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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

Alien  26 | 6527
5 May 2024   #571
let's call it very late abortion...

Which one do you support or what?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 May 2024   #572
Did you know........
Under the rule of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union enforced laws to eliminate private gun possession, contributing to the deaths of around 20 million individuals.
The confiscation of guns, facilitated by compulsory registration, was a significant factor in this horrific tragedy.

Hugo Chávez in Venezuela enforced gun control policies that resulted in the seizure of firearms and a rise in violence.
The disarmed population was powerless against government suppression, ultimately contributing to the nation's economic downfall and erosion of civil rights.

During the era of Nazi Germany, gun control legislation specifically aimed at Jewish individuals resulted in the confiscation of their firearms.
Subsequently, they were subjected to forced labor camps and systematic extermination, leading to the tragic deaths of approximately 6 million Jews.

And back when the Yanks sent the Brits packin' back for home the flintlock was the assault rifle.

Owning a firearm is a God given right for self-preservation and Poland better get with it before it is to late again..
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
7 May 2024   #573
Owning a firearm is a God given right for self-preservation

Hey, dumb Polaks, what is you plan when two drunk scumbags invade your home to get money from you and pussy from your daughter?

Start with:

1. Beg
2. Pray
3. This happens only to other people
If 1, 2, and 3 don't work. what's 4 and beyond...

What a bunch of morons...

Please skip throwing hot water or a sandwich at the bums...
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 May 2024   #574
what is you plan when two drunk scumbags invade your home

this just doesn't happen that much in Poland, for some reason
jon357  72 | 23654
7 May 2024   #575
I've never heard of it happening either in Poland or in the U.K.

If random drunks turn up, who would let them in?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
7 May 2024   #576
this just doesn't happen that much in Poland, for some reason

Many things don't happen much. Your own death doesn't happen often but we make plans for it.
So what is step 4 if a violent azhole or two invades your home?
jon357  72 | 23654
7 May 2024   #577
if a violent azhole or two invades your home?

How would they "invade" your home?
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 May 2024   #578
Your own death doesn't happen often but we make plans for it.

I can assure you that things you described don't happen in Poland (like jon said - I haven't heard of such incidents in Poland, either - unless we are talking about some war scenario -tfu tfu) - so yeah your comparison does not really make sense here in Poland

ok. after some thought: there used to be such things in Poland back in the 90's (abductions, gunpoint robberies) and early 2000's - however I haven't heard of any such occurence in the last 10-15 years (unless it was some gang violence but even gang violence is much lower than 15-20 years ago)
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
7 May 2024   #579
I haven't heard of such incidents in Poland, either

Are you a child?
Bottom line: Poland has no rapes, murders, and home robberies. Lucky you...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 May 2024   #580
And if a family dog or pet needs to be euthanized because it got hit by a car or suffering it is more humane to hit them in the head with a hammer a couple of times or hang them than it is to shoot them in the head and kill them instantly.

Just another way to use a gun as a tool.
jon357  72 | 23654
8 May 2024   #581
needs to be euthanized

Most of the world manages such matters without a collection of guns.

Even in those few places with gun proliferation, people don't have them with them 24/7 in case they need to kill doggies.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
8 May 2024   #582
I have that decision to make soon JR and I thought I might do it at the vets with some injections.

Certainly would be less mess than blasting my cat's brains out on the driveway.
Alien  26 | 6527
8 May 2024   #583
cat's brains out on the driveway.

In Germany, shooting a pet, even a sick one, is probably a punishable offense. That's what vets are for.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
8 May 2024   #584
Either you have rapes, murders, and home robberies where you live or you don't.

If you don't because you live in Europe, you don't need guns.

We have rapes, murders, and home robberies so we need guns.

It's that simple. Case closed.
Feniks  2 | 857
14 May 2024   #585
The most sensible plan is to carry a small one on you all the time

Didn't help Senior Airman Roger Fortson who opened his front door only to be shot dead by a Florida deputy who went to the wrong apartment.

If you think that was a one-off, think again.

Robert Dotson was fatally shot when the police went to the wrong house:

Guess keeping oneself armed at all times isn't the safest or most sensible option............

Women are idiots to begin with and it gets progressively worse as they grow older.

Tell it to your wife, daughters and granddaughters.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #586
Didn't help Senior Airman Roger Fortson who opened his front door only to be shot dead by a Florida deputy who went to the wrong apartment.

Are you stupid or just playing one? Are you saying that cops in the US should not be armed because humans make errors?

Tell it to your wife, daughters and granddaughters.

They never said that men and women are equal.
The decision not to be armed was made in spite of statistics, not because of statistics.

To say "I will not be armed because home invasions are rare" is beyond moronic. See Europe...

I am prepared to die if my luck runs out because I didn't have a gun when it was desperately needed is what some sane adults say. I am not one of them.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
15 May 2024   #587
With this airman it shows the circle of accidents

He went to get his gun because he thought he was under an armed home invasion (logical as the invader might be armed)

The police at the wrong apartment saw he had a gun and shot him, to kill, not just to disable.

I can not think of a single time in Poland when the police have entered the wrong home and shot a man dead
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2024   #588
If you think that was a one-off, think again.

It just keeps on happening again and again.

They've made their bed and are lying in it. Thank God we don't have their gun ownership rules in Europe.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2024   #589
Thank God we don't have their gun ownership rules in Europe.

I agree, your road rage would take a very high toll of gun related shootings not to mention your out-of-control hooligans at your stupid football games.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2024   #590
Things like road rage and sports/politica violence and street crime are a very good reason not to have guns available.

After all, nobody in a developed societry would want the problems that Americans seem to tolerate.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2024   #591
After all, nobody in a developed societry would want the problems that Americans seem to tolerate.


Britain is no better jon357 with knives being the weapon of choice there.
(So primitive) 😟
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2024   #592
Britain is no better

It is, since our murder rate is much lower than yours.

Good to see you reading a left wing newspaper though. It might improve your ethical standards.

Though I doubt you'll get access to the media when you're back in prison.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 May 2024   #593
It is, since our murder rate is much lower than yours.

So you are implying that knives are not as deadly as guns ?

It might improve your ethical standards.

No hope jon357, I will never cave to what you think is ethical Woke bullshit.

when you're back in prison.

Speaking of your pet lacky Lazarus, where has he been ?
Did he break probation and get thrown back in the pokey again ?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2024   #594
So you are implying

So you are trying to imply that your murder and gun crime rate isn't far higher than Europe's?

As you were told, we don't want your gun problems. People in both Poland and the U.K. are happy with the gun laws as they are now.


The sad thing is that although Lazarus is telling the grim truth about your past, present and future, you try to spread silly lies.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #595
So you are trying to imply that your murder and gun crime rate isn't far higher than Europe's?

We ar

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #596
So you are trying to imply that your murder and gun crime rate isn't far higher

We are not implying. No abuse please.

We are telling you that the murder rate in white America is actually lower than in fascist Europe. Want proof?

We are not responsible for what your beloved Africans do. They are low-IQ subhumans to start with. See their rape statistics.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 May 2024   #597
We are not implying

You're trying to. And failing.

The murder rate in Poland is very low, as you've been told already. In the U.K. it's not much different from PL.

Yours is astronomical.

One reason among many that we don't want your problems.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #598
Do you want proof or not?
Lenka  5 | 3548
15 May 2024   #599
We are telling you that the murder rate in white America

Believe it or not but we do have different races in Europe.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
15 May 2024   #600
I don't have to believe you. I know...and that's why Sweden is now in the top 4 on the list of countries with the highest rape rates...hahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Those Swedish broads must like Somali dicks...they are so quiet about it...

This is why Poland is petrified about open EU borders that allow the black Muslim garbage to travel and sample white vaginas all over Europe. Did they sample yours?

Luckily for faggots, they are not on the Muslim menu...

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
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