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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Polish in 4 Weeks CD-ROM

zlotytarasy  1 | 7
7 Apr 2010   #1
Hi all,

I just bought the Polish in 4 Weeks today in Warsaw, sealed package and all. I didn't even bend the book to check, I just assumed the CD was inside. Turns out when I got home there is no CD. I will go back to the bookstore tomorrow and complain/whine, but it was their last copy.

Any chance anyone has the .mp3 files ripped and can share them? I was just going to rip the CD to put it on my ipod anyway.


OP zlotytarasy  1 | 7
7 Apr 2010   #3
I don't know much about how iTunes works . . . you can't export or send/etc. selected files from iTunes, can you?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
7 Apr 2010   #4
you can't export or send/etc. selected files from iTunes, can you?

I think you can- I did it via Skype a long time ago.

Just checked, I don't have it anymore on Itunes and the CD were stolen by my former student:((((((((((( Sorry.
OP zlotytarasy  1 | 7
7 Apr 2010   #5
Let me know if you want to give it a try. I appreciate the offer . . . if it's an offer! :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
7 Apr 2010   #6
look above, I just checked my files:(.
OP zlotytarasy  1 | 7
7 Apr 2010   #7
OK, thanks anyway!

Hi again . . .

By some magic of searching and poking around on the internet, I found it. Actually really surprising. No, I don't feel the least bit guilty about downloading because I paid for the book.

Cheers all!

7 Apr 2010   #9
By some magic of searching and poking around on the internet, I found it.

Where did you find it?
vndunne  43 | 279
8 Apr 2010   #11
No, I don't feel the least bit guilty about downloading because I paid for the book.

Exactly....!!! When i bought the book, i got the CD with it and you do need it. All the best with the learning...i do think that book is one of the best out there. Though, learning it is 4 weeks, is a BIT of an exageration!!!!!
OP zlotytarasy  1 | 7
8 Apr 2010   #12
Thanks for the good wishes :).

I don't plan on learning in 4 weeks, that's forsure. I'm actually starting my next Polish course with real live students and teachers next week, but it's nice to have a small reference for train trips, idle moments, reading in the bathroom, whatever! Doing a little research, it turns out that there are LOTS of intro/basic Polish texts out there. I picked this one from some recommendations and hope I can learn something from it.
11 Apr 2010   #13
I stumbled upon a PDF file called "Polish Grammar in a Nutshell".

It's 95 pages long :P
11 Apr 2010   #14
It's 95 pages long

95 pages? So, it's more like "A short introduction to an even shorter introduction
to Polish grammar in a nutshell - part 1 of 12" ;)
lowfunk99  10 | 397
11 Apr 2010   #15
There is a new book by swan that is out. Its basically Polish Grammar in a Nutshell in book form.
scottie1113  6 | 896
11 Apr 2010   #16
Polish in 4 Weeks is a decent start, but it's pretty weak on Polish grammar. Get a copy of 301 Polish verbs by Lara Janecki. Priceless. Also Hurrah po polsku 1. It's also got a CD, but it's entirely in Pollish, which is a good thing if you're serious about learning.
OP zlotytarasy  1 | 7
11 Apr 2010   #17
Actually have Hurrah! already . . . I like it. If I see a copy of 301 verbs someplace I'll pick it up. Now the trick is reading them :)
Dissoluteman  - | 2
12 Nov 2012   #18
Hello. I know this is an old post but does anyone have a copy of the cd audio or could point me in the right direction of a download for it? I bought a copy and it arrived today with no cd. I have tried searching but have had no luck.

Many thanks.
TommyG  1 | 359
12 Nov 2012   #19
Can you not explain the situation to the vendor and have a copy sent? I bought mine from many years ago. I still use the book, but I dunno where the cd is. I never needed to use it...

If I find it I'll burn you a copy, but it's probably in a box back in England:(
Dissoluteman  - | 2
12 Nov 2012   #20
Ok thanks for that. I got my copy from eBay so will be sending a message to the seller. I don't want to really send the book back if they don't have it as its a nice book! I have found a few links to the cd online but they are all out of date. Thank you anyway.

Managed to solve the problem.
There is a polish in four weeks app that I downloaded and it has all the audio on it. I just recorded it to my phone for use with the book when I'm away from my pad. The app for the pad is basically an electronic version of the book if anyone is interested in it.
22 Sep 2013   #21
I have just checked on - the file is no longer available for download - do you still have your file?
5 Jan 2017   #22
Does anyone know if there is a mac version of the cd rom available and if so where I can get it on line?
11 Nov 2017   #23
28 Mar 2021   #24
In the cover of the book Polish on 4 weeks appears the link yo download the audio
9 Aug 2023   #25
Hi. I bought the book a couple of weeks ago without the CD. Unfortunately, the firm rea-sj went out of business along with their internet page where you could find the mp3 audios. Anyone by any chance has the audios of level 2 downloaded? I have the ones from level 1 if anyone is interested (Spanish version).
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Aug 2023   #26
Anyone by any chance has the audios of level 2 downloaded?

Try Vkontakte.

They usually have audio downloads (free but probably not legal) for language courses.
9 Aug 2023   #27
I appreciate that!! I will try there.
jon357  72 | 23361
9 Aug 2023   #28
It's a pleasure.

If the website comes up in russian, you can set it to English or another language as needed.

There's tons on there, some of it excellent.
20 Oct 2023   #29
Hello, I'm really interested in the audios for level 1! Could you send them to me by a download link somehow? Would be awesome! Thx in advance 🙏
Lyzko  44 | 9745
21 Oct 2023   #30
I'll have to check it out sometime, but probably it's only the basics of the language.

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