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Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today?

16 Sep 2014   #211
i have a number of old polish bank notes from the mid 1980s up to 1991.
These are the denominations that i have if you are interested in them please mail me back my name is eric thank you have a nice day.
jon357  72 | 23680
17 Sep 2014   #212
Worth considerably less than their weight in dung - plenty of posts in this thread about banknotes from that period.
Marysienka  1 | 195
17 Sep 2014   #213
i have a number of old polish bank notes from the mid 1980s up to 1991. 1-100000000 2-5000000

those two never existed
rest if were still possible to change (they are not, would be woth 7,66 zł(PLN) =about 2 $)
8 Oct 2014   #214
I have 1000pln from 1982, and 5000pln from 1988. mayb esomebody want? write me mmenute@yahoo
9 Oct 2014   #215

just a quick question>

Does someone still accepts 100 Zlotych Banknote POLAND 1986 - Warynski - PROLETARYAT money?
i mean can we still exchange this? how much would it be?
Looker  - | 1129
9 Oct 2014   #216
Nobody, but even if they did it's not worth a dollar.
9 Oct 2014   #217
Bring it to a Kantor and they will exchange it for dollars. If in the US any currency exchange will take it.
1 Nov 2014   #218
How much is 1988 10000 stanislaw wyspkanski note worth?
jon357  72 | 23680
1 Nov 2014   #219
See the second post in this thread
kpc21  1 | 746
1 Nov 2014   #220
1 PLN and it's no longer exchanged by banks.
20 Nov 2014   #221
I have a 100000 sto tysiecy zlotych polish banknote dated 1993 is it worth anything? cleaning out boxes and found this. Thank You tom b.
jon357  72 | 23680
20 Nov 2014   #222
No. Curiosity value only unless there's something else special about it (and that is unlikely) - that note was from when they had hyperinflation. Have a look earlier in this thread.
Sparks11  - | 333
20 Nov 2014   #223
No dude! It's totally worth money, 100 k zl. so like over 30 k US dollars or almost 20k British pounds. You've really hit the jackpot. Congratulations!
7 Dec 2014   #224
i have 40,200 polish zlots, 5x- 5000(1986),2x-2000(1982),1x-10000(1988),1x-1000(1982),1x- 500(1982) - if you need tham write me
Monitor  13 | 1810
8 Dec 2014   #225
you can sell them here:
11 Dec 2014   #226
I have a 100 zł Polish banknote from listopad 1934 which has a German language red stamp across the front "Generalgovernement fur die beserzten polnischen Gebiete" Anyone have any idea whether this is a collectible item and what it might be worth? Thank you!
Canadian88  - | 1
27 Dec 2014   #227
Merged: 1988 Old plolish notes

Any buyers for 1988 polish notes 50,500 and 10,000
30 Dec 2014   #228
anybody here still collecting old polish money banknotes ? just email me ayin_slzr17@yahoo tnx
1982 1000 old polish money who want?
King coin
4 Jan 2015   #229
I have a 50000 lire cinquantamila old money.Can u tell me the price if I change now in 2015 for usd

Sorry, this thread is only for Polish currency.
22 Jan 2015   #230
Hello, I found one zlot bill from 1948. Can I get anything with it? Sold to someone, does it have any value in this world? :D Its 20 zlot note.
amarjeetsingh  - | 1
27 Jan 2015   #231
Merged: exchange

Hi I am from India I have 1000zloty year 1982 I want to exchange in I dian rupes how can I exchange pls help me...
Wroclaw Boy
27 Jan 2015   #232
You can't, its only worth about $0.02
Roger5  1 | 1432
27 Jan 2015   #233
Looking on the bright side, if you keep it in the family, it'll probably double in value within twenty years or so.
18 Feb 2015   #234
hi friends,
i have a polish banknote of 100000 sto tysiecy zlotych of 1993.what is its value now in indian currency?
27 Mar 2015   #235
I have a monet of 10000zloty from 1991.year! Can somebody tell me if it's greate found or some ***** monet...?
Szybkowski  5 | 10
27 Mar 2015   #236
I have about 20 different Banknotes from the 1920s,30s and 40s, are these worth anything today?
19 Jun 2015   #237
Hello, I am from Lithuania and I have few banknotes 1000zloty year 1982. Please tell me, is any possibility to exchange it in the existing money? And what value is these banknotes in nowadays?
19 Jun 2015   #238
I have few banknotes 1000zloty year 1982. Please tell me, is any possibility to exchange it in the existing money?

One new (i.e. post-1994) zloty = 10,000 old (i.e. pre-1994) zloty. So if you have ten of them, you would have about a quarter of a euro, if you could still swap them for new zloty, which you can't.
19 Jun 2015   #239
Thank you, Harry. Have a nice day!
19 Jun 2015   #240
Happy to have helped. Sorry the news wasn't quite as you hoped.

Home / Law / Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today?
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