to let civilians have any of that at home in a country where vodka is the national drink.

70% of Polish women have experienced some kind of domestic violence.
I agree that it wouldn't be wise to allow these violent drunks to own a gun in their homes.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Apr 2024   #224
70% of Polish women have experienced some kind of domestic violence

And you think easy availability of guns would lessen that?

Or get them shot.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
15 Apr 2024   #225
Why are Polish men such petty, insecure wimps that depend on beating women to fix their pride? I have been arrested 3 times for beating up sad excuses for men who had the stupidity to strike women in my presence. 2 got hospitalized. Hit a woman or girl in my presence and you will be my biatch.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Apr 2024   #226
have been arrested 3 times for beating

Men shouldn't be beaten either.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Apr 2024   #227
Hit a woman or girl in my presence and you will be my biatch.

Good for you. You did the right thing.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #228
Now Novi, was that necessary ?

That's my natural reaction to azholes who play stupid games with me. When I am asking a simple question, I expect a simple answer, not some cute crap to annoy me. My gun question was justified and simple to answer.

And you think easy availability of guns would lessen that?

Hey, stupid, domestic violence doesn't need guns. Fists and kitchen knives are more than enough. How about suffocating a woman with bare hands or a pillow? Are hands and pillows legal in Poland? How about telephone cord? Are phones legal?

What a moron...
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #229
One more thing...Any moron here who mentions my family is my enemy forever...I will use every oppo to get even with the pos.
mafketis  38 | 11260
15 Apr 2024   #230
Any moron here who mentions my family is my enemy forever..

What? You were being friendly before?
Ironside  51 | 13083
15 Apr 2024   #231
Hit a woman or girl in my presence and you will be my biatch.

or not, I see you are not for Equality?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 Apr 2024   #232
What? You were being friendly before?

In my entire PF life I never went for another poster's wife or kids. I am fair game so fire away...and I wll give you 10x...but will leave your family alone.

If I did in the past, I apologize.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
15 Apr 2024   #233
Gun nuts like to fantasize about how they'd use their guns to heroically defend their families against intruders. Leaving aside how statistically unlikely such invasions are and how difficult it would be for trained professionals to act appropiately, let alone amateurs (which most of them). The ugly reality is that not only are they more likely to use those weapons to kill themselves or harm family members, but those family members may also (intentionally or accidentally) misuse those guns. Particulary children:

California toddler kills 1-year-old sister with handgun found in home, police say

Gun-related deaths have become a mayor cause of death for children and young adults

I am sure that is one thing from the USA no one in Poland is interested in adopting.... .

So if you love your family and want to keep them safe, you should throw your gun away immediately. If you need them for work/hunting, keep them in a secure, locked box.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #234
If you need them for work/hunting, keep them in a secure, locked box.

How about for personal defense ?
Should those be unloaded and locked up in my pocket when I go to the big Black city ?

Gun nuts like to fantasize about how they'd use their guns to heroically defend their families against intruders.

Now I agree with that 100% as many times I sit here shaking my head in disbelief after reading some of these John Wayne posts.
First of all when you are in a fire fight inside a home the sound of a gunshot is deafening, not like a in a soundproof shooting range, and third of all there is a huge difference between shooting at paper targets and a moving human being shooting back at you.

These armchair t.v. warriors are clueless to a real-life situation and would most likely **** their pants if they ever had to use their weapon against a bad guy that had little fear.

I have tried to explain this before here but of course the ones that it was directed at refused to get it followed by what a bad ass they are with their new shiny gun.

With that said Tacitus, I agree, well over 80% of the gun owners in America are not trained and should not be allowed to carry one and at least 50% should not be allowed to have a weapon in their home. IMO

See in rural America we are brought up with guns and are taught safety, how to load and unload, never point a gun at anyone and treat a gun like it is always loaded whether it is or not.

We go out hunting and target practice a lot while city folks are never exposed to any of that from childhood which is another big difference.

Chapter 2 next week.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Apr 2024   #235
go to the big Black city ?

Why are you going there?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Apr 2024   #236
I enjoy going to the Detroit Tigers baseball games and fly out of the Metropolitan airport there.
Many other reasons too, however, I try to avoid that jungle as much as possible.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
16 Apr 2024   #237
It is like flipping a switch. My own mother was killed by a man who followed her home from the battered Women Shelter in St.Johns , NL where she worked
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Apr 2024   #238
Are hands and pillows legal in Poland?

Not to kill people with.

I am sure that is one thing from the USA no one in Poland is interested in adopting.... .

They never quite grasp that people outside their culture don't want guns.
dannytoro1  5 | 102
16 Apr 2024   #239
We have friendly fun family gun outings all the time with nary an incident. Many gun grabber claims are deeply rooted in emotion driven hyperbole; not factual at all.

One of my 8 year old granddaughters has already bagged 3 deer with her .243 Winchester single shot. She handles her gun with abundant caution built in safe firearms practices.

I encourage all to get legitimate training and decide for themselves. Many former anti-gun folks have become gun owners on my watch. Before you know it they are fixtures at ranges and turkey shoots.
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Apr 2024   #240
friendly fun family gun outings

In which country?

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