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How long can an object stand on my property before it is considered «Mine» ?

dhjelm  4 | 24
1 Apr 2021   #1
After a building project the coordinator left a large object on the ground. The value is roughly 1000PLN. We have on several occasions, -since January, tried to make him collect. But he has not done so. Furthermore, he does no longer reply or return call, messages or emails. The effort and "research" we made shows that he have genuinely decided to avoid us.

In my home country I would have given it away after 30 days. But I don't know how these cases work in Poland.

Any advice is appreciated
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Apr 2021   #2
Probably 20 years but I am not sure. Plus you need a court ruling for that. Yes, that red tape is a nuisance.
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
2 Apr 2021   #3
Well that did not get me any further..
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Apr 2021   #4
Why don't you contact your local Urzad? Or the inspektor sanitarny because it's a kind of dumping, isn't it?
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
2 Apr 2021   #5
I will check that out. I wasn't thinking in those directions as I wanted to avoid any bureaucracy, but it might be an idea. Thanks
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Apr 2021   #6
@OP:I would not worry about it.I would dispose off the object after i keep the proof that you tried to contact him,for 1000PLN he will have to go to court for a long time in Poland.LOL and even if he does you can counter sue and ask for storage fee which will amount to more then 40PLN a day storage fee sounds reasonable.
Joker  2 | 2458
2 Apr 2021   #7
Just get rid of whatever it is....And when they come back looking for it, just say... I thought you came back and took it?? Now, get off my property!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Apr 2021   #8
Now, get off my property!

lol NOPE,I would ask for storage fee first lol.Has happened with me plenty of times in the USA & Poland and it works very well.
Joker  2 | 2458
2 Apr 2021   #9
would ask for storage fee first lol

You can do this legally in the USA for sure.

Im just wondering what the object is? Ive had a lot of dealings with Polish contractors in Chicago and many are weasels. I wonder, if he doesnt have a place to store it and doesnt want to pay someone..
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Apr 2021   #10
After a building project the coordinator left a large object on the ground.

How about adapting it into the existing landscape?? Your place will gain a new special atmosphere.


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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Apr 2021   #11
doesnt have a place to store it and doesnt want to pay someone

It worked for me in Poland also.The guy tried to kinda tell me THIS IS POLAND,but didnt do nothing after my Armenian friend called him and just left me alone.His tool was worth more then 1000pln also.
Joker  2 | 2458
2 Apr 2021   #12
Your place will gain a new special atmosphere.

He could get creative like rednecks do!

.His tool was worth more then 1000pln also.

Its not like them to leave anything of value laying around.... It must be really heavy then.

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Apr 2021   #13
of value laying around.... It must be really heavy then.

I dont know,never saw it,just told my friend to take it from the site and got a nice steak dinner with vodka for it.Even my friend told him in his language that I was a nice person and will be happy only with 1/2 of the storage money and that was the end of calls from him.
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
3 Apr 2021   #14

Yeah... It's a toilet. So it would not be an ideal decoration piece! :) It this big blue plastic construction site toilet.
mafketis  38 | 11277
3 Apr 2021   #15
It this big blue plastic construction site toilet.

Then owned by the builders or the company that supplies them? Is there a company name or phone number on it? Have you tried contacting that company?

You could always put a lock on it and sell access to passers by who may be in need.....
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #16
So it would not be an ideal decoration piece!

It depends how you transform it. You could make a traditional outhouse out of it. And the place would gain a historic atmosphere.

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OP dhjelm  4 | 24
3 Apr 2021   #17
The reason why I ask if how long it takes before I can consider it mine, is that I want to give it away on olx, - or even sell it...

I know the owner well, and he has decided to not reply to any call, msg or email. I could have it delivered to him. I could also make him a personal visit. But he is not worth that much of my time.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Apr 2021   #18
how long it takes before I can consider it mine

Ok, I checked it for you. Never is it going to be yours. You could claim the ownership of a movable property after 3 years but only on condition you don`t know the owner. If you do, you can`t claim it. Google the phrase Zasiedzenia rzeczy ruchomej (ruchomości).

When I mentioned 20 years in my first reply, it was correct but only in reference to real estate properties.
Joker  2 | 2458
3 Apr 2021   #19
It this big blue plastic construction site toilet.

It wouldn't take much effort to push it over or drag it down the street, off your property, right? Light it on fire and say some kids did it. It seems like youre being pushed around by some construction worker, grow some balls already! I suppose, you dont have a pickup trucks in Poland.. I would tie a strap around it and drag it off my property, all the way to his house! lol
OP dhjelm  4 | 24
4 Apr 2021   #20
Thanks. I appreciate it!
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Apr 2021   #21
" It wouldn't take much effort to push it over or drag it down the street, off your property, right? Light it on fire and say some kids did it."

lighting a portopotty on fire? Do you know what sort of smell that would cause? plus isnt it a fire hazard and an arson crime? in California they'd also charge you with arson destruction of property etc and pile the charges on youone by one just ask johnny how it works over there especially if you're Polish and not a citizen how you'd get treated.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Apr 2021   #22
reference to real estate properties.

That too if they are abandoned and/or are not under any contract like rentals.Then the occupant can claim it.
Joker  2 | 2458
4 Apr 2021   #23
You could always put a lock on it and sell access to passers by who may be in need.....

Thats the entrepreneurial ingenuity that made the country great! Paint a big W.C on the side of the toilet and have a babcia sit in front and collect the money. The owner of the toilet will become jealous and want it back immediately.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Apr 2021   #24
W.C on the side

And dont forget that triangle and the circle sign:))I still sometimes have to think what is for male and female.Only way I remember is that the circle(hole) is the female bathroom and the triangle is for men.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Apr 2021   #25
I still sometimes have to think what is for male and female.

No, you choose the wrong one on purpose.....:) Then you say you made a mistake.

Home / Law / How long can an object stand on my property before it is considered «Mine» ?
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