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i have a number of old polish bank notes from the mid 1980s up to 1991. 1-100000000 2-5000000 1-50000 2-10000 6-1000 1-500 1-100 These are the denominations that i have if you are interested in them please mail me back my name is eric thank you have a nice day.
No. Curiosity value only unless there's something else special about it (and that is unlikely) - that note was from when they had hyperinflation. Have a look earlier in this thread.
No dude! It's totally worth money, 100 k zl. so like over 30 k US dollars or almost 20k British pounds. You've really hit the jackpot. Congratulations!
I have a 100 zł Polish banknote from listopad 1934 which has a German language red stamp across the front "Generalgovernement fur die beserzten polnischen Gebiete" Anyone have any idea whether this is a collectible item and what it might be worth? Thank you!
Hello, I am from Lithuania and I have few banknotes 1000zloty year 1982. Please tell me, is any possibility to exchange it in the existing money? And what value is these banknotes in nowadays?
I have few banknotes 1000zloty year 1982. Please tell me, is any possibility to exchange it in the existing money?
One new (i.e. post-1994) zloty = 10,000 old (i.e. pre-1994) zloty. So if you have ten of them, you would have about a quarter of a euro, if you could still swap them for new zloty, which you can't.