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Getting Married in Poland without a visa?

bawinger  1 | -
7 Sep 2011   #1
I will like to seek for advice from friends, who can help me with this situation, I am with my be love boyfriend, we are living together already, but we have one problem now, we want to get marriage and I havent any visa, I want to know is that possible to get marriage in POLAND? Hope to hear from you soon.

Olaf  6 | 955
7 Sep 2011   #2
On what basis are you residing in Poland then?
If you require visa and you don't have it, then you cannot do much.
Midas  1 | 571
7 Sep 2011   #3
So basically you're an illegal staying in Poland on an overstayed visa.

You should be looking into deportation, not marriage :-)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Sep 2011   #4
Midas has no compassion, only lust for gold, and that is disgusting.
Midas  1 | 571
7 Sep 2011   #5
Indeed that's awful.

I mean, it is not like illegal immigrants are actually using the same ( often unpaid ) services as legal immigrants and citizens, so one can't really blame them for increased wear and tear of the infrastructure, right?

And ( in the Polish case ) illegal immigrants are of course always employed legally ( not like anyone ever got deported, duh... ) so they always pay their taxes on time.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Sep 2011   #6
Midas, how does your rant about illegal immigrants receiving social welfare services answer the OP's question, which asks if she can marry sans visa?
Jonah  - | 4
7 Sep 2011   #7
I live with polish citizens that have become some what british in their accent, not so much the woman more the men. These accents are hillarious in context as i'm an English teacher. I have met Polish woman and to be honest without trying to be negative here dis-like their approach to wanting to know me so quickly. I teach them something and they go off for ages and then come back all nice and that. Then once we get through that stage it's back to square one because I teach them something else and off they go again. I'm more interested in passion and relationship, they just wonder around in packs and wait for a gentleman like me to come along and teach them. The funniest thing here is that when I feel quite let's say ready to have a relationship, my love kicks in and i feel to much love from myself, thats the way i was born. I wanted to note here that all the information as a teacher, tha'ts what they call me must not go back home to their native country if they can't speak the good English I teach, it's that's worthless mixed up accent that gets me in fits of laughter becauase in the real world no businessman would do business with a polish speaker of the english language without ettiquitte. I like people, thats who I am a peopls liker but when I'm approached by a polish lady she's always with her roomies. When i'm home alone, I'm surrounded by poles and I get this massive love bubble around me, do they love as a person or am I the love they lost.

Would I marry a Pole, who knows I could have been polish once, I look like one :)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Sep 2011   #8
Jonah, if you are an English teacher then there is a school out there employing you that has made a serious mistake. Look at all the mistakes that follow your vocational claim.
teflcat  5 | 1024
7 Sep 2011   #9
Jonah. If you think you know English enough to teach it, you are kidding only yourself.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Sep 2011   #10
but we have one problem now, we want to get marriage and I havent any visa, I want to know is that possible to get marriage in POLAND?

No. You need to be legally resident in Poland in order to get married here - they can and will check.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
7 Sep 2011   #11
Is that really 100% true, as I was getting married in Poland and I never needed to be a permanent resident?
8 Sep 2011   #12
No. You need to be legally resident in Poland in order to get married here - they can and will check.

WRONG! you can be illegal in Poland and get married no problems at all and I have seen cases like that,local municipality is where you register your marriage and then apply for residency permit in immigration and ofcourse unlike in usa (i dont know uk etc) where spouse has to apply for your residency in poland instead you have to claim residency for yourself on the basis of marrige.also after 2 years of your marriage and before 3,1/2 years of the date of your marriage you can apply for citizenship which can be granted more easily by the vovywodship(governership) which one can get in 60 days and if its even a day late you have to apply to the ministry/ President,I am saying this with experience as I was 7 days late and had to apply to president which took more then 6 months.
BigBrownEyes  3 | 20
8 Sep 2011   #13
awwww.....i live in latin america and i have a Poland english teacher (funny uh?), his english is british so i can hardly understand him bcoz i speak american english, but anyway. From the moment i met him i really had a crush on him and i dont know, maybe he's just kind, but he's my age and i have seen him staring at me... the thing is that i just know him as my teacher, that funny, good looking, polite and kind teacher he is... not more.. bcoz u know there are rules on the school, but i really want to get to know him as a friend, maybe go out someday... but no, that seems to be kind of impossible... Maybe when he's not longer my teacher, if he's not going back to Poland before, of course.... that i know eventually he will... meanwhile i really enjoy the classes with him... he's that easy going teacher, he's cool..!
Stu  12 | 515
8 Sep 2011   #14
No. You need to be legally resident in Poland in order to get married here - they can and will check

Actually delph, it is not quite true. I got married here over a year ago when I was still a legal resident of the Netherlands.
PWEI  3 | 612
8 Sep 2011   #15
a) If one is in Poland illegal, one can try to get married but one should expect to get caught while trying.
b) The fact that you don't know that marriages are registered on the gmina level but residency permits are applied for on the wojewodztwo level very much suggests that you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
8 Sep 2011   #16
Actually delph, it is not quite true. I got married here over a year ago when I was still a legal resident of the Netherlands.

But you were in Poland legally. NL is in the EU as you know. You never need a VISA in Poland.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
8 Sep 2011   #17
I'm sure I am not alone in not understanding what point you were attempting to arrive at.
Phillip 1958
19 Aug 2017   #18
Hi I live in France but am English my girlfriend is phillipen we was thinking of coming to Poland for a holiday and then I was going to ask her to marry me dose anyone think it would be possible she have a visitors visa I haven't been to Poland yet and on our driving around thought it be a good idea to get married at a government office or were people do in Poland can anyone give me advice
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Aug 2017   #19
@Phillip 1958

Yes. Get married in the UK. Whyever would you want to get married in a country in which neither of you resides? It doesn't make much sense.
terri  1 | 1661
19 Aug 2017   #20
Unless you think that getting married in Poland will entitle you to live there.
29 Jan 2018   #21
I am a refugee in Germany, my asylum was rejected and I have appealed. I have a polish woman that I love so much and she promise to marry me but the marriage system in Germany is difficult. I don't have document to go with her to Poland to marry. I want to know if it's possible to get married in poland with her as am illegal immigrant or can we get married in polish embassy in Germany?
4 Oct 2023   #22
Hi i have a german bf and my visa in poland is expired can we possibly get married in poland without getting deport?
First nation
22 Nov 2023   #23
yes, The law in Poland doesn't forbid for two people to get married, once you get a marriage certificate your german spouse will have to apply for residency permit in Poland or Germany.( it would depend on where you wanna live).

The process for you will be long and difficult and your marriage will be very closely scrutinised by the immigration authorities- because of your illegal status while you're getting married.

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