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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Apr 2024   #121
We're happy

Oh, so now you are Polish.
No jon357, you're an expat

Just don't try to push it on us.

Nobody is pushing guns on you, we are just trying to enlighten you on the subject.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
11 Apr 2024   #122
we are just trying to enlighten you on the subject.

...and waiting for what to do when two mean dudes invade my house at 2 am...
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Apr 2024   #123
US will be

Whatever it will be or won't be has nothing to do with Poland.

Oh, so now you are Polish

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
11 Apr 2024   #124
If you lived here

If I lived in America, I would have a gun.But you have to ask yourself the question why I don't feel I need one in the UK or Poland.

You Eurps have been told a hundred times now that the gun crime in America happens in ten of the biggest cities in America that are all Liberal Democratic

This is true.So why do people like you, who don't live in those cities still feel the need to have a gun?

We've explained this to them a hundred times already however they are brain dead to the facts.

I'll throw that straight back at you..........

I am still waiting for the first carjacking by a white guy in Chicago.

Oh, I see now, it's all about the blacks.......

Urban gangs (overwhelmingly black and latino)

So now it's all about blacks and latinos......

Don't you also need to control for large scale gun massacres

OP Novichok  4 | 8696
11 Apr 2024   #125
But you have to ask yourself the question why I don't feel I need one in the UK or Poland.

I don't have to because there are no home invasions in the UK and Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #126
who don't live in those cities still feel the need to have a gun?

You must have missed it

I never go to a big Black city without my huckleberry strapped on.

That's why I feel the need to own one plus I like to target practice, plus I like to hunt and kill animals that I enjoy eating, plus I sleep better knowing I have a fighting chance against a home invasion, plus if you don't feel the need to own one then don't but don't tell me because you don't want a gun that I can't have one either.

Thats Liberal Logic
This is on post #2365 in this thread and no matter how it is put to you Liberal Woke's you will repeat yourselves over and over with the same, I don't want a gun so you can't have one either b.s.

As a responsible law abiding citizen it is my God given right to be able to protect myself from lethal dangers by any means possible.

With that said, We can now close this thread
If you don't want a gun, don't get one. Simple
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #127
I read somewhere that begging to be spared works as well as shooting the intruder. He is a good guy who just made a mistake...

Also...Cops do not protect. They just come over to count the bodies and write a report. This makes me feel so much better...
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #128
don't feel I need one in the UK or Poland.

Some of them here are only talking about America. They don't grasp that European cultures are different and are not interested in doing the same as them.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #129
They don't grasp that European cultures are different and are not interested in doing the same as them.

We know very well that European cultures are different...Here are your achievements:

1. Feudalism
2. Colonialism
3. Totalitarianism
4. Dictatorships
5. Fascism
6. Communism
7. WW1
8. WW2
9. Gulags
10. Death camps
11. Holocaust
12. NKVD
13. Gestapo
14. Hate speech
15. Islamization

Not necessarily in any special order. You can sort it yourself if you wish.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #130
now it's all about blacks and latinos......

They're the ones overwhelmingly responsible for gun crime... why pretend otherwise?

Who's overwhelmingly responsible for knife crime in the UK?

here's an example of black criminals attacking an Asian-owned business (nb in the US 'Asian' means East Asia not South Asia)

Good thing the owner had a gun...
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #131
Here are your achievements:

There's nothing wrong with feudalism or colonialism and what you stupidly call 'islamisation' doesn't exist. The others are all things that derive from nihilistic conservatism.

They're the ones


And like 'novichok' and Jim, you're talking about America. Have you ever heard Poles, German, Brits, French, Dutch etc advocating for type of gun culture that e it's across the Atlantic? Maybe some nutter in a gym who has fantasies about violence however such people generally struggle to say why they'd want it.

The laws regarding guns in Poland are fine as they are.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #132

Yes blacks and latinos are people and they are overwhelmingly responsible for gun violence in the US. What good does feigning ignorance of that do?

It's my understanding that blacks are overwhelmingly responsible for knife violence in the UK.... is that not right?

laws regarding guns in Poland are fine as they are

What about Sweden?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #133
overwhelmingly responsible for gun violence in the US

Isn't it the easy availability of weapons there the factor that is "overwhelmingly responsible"?

That and shocking socioeconomic inequalities.

What about Sweden?

What about it? Sweden isn't Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #134
Isn't it the easy availability of weapons there the factor that is "overwhelmingly responsible"?

No. Whites are over-represented in gun ownership but under-represented in gun crime... (except maybe suicide among older men).

That and shocking socioeconomic inequalities.

Chicken or egg? From some time in the mid-1970s to the early 1980s the 'Black' economy was growing faster than the 'White' economy.

Then crack cocaine happened which revitalized gangs and wiped out decades of economic progress in a few years. Unless you believe the conspiracy that crack cocaine was a CIA plot to immiserate US blacks the effects of the crack cocain epidemic are on the choices made by Blacks themselves.

Now you have niwits going around preaching the idea that ideas like 'punctuality' 'reliability' 'conscientiousness' (and other values necessary for success) are rooted in 'white supremacy' so.... chicken or egg. Do Blacks commit more crime because they're poor or are they poor because they do so much crime?

What about it? Sweden isn't Poland.

How much longer before armed gangs (mostly with a 'migration background') are shooting Polish people in Poland?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #135
Whites are over-represented in gun ownership but under-represented in gun crime

That's still about availability of guns. If an ordinary person needs a firearm to protect themself, something is seriously wrong.

the 'Black' economy was growing faster than the 'White' economy.

Good, given the crap they've had to put up with for generations. And perhaps that perceived difference between communities is partly to blame for high crime rates.

How much longer before armed gangs (mostly with a 'migration background') are shooting Polish people in Poland?

How much longer before the sky falls in? As you and I both know, Poland as a country isn't high on trust however I'd wager that 99.9% do not fear "armed gangs".
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #136
The laws regarding guns in Poland are fine as they are.

The laws regarding guns in the US are fine as long as they are in the hands of white people. See New Hampshire.
When guns are in the hands of black people, bad things happen. See Washington, DC.

The mystery: Why cops in Poland carry guns.
mafketis  38 | 11263
12 Apr 2024   #137
Good, given the crap they've had to put up with for generations

Well the economic progress is largely over. There's still a Black middle class (has been since the 1870s or so) but the percentage of welfare-dependent ghetto blacks has increased.... the problem is that no one, including middle class Blacks wants to be around them (for good reason). it has been said that one of the worst aspects of being poor and black in the US is that you spend a lot of time around poor black Americans and.... that's not fun.

If an ordinary person needs a firearm to protect themself, something is seriously wrong.

That's not why most people have them. Lots of people in America just.... like guns. They're fun to shoot and clean and take care of and fun to think about and fun to collect. It's not generally publicized but Steven Spielberg is a very big gun enthusiast (who began with skeet shooting).

Self-defense is more a rationalization that people use when talking to those who aren't gun crazy. I'm not a gun nut but I realize the appeal. I recently had a foreign student who was _thrilled_ to find out that there are shooting ranges in Poland and he got to live out a long term dream of shooting a gun.

Rural white who hunt also have lots of guns.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #138
Hey, jon, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024   #139
Good question Novi since these Liberal Woke's claim there is no violent crime in Poland.
Alien  26 | 6532
12 Apr 2024   #140
why do cops in Poland carry guns?

Some even carry grenade launchers.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #141
Lots of people in America just.... like guns

This just seems weird. I'm from the countryside myself and have used guns often enough, most recently an AK47 last year however there are more enjoyable ways to spend time. There's something fundamentally unhealthy about enjoying them.

Self-defense is more a rationalization that people use when talking to those who aren't gun crazy

This does make sense. Some people just live in a permanent state of semi fear.

Rural white who hunt also have lots of guns.

If people hunt to eat, there's some justification. Not that it's necessary for people in developed countries.

So much of this thread is certain posters from America who privately know that their point of view is wrong and having seen their own society become dangerous through gun crime think that other countries should make the same mistake.

In Polandd we're happy with our gun laws. Why would we want to change them for something worse?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #142
Hey, jon, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #143
Why not answer your own question?

Especially since no police officer in Poland would expect a criminal to have a firearm.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #144
I am not in Poland. I am in the US so I know why US cops carry theirs.

So, in your opinion, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #145
I am not in Poland

So there you go.

In Europe, things are different.

And asking pointless questions repeatedly will get you nowhere.

You could equally ask why police officers in the U.K. don't carry guns or why most police officers in Poland have never fired or pointed theirs.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #146
So, in your opinion, why do cops in Poland carry guns?
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #147
So, in your opinion, why do you think repeating a pointlessly inane question increases your chance of not being ignored as you deserve to be?
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #148
Memo to all: For the first time in the history of PF, jon does not have opinion.
My 10-year-old granddaughter knows why American cops carry guns. Jon is clueless or shy...

...or he knows but won't say because if he did, he would be admitting that wasted all that time fvcking with our brains...lying his ass off to push his idiotic anti-gun agenda...

So, jonnie boy, in your opinion, why do cops in Poland carry guns?

why do you think repeating a pointlessly inane question

That question, little boy, is a nailer. It's in the check-mate category and you know it. And so does everybody else here.
The reason why you didn't answer it is that you, just like the rest of Euroscum here, are just another obedient Euro bootlicker.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Apr 2024   #149
Memo to all

Memo to all. Being a full time troll is so boring for you that you write weird shìt.
OP Novichok  4 | 8696
12 Apr 2024   #150
for you that you write weird shìt.

Why do cops in Poland carry guns?

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