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Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?

OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #301
She was on his lawn.

No, moron. They were both on the sidewalk. Sidewalk belongs to the city, not home.

Intent is not enough to kill. Actual invasion may be and then only if you have a reason to believe you are under an immediate threat of bodily injury or death. Duh!

When the person inside the house is leaving and the homeowner shoots him, the homeowner will be going down for murder.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Apr 2024   #302
He was absolutely in danger - she was a lunatic cab driver.

The guy deserves a medal, not a felony charge. One less Uber criminal in Ohio
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #303
Now can you leave us alone to decide what gun laws we want?

I am not trying to tell you what gun laws you should have. I am just enjoying the realization that the Americans here - JR, PAK and me - are of one opinion and you, Euros, are bootlicking slime but still smart enough to keep DC on speed dial. You know...those damn raping Russkies...

Something you didn't know...In the woke US cities like Portland, we have three emergency numbers: 911 to call cops with guns, 811 when we want social workers without guns, and 69 for a blow job...
Lenka  5 | 3548
18 Apr 2024   #304
Then take it to your USA thread and stop boring us.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
18 Apr 2024   #305
Call me paranoid and weak? I promise you would never say that to my face.

As for Deer, the average Polish Roe Deer is half that of the average White Tail. Poland has about a half million of these in the whole country. There are two million deer in Michigan alone. I use Michigan because thats JR's vantage point. The deinsity of deer population makes hunting not only important, but a necessity.

You cant talk common sense to a man who thinks other men are for fvcking. They already prove they suffer from mental disease.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #306
As for Deer,

I would be more afraid of American whales. Black, 300 pounds, walks on two legs and destroys fast-food joints when coffee is not the right temp.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Apr 2024   #307
How many deer should there be ? They were there long before the white man
PolAmKrakow  2 | 939
18 Apr 2024   #308
@cms neuf
I wont argue a point on the natives. Should we argue points on how many Zubr were in Poland before Europeans hunted? Maybe we should talk about all the whaling done by Europeans?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Apr 2024   #309
No because we don't hunt whales or zubr any more.

Mind you if I could get a gun I for sure would go off and blast a few peaceful bison
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #310
They were there long before the white man

You mean the guy who created the most powerful country on earth? That guy?
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Apr 2024   #311
No, it has not

It has, and we enjoy living somewhere safer than you do.

You mean the guy who created the most powerful country on earth? That guy?

Mao Zedong?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024   #312
we enjoy living somewhere safer than you do.

Except you don't live in a safer place than I do.
Anytime you want to compare Warsaw's crime rate with the towns around where I live let me know.
AND almost every house where I live has more than one gun in it so explain that one jon357. 🍦
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Apr 2024   #313
Except you don't live in a safer place than I do.

I do.

the towns around where I live let me know

Are they a capital city?

How's your state capital for crime, troll?
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Apr 2024   #314
Anytime you want to compare Warsaw's crime rate

total or per capita?

I'd say Warsaw compares _very_ favorably with any comparably sized American city.

And the Polish countryside compares favorably with your neck of the boonies.... (per capita probably a bit worse than the cities...)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024   #315
I do.

No, actually you don't.
Anytime you want to compare Warsaw's crime rate with the towns around where I live let me know.
You live in Warsaw, I live in Northern Michigan which is a much safer place to live and you know it.


Temper temper jon357
jon357 lost the debate as the name calling just started.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #316
If the Euro gun haters give me a 100% guarantee that I will never, ever need my gun, I will sell it tomorrow.
In the meantime, take your stats and shove them up your ass.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
18 Apr 2024   #317
Of course you need it - you never know when a rogue taxi driver might come calling
jon357  72 | 23654
18 Apr 2024   #318
No, actually you don't.

I do. Perhaps compare your town with the suburb I live in. Or your state capital with Poland's capital.

We have far less crime.

I'd say Warsaw compares _very_ favorably with any comparably sized American city

And it compares well with most European capitals too.

If Jim thinks America is crime free compared to Poland, perhaps he should look at gun crime rates.

It's bizarre to suggest Poland should worsen its firearms laws when they work well.
Lenka  5 | 3548
18 Apr 2024   #319
If the Euro gun haters give me a 100% guarantee that I will never, ever need my gun, I will sell it tomorrow.

We don't care if you keep it. You are not in Europe. Have a whole arsenal to your heart content!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024   #320
I do.

Actually you don't but if you want to insist you do, that's o.k. with me even though there is far less crime within a 200 mile radius from where I live than from where you live.

And that includes London or Warsaw.

If Jim thinks America is crime free compared to Poland,

Now you are projecting jon357 because Jimmy never said any such thing, its you insinuating that lie.

Poland should worsen its firearms laws when they work well.

I guess you haven't noticed the increase in crime in Poland in the last three years jon357 and it is only going to get worse like the rest of the world.

Poland's gun laws will eventually ease so you may be able to save your life from a bad guy one of these days.
Poland's crime statistics show that there are getting to be more and more bad guys out there.
You really do need to update and educate yourself on these facts, jon357.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
18 Apr 2024   #321
You are not in Europe. Have a whole arsenal to your heart's content!

You are in Europe. Show me a guarantee that nobody will ever need a gun in the next 10 years.

OK, since predicting the future can be tricky...

Did anyone in Poland use a knife to murder in the last 10 years?

If not, your gun laws are fine.

If yes, victims might be alive today if they had a gun.

See the difference or is my English too complicated?

You really do need to update and educate yourself on these facts, jon357.

...and admit he was wrong all this time??? ...hahahahahaha...I will first deliver twins before that happens...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Apr 2024   #322
...and admit he was wrong all this time???

Liberals NEVER admit they are wrong, NEVER !
Once the Muslims take over London you can bet the gun laws will be changing very quickly in Europe.
It will be too late when Russian tanks show up at Poland's border and all the Polish people have to fight for their lives with are pitch forks and shovels.

They will be calling on the Americans again to bring their guns and come protect them.
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Apr 2024   #323
See the difference or is my English too complicated?

No, it's the BS that you are posting that is the trouble

I find it funny how deep that paranoia is. You can't stand the thought that many places don't see the need to have guns and don't want your advice (yours as in Americans). Screams insecurity really.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #324
I find it funny how deep that paranoia is

Paranoia is better than being a moron who ignores history and logic.

What you, Euros, are doing here is trying to make impotence into a virtue because you are the world's most obedient bootlickers. See Londonistan, Sweden, Germany, and France.

After a prayer to God, you read Civic 101 manuals and pray again to your "democratically elected legal representatives".

Back to guns...

When a statistical Pole with a bloody face and bruises all over calls 911, does she want cops with guns or social workers without guns?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
19 Apr 2024   #325
See London, Sweden, Germany, France ?

All high income, interesting and nicer, healthier places to live than Appalachia
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #326
See London, Sweden, Germany, France ?
All high income,

...and intelligence but still stupid like a brick. My apologies to bricks...

Hey, cymes, why do Polish cops have guns?
dannytoro1  5 | 102
19 Apr 2024   #327
Lol....Appalachia is beautiful and natural. And far safer then any metro. We rarely see crime here because you have to be stoned out of your mind to commit a crime. Everyone knows everybody. And dumb ass druggie criminals are known and watched. And when a bad crime happens like the Ahmaud Arbery murder, whose family lives in my county; we put the killers under the jail. All three of those ******** will likely die in prison.
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Apr 2024   #328
What you, Euros, are doing here is trying to make impotence into a virtue

No, we are trying to tell you that we don't want your kind of gun laws. Just **** off and leave us in peace.

When a statistical Pole with a bloody face and bruises all over calls 911, does she want cops with guns or social workers without guns?

Either as Polish police don't take out their guns very often. They deal with the situation without guns.
OP Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Apr 2024   #329
They deal with the situation without guns.

Why do they carry guns?
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Apr 2024   #330
In case they meet you.

Home / Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
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