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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #541
Europeans and Americans will never agree on guns

The difference between that woman in Post 2774 in the US and the same woman in the UK or Poland is that in the US she was able to defend herself.

In Europe, she would not.

What is your plan?

Before you answer...That scumbag didn't have a gun so don't say that you are not afraid because your scumbags don't have guns.

Also, don't mention statistics. When an invasion is in progress, stats don't matter.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #542
From that fascist shythole known as New Zealand:

"The law does not permit the possession of firearms 'in anticipation' that a firearm may need to be used in self-defence."

This kind of crap leaves Americans speechless...Only the gov goons can defend you...The problem: these mother fvckers are not next to me when I need defending. Mr Smith and Mr. Wesson are,
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #543
Great, stay were you are then and leave us alone. Let us do our laws the way we want them.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #544
Let us do our laws the way we want them.

"We"? Don't make me laugh...The laws you have are what your ruling mob shoved down your bootlicking throats.

What is your plan?

Just don't tell me you have no home invasions.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #545
The laws you have are what your ruling mob shoved down your bootlicking throats.

Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #546
Watch that video and tel me your plan. Then, we can discuss all the polls you want.
In that video, the woman inside had 15 seconds to decide to either read the polls or grab her gun.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #547
She can also throw something heavy or hot at him, get out the back etc.

But again, it's not your business what citizens of Poland or any European country would do as it's up to them and not you.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #548
In 2783, I asked about YOUR plan.

She can also throw something heavy or hot at him, get out the back etc.

What object? She throws it and now what?

Also, she has kids. "Excuse me,sir, but I need to go upstairs to collect my kids and run for the back door".

Would that be part of your plan?
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #549
I answered. Your turn now.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #550
If throwing an object at a guy is your plan you are a moron.

Actually, a raped and dead moron.

The woman in the video threw a better object: a bullet.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #551
If you managed to throw something heavy onto his head, it's not. Boiling water would seriously harm him too.

Not to mentione most burglars have no intention of killing and rapping everyone inside but just want to steal stuff. The average of stolen goods during a robbery is around $2000.

You still didn't answer my question.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #552
Don't feel bad. Women are idiots to begin with and it gets progressively worse as they grow older.

Feminists' main lie is that women are equal and can do what men can except better. When self-defense against drugged-up morons who want their vaginas and smartphones is discussed, women, just like you, have no rational response.

The problem is that women can't see reality, only its idealized version. The concept of the worst-case scenario is foreign to them. That's why even in the US, women look at guns the way men look at their pukes from last night and black mumba combined.

To them, bad things happen only to others. They are robbed and raped...not me.

BTW, the gunless UK has twice the number of home invasions as the US. The single worst is New Zealand with its 1350 per 100k per year.

Coincidently, that fascist shythole does not allow its citizens to own guns for self-protection. The US does and that's why we have one quarter of home invasions at 370 per year.
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #553
Have an answer to my question or still thinking?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #554
2790 has no questions.

Did you watch that video?
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #555
Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #556
Not to mentione most burglars have no intention of killing and rapping everyone inside but just want to steal stuff.

"Most" is not enough because you never talked to them and you are clueless how many are "most".

Some steal kids for sale. There are cases where some bit*ch cut a pregnant woman open to remove the unborn child and run.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #557
Why then all the polls show the lack of support

I don't give fvck about statistics because I am not in the business if designing societies. You can discuss statistics with Tacitus.

My only interest is in what to do after two azholes break into my house.

I have a plan. You don't.

BTW, since your idiotic plan involves hot water, keep it boiling 24/7. Trust me...they will not wait for you to get a pot, fill it with water, turn the gas on, and wait until you see bubbles.

Is every Polish woman a moron?

How about just saying: I will submit to the invaders' plan. Stupid but at least honest. Hot water? What an idiot...
Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #558
Still no answer to my question?

I have a plan. You don't.

I gave you 3 options to your question. You didn't answer mine at all.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #559
One more stupid than the next.
We answer questions, not statements.
There was no question in your post. Questions end with ?
Alien  26 | 6527
3 May 2024   #560
One more stupid than the next

Or maybe they are only adapted to the recipient's level?
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #561
Fvck off...with your maybe questions. Think shyt through and post it when it's ready.
Alien  26 | 6527
3 May 2024   #562
maybe questions.

Yes, now I am sure that the answers were adapted to the level of the recipient.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 May 2024   #563

fascist shythole

some bit*ch cut a pregnant woman open

Is every Polish woman a moron?

Fvck off

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Lenka  5 | 3548
3 May 2024   #564
There was no question in your post. Questions end with ?

Post 2784:

Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?

Repeated in post 2794:

Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?

My answers may not be to your liking (and I will admit trying to drop something heavy on the guys head from first floor is not the best option) but it is something one could try. The video you showed seemed to be during the day while I would be very likely to have a kettle or pan full of hot water. I also have a mental escape route from any place on my house ( thinking of fires).

And with a gun you may miss as well.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #565
Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #566
Why then all the polls show the lack of support for it and people didn't vote for the party that wanted relaxing the law?

Why are you asking me? I wasn't there. Plus, your question was not in good faith. You assumed the role of a patronizing teacher since, by implication, you already know the answer.

What is really strange is that you didn't ask me what MY plan is. The simple explanation of this mystery is that you know that my answer would reveal how idiotic yours is...Hot water...sure... What an idiot...

I would be very likely to have a kettle or pan full of hot water.

Please don't try to prove you are an idiot again and again...I already know that you are.

Now, for a change, try two guys...Do you usually boil two pots?

And with a gun you may miss as well.

No, I won't. Only in the stupid Lifetime movies made for stupid women, the hero fires once.

This is how men with brains do it here;

Customer shoots and kills armed robber in Houston taco shop

You should have told that customer about the statistics...He would reconsider...maybe...
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
3 May 2024   #567
Yes, now I am sure that the answers were adapted to the level of the recipient.

Here is mine adapted to you: Fvck off.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
4 May 2024   #568
If men "love" guns, women should adore theirs for being better equalizers than burning a bra.

A 14-year-old girl with an AR-15 or a Glock can win against the biggest azhole ever with a knife.

Except in Europe.

In Europe, she would shoot herself three times before hitting the creep because some moron in the Ministry of Safe Things decided that guns are not safe for children.
Alien  26 | 6527
4 May 2024   #569
Fvck off.

Was this supposed to be 'good night'? Work on your spelling.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
4 May 2024   #570
When it's fun killing children...

Juveniles -- 13 and 11 -- shot by man they attempted to rob at gunpoint, NOPD says

I am so upset that the homeowner didn't kill these bastards...

OK, let's call it very late abortion...

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
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