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Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today?

peterweg  37 | 2305
23 Apr 2012   #151
General description:


Three kinds of them, depending on the quality of a note: the better, the more expensive:

boletus  30 | 1356
23 Apr 2012   #152
peterweg: Your copy and paste failed, due to insertion of a random single space in the URL addresses of pawian's post. I do not know why they do it here - but there must be some logic behind it.

pawian, post #122:
General description:

15 Jul 2012   #153
rzeczpospolita polska 50000 piecdziesiat tysiecy zlotych warszawz 16 listopada 1993....any value for this currency??????
1 Aug 2012   #154
I have several 1000 Tysiac Zlotych 1982 bank notes
What would they be worth in US Dollars and does anyone have interest in these?
pawian  226 | 27595
1 Aug 2012   #155
Better talk about cents, not dollars. :):):):)
1 Aug 2012   #156
I have several 1000 Tysiac Zlotych 1982 bank notes

Less than a dollar (their worth a few cents each).
pawian  226 | 27595
1 Aug 2012   #157
Thank you, Harry. :):):)
1 Aug 2012   #158
Harry: Less than a dollar (their worth a few cents each).

Oops, thanks for quoting that. I mean to say "their worth is a few cents each".
boletus  30 | 1356
1 Aug 2012   #159
Better talk about cents, not dollars. :):):):)

A 1000 bank note, 1982 edition, was worth half an egg, less than a cup of milk or half ounce of vodka - 1995 prices.
Now it is worth zero, as Polish banks stopped exchanging them in year 2010.

Posting in this thread is s-o-o-o addictive, even though we all know that we are feeding the LAZIES, who do not bother to read 100 past messages explaining exactly this denomination issue.
pawian  226 | 27595
1 Aug 2012   #160
Now it is worth zero, as Polish banks stopped exchanging them in year 2010.

What was the inflation rate in 1982? About 100%?

The communist central bank produced those banknotes like a rabbit.

But, if he had a collector`s item, in a special case with an official certificate, we could talk about dollars, not cents.

Exactly, about 20$.:):):)
Bieganski  17 | 888
1 Aug 2012   #161
I don't know if this has been mentioned already but there is a lot of old Polish currency from every era being sold on eBay. This should give you a good general idea of the current value for particular notes and coins. Some obviously believe there is a market out there to buy and sell these.

You may also want to contact the Polish Numismatic Society here:

Polskie Towarzystwo Numizmatyczne Zarząd Główny

Jezuicka 6/8
skr. poczt. 2
00-281 Warszawa

tel./faks: +48 22 831 39 28

They also have many links to associated organizations inside and outside of Poland here:

Currency from Poland's communist period is unlikely to be popular today but in another decade or so some collectors may become more interested due to increasing scarcity or simply the artistic work reflective of the time.
8 Aug 2012   #162
i have 50000 old polish note 1989, whats their value today in us dollar
pawian  226 | 27595
8 Aug 2012   #163
If in perfect condition, about 10$ - 20$.
pantsless  1 | 266
9 Aug 2012   #164
link please (specifically where can I sell a 50000 note for 10-20 bucks)
pawian  226 | 27595
9 Aug 2012   #165
link please

Do you want a link to the Polish auction site?

Here you are:

Are you going to take all the pains for 20$ ??? :):):):):)
1 Oct 2012   #166
12 Oct 2012   #168
I HAVE 10000 zloty, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 0894349917, THANK YOU.
mr2money  - | 1
18 Nov 2012   #169
I have some old polish bank notes similar to what has been listed above. A total of 1650.00. 1x1000 1x500 3x50. They are in good condition. Let me know if anyone is interested. Thanks.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95
18 Nov 2012   #170
I have an old 50 zloty bill. If someone wants to trade for 50 new zloty or better yet $50 usd let me know.
9 Feb 2013   #171
yes i have old polish note of 1000tysiac (1982) with a mikolaj kopernik
and PLEASE i want to exchange it as soon as possible,, thanksssssss.
jon357  72 | 23528
9 Feb 2013   #172
About 3 dollars' worth.
jon357  72 | 23528
9 Feb 2013   #174
That's assuming you could sell it to anyone except a particularly unambitious collector.
3 Mar 2013   #175
It was the bank's mistake. The $3,500 the bank gave you is YOURS.
11 Mar 2013   #176
Merged: is there still any money value

is there still any money value in these old bank notes i found in my garage? i have one, 1988, 1000 tysiac zlotych Also one, 1982, 1000 tysiac zlotych. These bills have what looks like the symbols representing the planets on the back of the bills. i also have got a 1988, 5000 piec tysiecy zlotych. this bill has musical notes on the back of the bill. Lastly i have got a 1989, 20000 dwadziescia tysiecy zlotych. this bill has a circular object with ray like holes emitting from the orb shaped object! is there any value in these bills? are they still exchangeable? and if still exchangeable, how much would they equal in american money!! thank u for all help and answers.

jon357  72 | 23528
11 Mar 2013   #177
Curiosity value only.
Monitor  13 | 1810
11 Mar 2013   #178
You can sell it for few PLN:
14 Mar 2013   #179
i have 50000 old polish money banknotes i want to exchange value please
jon357  72 | 23528
14 Mar 2013   #180
Read the thread.

Home / Law / Old Polish money banknotes - what's their value today?

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