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Is the term 'Polak' derogatory??

pawian  224 | 27253
29 Jan 2023   #241
If somebody calls me a stubborn Polack

You are not stubborn but obnoxious Polack. :)
johnny reb  49 | 7974
29 Jan 2023   #242
He does, because he is a dumb ass racist Yank who hates Poles.

Limey's maybe but not the Polish, I love Polacks.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
30 Jan 2023   #243
I only spelt Polak that way.

Is Polak and Slupie the same thing ?
Would you Polish members rather we called you Slupie's ?
pawian  224 | 27253
30 Jan 2023   #244
Would you Polish members rather we called you Slupie's ?

Whatever you call us, it will always be derogatory coz such is your dirty intention. Ha!
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #245
Some people bond over mocking other people, since between friends it isn't considered serious. Yet ignoring public mocking was a very harsh lesson for most Poles with deadly and disastrous consequences, which serves more as a proof of hostile intentions.

Any form of harming somebody's reputation is a lot more sensitive to Poles then to other nations due to the fact of being isolated internationally cause of it, and anyone contributing to it for Russia is viewed negatively. To internet trolls great amusements due to their own perception of self worth and mindset of people should be able to "handle" such attacks and scuff it off. Especially from Americans who don't value one's own reputation to such degree as Poles.

Yet it only shows their lack of power and influence in their own lives and are overjoyed over such reactions just like a little child who enjoys attention while doing something bad.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
30 Jan 2023   #246
it will always be derogatory coz such is your dirty intention

That sounds like an admission to yourself guilt to me.
Why else would you project such a lie.

it only shows their lack of power and influence in their own lives

OR it shows that Americans know how to laugh at themselves and don't sweat the small stuff.
You Poles seems to have huge inferiority complexes if someone as much teases you about your funny accents. ;-)
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #247
@johnny reb
First and foremost Polish accents are not funny yet dry and boring, and rather stiff. German accents are a lot more funnier to the ear in English, Polish and Norwegian.

If you want to make fun of Poles Please do it accurately, otherwise you only prove yourself ignorant and definitively not funny. Unless saying it among equally ignorant people.

I can give you an example, saying that Stockholm is too hot in the summer and expected it to be colder due to it being the capital of Denmark would only envoke anger and rolling eyes, while saying that you better not eat fish in Sweden as it's more rotten then the state of Denmark. Can be understood as witty and with class due to mentioning a reference from a famous play by Shakespeare.

So when you talk about "funny" accents in a way of

Funny accent ;)

Then it's not appreciated, while mentioning that thank goodness Poles got their accent like it is, cause in Czechia they got roofshitters. One might actually catch a smile or two from the audience.

If you try dry humour then dad jokes are typically more popular, especially wordplay

For instance: "Ever heard of a deaf German? Neither have I"
jon357  72 | 23386
30 Jan 2023   #248
dry and boring, and rather stiff

Depends where. Only one is slightly amusing though. Other accounts sound staccato when speaking English, though when speaking Polish, Podlaski accents are melodious and Poznanski accents nasal.

The slightly funny one is sometimes when people from certain parts of upper Silesia speak English at B2/C1 level and sound rather like characters in South Park. Perhaps there was a lot of immigration from there to Colorado.

If you want to make fun of Poles

A sign of a mature and confident nation rather than a minor place of cultural cringe is not caring when others make fun. Another one is not assuming that others know or understand about things in Poland. It isn't Shangri-La that nobody's heard of and people for their own opinions regardless of any point of view that is being put to them.

A lot of discussion here. Terms like Limey, Yank, 'Merkin, Kraut, Gerry etc are nicknames, often with military origins. None of them are used as terms of abuse or to denigrate. Polak is a word in Polish, not slang nor a nickname and likewise not used to abuse or denigrate..

Important to separate it from the American slang word Pollack which people say is abusive and used negatively.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
30 Jan 2023   #249
England can afford to be a laughing stock, which is heavily implied and underlined by laughing off themselves, which Americans have copycatted in their own way. But being squeezed between Germany and Russia, does not come appreciative to hear from anyone about laughs about Poland cause Germans and Russians alike are the happiest and most joyful when they have partitioned and occupied Poland and can talk all possible nonsense and lies on Poland's expanse, every time somebody does the same, it only reminds every single Pole of the time somebody laughed of their feelings or tragedies and were told to "buckle up"

I assure it's not welcome at all and forever remembered.

If you want to challenge a Pole, man up and do it like a man. Just don't come here "whimping" "how rascist all Poles are" you should known better.
Novichok  4 | 8776
30 Jan 2023   #250
By now, "Polish" is derogatory.
amiga500  5 | 1505
30 Jan 2023   #251
A sign of a mature and confident nation rather than a minor place of cultural cringe is not caring when others make fun.

Exactly, also taking ownership of the word and transforming it into something positive and fun, like blacks did with nig*a and gays did with queer. People from the subcontinent in U.K should do the same with paki.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
30 Jan 2023   #252
, I love Polacks.

So why can't you show some decency and call them Polaks?
pawian  224 | 27253
1 Feb 2023   #253
I must admit a little sin - I have used the term Polack, too. Mainly when debating with Poloniusz - I called him American Polack by which I meant a conservatively narrow-minded, antiSemitic, ultrarightist, quarrelsome, abusive, offensive person.

Now, that we face WW3, I can admit it without constraint.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
2 Feb 2023   #254
I must admit a little sin

I think that you can be pardoned for that one :-)

But JR Jim cannot.

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