In case they see you?
Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns?
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024 #272
there is zero reason why a minor should learn how to handle a gun.
What age do you consider appropriate for them to learn gun safety ?
Just leave Poland out of you gun range wet dream
Have you ever had a wet dream, Lenka ?
Well Love. Poland will not be far behind Finland.
Finland's Bold New Firearm Policy Sets Global Standard
Finland is taking a bold step forward in national defense and public safety with its groundbreaking initiative to open 300 new shooting ranges across the country. This extensive project not only aims to enhance military readiness and civilian preparedness but also integrates responsible gun ownership into the fabric of Finnish society. As geopolitical tensions rise, Finland's proactive strategy sets a global standard for empowering citizens while fortifying national security.
Mr. Novi is correct..........again.
Happy dreams, Lenka 😛
Poland will not be far behind Finland.
Poland has no plans to change gun laws to those of another country.
In case they see you?
Are you, morons, capable of not being cute clowns for a moment?
strategy sets a global standard for empowering citizens while fortifying national security.
In 1917, 10% of Russians were Bolsheviks. They were armed. The 90% were not. They kidnapped Russia and didn't let go until 1990.
That bullshit would never happen here because we have 420,000,000 guns.
Dear Second Amendment, America loves you...As far as crime, restore the death penalty and the problem will be solved very quickly.
As for prevention...Stop and frisk plus 25 years of hard labor for illegal guns will fix that...
In 1917, 10% of Russians were Bolsheviks.
If only. In 1917, the Russian Social Democratic Worker's Party (Bolsheviks) - numbered 240,000 members. That is, approximately 1/8th of one percent.
They numbered even less than the misnamed "Mensheviks".
It will be forever a mystery how a few thousand as*holes managed to overthrow the largest land empire on the planet.
That is, approximately 1/8th of one percent.
We are replaying your experience with the LGBT freaks...
0.1% of transgender azholes have effectively terrorized 99.9% into submission and suspension of common sense, science, and tradition. They even imposed their perverted English on us.
Do you believe us or your lying eyes line is as applicable as ever when looking at a girl with a big dick and a pair of balls.
Sorry, but I couldn't stop myself...
@johnny reb
18 and of course only after passing a psychological evaluation.
Just repeat after me: Your gun endangers you and your loved ones. Your family is real, that dangerous intruder just part of your imagination. If you love your family, get rid off your gun. Your activities on this forum does not convince anybody that you are capable of handling your gun in an emergency.
What age do you consider appropriate for them to learn gun safety ?
18 and of course only after passing a psychological evaluation.
Did you get it or did I use words too complex for you to understand?
Just repeat after me: Your gun endangers you and your loved ones. Your family is real, that dangerous intruder just part of your imagination. If you love your family, get rid off your gun. Your activities on this forum does not convince anybody that you are capable of handling your gun in an emergency.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024 #278
Poland has no plans to change gun laws to those of another country.
Thank you for your opinion jon357
My opinion is that once Poland sees how successful Finland's program pans out that Poland will follow for self-preservation.
18 and of course only after passing a psychological evaluation.
They can get a drivers license at 16 and a hunting license at 12 in Michigan.
I like the idea of the psychological evaluation requirement though.
Hotheads like joker would be denied ownership of a weapon for sure.
Just repeat after me: Your gun endangers you and your loved ones.
Repeat after me: My gun never attacked me. My steak knives never stabbed me. My cars never tried to run over me. My tie never choked me. My bathtub never drowned me.
Euro morons, on the other hand, get on my nerves. This will not sound good, but Germans should never give lessons to anyone on the proper use of guns.
Do you have a set of pointy knives in your kitchen?
Hotheads like joker would be denied ownership of a weapon for sure.
Have you ever met Joker? Did you see him at a gun range? The coolest guy I have seen...
Do you think I would go shooting with a hothead? I am old but I am not suicidal.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
17 Apr 2024 #280
Did you see him at a gun range?
I have only seen him lose his cool and act very immature here on the forum.
I can only image if someone got in his face in real life before he brandished his weapon.
So you have your opinion and I have mine.
Do you think I would go shooting with a hothead?
The question should be, "Do you think a hothead should go shooting with you." ðŸ¤
Another mistaken "home invasion"
The kind of thing that would never happen in Poland.
Just one of 500+ accidental deaths from firearms in the US every year
Another mistaken "home invasion"
The kind of thing that would never happen in Poland.
Just one of 500+ accidental deaths from firearms in the US every year
Another mistaken "home invasion"
You beat me to it. I read that late last night and thought of posting it here but had other thing s to do.
It's amazing that things like that can happen in a supposedly developed country. Doubtless some of the trolls here will say that they think she should have had a gun too. Perhaps they like shootouts with bullets flying everywhere.
The kind of thing that would never happen in Poland
Yes. The gun laws here work and of course there is no significant public opinion in favour of weakening them.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024 #283
and of course there is no significant public opinion in favour of weakening them.
Hold on to your shorts jon357, the laws will be weakening the closer Poland gets to war time.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024 #284
Coming soon to Poland
12 Alarming Reasons For Canada's Catastrophic Gun Control Failure
12 Alarming Reasons For Canada's Catastrophic Gun Control Failure
Perhaps less catastrophic than in your country (and Canada sadly has a high level of gun ownership too).
In Europe, people are happy the way things are.
@johnny reb
And do you think that is reasonable? I get it that hunting may have been a necessary skill to learn as early as possible in rural areas 200 years ago, but today? The USA is a civilized country with what I can only assume broad access to supermarkets. Children should not have access to guns period. If they want to get extra fresh food, they can always go fishing.
Leaving aside the risk of accidental discharges. Living without cars or bathtubs is difficult, they pose little risk while offering great benefits. Guns do not offer any tangible benefits while posing great risks to yourself and your family. Living without them has no impact on your daily life, but your family will thank you for it. "At least now grandpa is less likely to shoot me" would be a very reassuring thought for them.
They can get a drivers license at 16 and a hunting license at 12 in Michigan.
And do you think that is reasonable? I get it that hunting may have been a necessary skill to learn as early as possible in rural areas 200 years ago, but today? The USA is a civilized country with what I can only assume broad access to supermarkets. Children should not have access to guns period. If they want to get extra fresh food, they can always go fishing.
My gun never attacked me. My steak knives never stabbed me. My cars never tried to run over me. My tie never choked me. My bathtub never drowned me.
Leaving aside the risk of accidental discharges. Living without cars or bathtubs is difficult, they pose little risk while offering great benefits. Guns do not offer any tangible benefits while posing great risks to yourself and your family. Living without them has no impact on your daily life, but your family will thank you for it. "At least now grandpa is less likely to shoot me" would be a very reassuring thought for them.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024 #287
In Europe, people are happy the way things are
Perhaps you mean, how things WERE.
Times are changing very fast today, jon357
how things WERE
No, how things are.
You might notice that the people in this thread from Europe are not advocating for the gun laws to be worsened here.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
18 Apr 2024 #289
No, how things are.
Not for much longer though, jon357
That's because those people like you here are all hard core Liberal Woke boot lickers.
Once the war moves into Poland the Polish people will be begging for guns to protect themselves from the bad guys.
The war is inching closer to Poland every day now.
The Polish government will order every homeowner to own a gun for everyone in the family over 18.
You better get yours now before the prices start going up.
I suggest an AK-47 with a couple of banana magazines taped together with at least a 1000 rounds of hollow point ammo hidden under the floor boards of your bedroom.
All the women will be carrying a .380's in their pocket so if a Muzzy terrorist tries to rape them they can shoot him in the balls before he cuts her throat.
Paulina will have a gun in each pocket and one in her purse when the time comes.
Just wait and see jon357.
Not for much longer though
Put your crystal ball down.
Opinion has been consistent here for a long time.
The Polish government will order every homeowner to own a gun for everyone in the family over 18.
And will they also explain what happens to franc-tireurs in wartime?
I'm not sure what good a crappy handgun fired by an amateur middle aged man like me is going to do against North Nigerian armored vehicles.
Isn't it better to invest in drones, fighters, missiles etc ?
Isn't it better to invest in drones, fighters, missiles etc ?
PolAmKrakow 2 | 941
18 Apr 2024 #292
In the US, there is a very old and deep rooted hunting tradition and culture. Also in the US are heards of very big White Tail Deer, that absolutely have to be managed by hunters due to so many car/deer fatal accidents. In Michigan in particular, insurance rates are extremely high because of such a high rate of these accidents. And the deer in the US are so much larger than the deer in Poland that you would be surprised. I have taken one from the woods, dressed out at over 90 kilos.
As for the gun laws in Europe, they are what they are. They will likely change though if the war, or threat of war becomes greater in the EU. The EU and Poland still nowhere near enough soldiers trained to defend against Russia if Russia comes in 6 to 8 years. And if they do come, you will wish you had something to fight back with and defend your home and family. Its easy for people not living in a country directly bordering Russia to say whatever TF they want when they wont directly face anything if it happens. It would be like me heading back to the States and saying Europe doesnt need guns. Easy to say from far away.
In the US, there is a very old and deep rooted hunting tradition and culture. Also in the US are heards of very big White Tail Deer, that absolutely have to be managed by hunters due to so many car/deer fatal accidents. In Michigan in particular, insurance rates are extremely high because of such a high rate of these accidents. And the deer in the US are so much larger than the deer in Poland that you would be surprised. I have taken one from the woods, dressed out at over 90 kilos.
As for the gun laws in Europe, they are what they are. They will likely change though if the war, or threat of war becomes greater in the EU. The EU and Poland still nowhere near enough soldiers trained to defend against Russia if Russia comes in 6 to 8 years. And if they do come, you will wish you had something to fight back with and defend your home and family. Its easy for people not living in a country directly bordering Russia to say whatever TF they want when they wont directly face anything if it happens. It would be like me heading back to the States and saying Europe doesnt need guns. Easy to say from far away.
that absolutely have to be managed by hunters
So do our deer. So does wildlife in Poland. Yet we manage this without weak gun controls.
They will likely change though if the war, or threat of war
And in the highly unlikely situation that safety laws are weakened, there will be strict controls, for example not giving them to people with a history of felony, people who've taken Prozac etc for depression and people who haven't been screened by a psychiatrist or psychologist.
defend your home and family
From tanks?
You are paranoid and weak.
Another mistaken "home invasion"
No, moron, that was not a home invasion. That was an old fool killing a woman who posed no threat to the idiot.
Home invasion is when some azhole enters your house without your permission to commit a felony. Duh!
Stupid like a Polak...Things never change...
It was a home invasion by a crazed taxi driver.
The guy was totally correct to blast her away with no questions asked
The guy was totally correct to blast her away with no questions asked
Europe are not advocating for the gun laws to be worsened here.
Because bootlicking is in your DNA. The obedience training by kings' goons, Gestapo, and UB did not go to waste.
In the US, the average response time after we call 911 is 11 minutes. In winter on a bad day, it's infinity.
This makes cops 100% useless. They are just body counters. So it's just you and the bad guys...Good luck with that, Euro bootlickers...
The guy was totally correct to blast her away with no questions asked
Hey, stupid, he shot her when they were outside.
The Uber driver, Loletha Hall, was found shot multiple times near 81-year-old William Brock's South Charleston home...
"near" is not inside...Duh!
The sidewalk is not home, idiot...Home is where we sleep, eat, shyt, and watch teevee...In Europe, where you take a shower once a week...
Opinion has been consistent here for a long time.
No, it has not.
Memo to bootlickers: With a gun, you can always keep it unloaded if you are concerned about statistics. Or remove the trigger.
When the moment comes and the cops are only 15 minutes away, you can quickly reassemble it, load the mag with ammo, and shove it up your gun's butt. While you are busy doing all this, your wife will be happy to entertain your uninvited guests in your bedroom. Tell her not to scream or she will wake up the kids.
How do you like my plan?
She was on his lawn. With intent to invade. A psychopathic uber driver
Her death was totally justified
Her death was totally justified
Good luck with that, Euro bootlickers...
Thank you. I'm good with that. Now can you leave us alone to decide what gun laws we want?