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Polish Swear Words

LostSoul  3 | 83
26 Jan 2021   #1171
I don't know why I feel this way, but Polish swear words like K-bomb or P-bomb are totally ruining the beauty of this language. Is it because swear words in Polish sound harsher than in English?

Well, I suppose it is because I find the pre-war variant of Polish, which was sung by Eugeniusz Bodo, more beautiful.
12 Feb 2021   #1172
Exactly, one can't translate meaning of slogans just ward after ward . It doesn't make sense at all, English to Polish or vice versa.

Correctly "Dupa Jaś " , can be use in two different meanings. First , one can use it instead of "This is BS(bullsh.t) or , use more frequently as define someone as shirtless person. The two wards meanings is Ass , and Jaś , is diminutive name from Jan (English-John/Johnny)like expl. Robert/Bob

You don't have to use whole Dupa Jaś , if you want to offend someone. It's enough, if you sey - Jesteś Dupa , You are Dupa ( nobody , worthless)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
12 Feb 2021   #1173
Useally more emotionally loaded too, I remember hearing from friends (non-Polish speakers) that it was like hearing a thunderstorm when me and my sister even simply argued in Polish.

So adding swear words to it too? Oh boy
Lyzko  44 | 9745
12 Feb 2021   #1174
When once in Italy, a friend of mine at the time from Rome and I came upon two people talking together. Not knowing Italian, I figured from their voluble emotíons that they were cursing one another out. Angelina explained they were making plans for a bíg dinner party:-)
pawian  224 | 27236
5 Apr 2021   #1175
Jesteś Dupa , You are Dupa

Recently, a new one originated: You are Duda.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
18 Jul 2021   #1176
[quote=Joker]Taka biala kurwa jak ty powinna zarabiac dużo więcej
A white w hore like you should earn much more

What a gentleman !
Do you talk to your Polish wife like that too ?
psia krew
5 Feb 2022   #1177
psia krew - dog's blood, very strong expression at times of our grand fathers.
Alien  25 | 6353
5 Feb 2022   #1178
Psia krew.....not very strong today.🐩
27 Mar 2022   #1179
I know that "wypierdalać" and "dopierdalać" and "opierdalać" all exist, as does "spierdalać", from which we get "spierdalaj!". But does "pierdalać" exist? It would seem that "pierdolić" is a verb in the perfective aspect, and therefore a corresponding imperfective should also exist, and that would be "pierdalać" -- but I've never encountered this form. Are there any linguistically oriented people out there who can answer?
mafketis  38 | 11137
27 Mar 2022   #1180

pierdalać is a back-formation

pierdolić = imperfective

if you add a prefix that makes it perfective, odpierdolić

to make an imperfective verb in that case you change some stem vowels to -a- and/or harden consonants and/or and a suffix with -w-

It's the same process with prosić, zaprosić and zapraszać (adding za- makes it perfective and so you change o to a and harden -si- to -sza- to have an imperfecive verb.

Does that make sense?
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
27 Mar 2022   #1181
I know that "wypierdalać" and "dopierdalać" and "opierdalać" all exist, as does "spierdalać"

Yes. We can also mention "odpierdalać" (as in "Co ty kurwa odpierdalasz?"), "napierdalać" ("Zbyszek napierdalał całą noc na Playstation i teraz jest niewyspany"), "przypierdalać" ("Nieźle mu przypierdolił"), "wpierdalać" ("No nie, Andrzej wpierdolił całą szynkę :-/"), "zapierdalać" ("Ale zapierdala! Chyba przebiegł te 100m poniżej 10 sekund"), "podpierdalać" ("Cyganie podpierdolili Ruskim czołg"), or "przepierdalać" ("Ten debil znowu przepierdolił całą pensję w kasynie"), to name just a few.

Come to think of it, there are very few prepositions in Polish that don't form a distinct meaning with "-pierdalać".
GefreiterKania  31 | 1430
28 Mar 2022   #1182
At the risk of stating the obvious, but maybe not so obvious for our foreign friends, the example sentences I provided above by no means exhaust the meanings of the respective "preposition-pierdalać/pierdolić" forms.

For example, apart from "hit someone really hard", "przypierdalać" can also mean "pick on somebody" ("Nie wiem o co chodzi, szef się do mnie ciągle przypierdala") or "podpierdalać" apart from "steal" can also mean "grass someone up" ("Ta gnida podpierdoliła Staśka na policję i zabrali mu cały sprzęt do pędzenia bimbru"), and I could go on, but to even touch the surface of the topic would probably require a book. We are dealing here with immense lexical depth.


Don't be discouraged if you are unable to grasp everything written here. Fluent use of "preposition-pierdolić/pierdalać" forms would indicate an unusual level of fluency in Polish, very rarely seen in foreigners. Especially for English speakers it might be difficult, since words like "withfuck", "atfuck", "tofuck", "fromfuck" etc. are a lexical impossibility in your language, with a possible exception of "outfuck" ("John outfucked Mark during last summer holidays by sleeping with 7 girls, compared to Mark's 4"), but I'm not entirely sure about this one.

One should also mention, again at the risk of stating the obvious, that "preposition-pierdolić/pierdalać" forms are usually not considered elegant and should rather be avoided in formal letters, opinion essays or, in general, academic writing.
29 Mar 2022   #1183
Thanks to all of you -- this has been extremely helpful. Especially pointing out the analogy to "prosić" in order to clarify the imperfective/perfective question.
29 Mar 2022   #1184
Out of gratitude to you guys, I'll offer three anecdotes:

Somewhere, maybe earlier on this forum, somebody claimed that with its being such a strong word, "kurwa" is actually not used all that often. Well I disagree: it depends on the social context. I was in a certain Western European capital and in a situation where there were several Polish lowlife-type guys around, talking to each other. There were also a couple African guys with me - one from Cameroon, the other from Somalia - who knew that I know Polish. The African guys asked me, "What is this word 'kurwa' that the Polish guys keep using - they're constantly staying 'kurwa, kurwa'?" And indeed, every fourth or fifth word was "kurwa", with their discourse also spiced up with various forms of "pierdolę". It's interesting to debate whether "kurwa" used this way in Polish is or isn't stronger than "putain" in French, because after all, the literal meaning of the words is the same, and they're both used as an exclamation.
29 Mar 2022   #1185
I have a former yoga teacher who is also trying to start up a career as a visual artist. Also, she's rather sexually repressed. Last year a gallery displayed her artwork. The show was entitled "Pareidolia", which refers to the instinct of the human mind to search for and perceive forms where there are none. On the email invitation list, I noticed that there was a Polish woman. So I sent an email to the Polish woman and said that I was probably the only person at the art gallery who noticed the similarity between the words "pareidolia" and "pierdoła". Well the Polish woman (a self-important functionary at the European Commission) complained to the yoga teacher, the yoga teacher reprimanded me "for using bad words" and then dropped me from her mailing list, and hasn't spoken to me since then, ha ha
29 Mar 2022   #1186
Polish native speakers have said to me, "English is so limited - all you have is '****' and '****'." But this statement implies a certain linguistic attitude towards prepositions. After all, Finnish doesn't use any prepositions - that's why they have 16 cases. If infinitives in English were formed like in German, where the preposition is used as a prefix to the verb, then English would have several words based on "****":

**** around (to waste time being incompetent), **** off (in two senses: to be lazy, OR "sperdalaj!"), **** over ("management ****** me over - now without any income, I'm totally ******"), **** up (to botch sth.), **** with (cf. the very famous story about Joan Crawford: her husband was president of Pepsi-Cola; after he died, she inherited his position on the board of directors; they wanted to force her out; she walked into the board meeting and warned them, "Don't **** with me, fellas! This isn't my first time at the rodeo.").

One of my favorite all-time Polish words is "pierdolnięty".

FYI, this sketch is famous and any aficionado of profanity should familiarize themselves with it:
jon357  72 | 23361
30 Mar 2022   #1187
Polish native speakers have said to me, "English is so limited - all you have is '****' and '****'."

What they actually mean is that they are the only words they know.

If English is anything at all, it isn't limited, and as a language it is richer (that includes swearing too) than most others including Polish.

If you're interested in Polish swear words and phrases, there's a dictionary of Polish swearing, not a big book, but worth reading. It's published by Hippocrene Books. A lot of the phrases in it are very very dated (the author left Poland many years ago) however it's worth a look.
pawian  224 | 27236
18 Aug 2022   #1188
To steal - podpierdolić

This one, although taboo, has always sounded funny to me.
Kaz Romde
14 Feb 2023   #1189
My grandfather, djadzi, used to sear psia krev y kolera!. Get cholera you s.o.b.!
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Feb 2023   #1190
wpierdalać" ("No nie, Andrzej wpierdolił całą szynkę :-/"),

Można też "komuś wpierdolić".
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Feb 2023   #1191
Alien, this isn`t a Polish thread. :):):) You have 3 minutes.
jon357  72 | 23361
14 Feb 2023   #1192
psia krev y kolera!

Psia krew i cholera = Dogs blood and cholera.

Psia krew is a bit old-fashioned. Cholera is very mild.

S.o.b. in Polish is literally sukinsyn but mire usually skurwysyn. When you call someone that, they're sukinsynu (rarer), or skurwysynu (more common).

There are many insults in Polish.
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Feb 2023   #1193
Sorry, but I don't know how to translate "wpierdolić".
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Feb 2023   #1194
translate "wpierdolić".

Simple - wfuck.
Alien  25 | 6353
14 Feb 2023   #1195
pawian  224 | 27236
14 Feb 2023   #1196
:):):) yes, sort of. :):):)
gumishu  15 | 6227
16 Feb 2023   #1197
. But does "pierdalać" exist?

no "pierdalać" does not exist - s/w/dopierdalać are constructed in a linguistically regular manner from the word "pierdolić" which originally meant simply 'to" - now "pierdolić" means also "to talk bullshit" and "to not give two ***** about something"
2 Jul 2023   #1198
Nie mój cyrk. Nie moje małpy
Fajka, Laska, piwo, kapusta
zajekurwabiście‎ Zajebiście kurwa!

2 Jul 2023   #1199
Translation Not my monkeys, not my circus,
Pipe, chick, beer, cabbage
fanfuckingtastic, ******* *****/awesome/****/*****

Funny, so my boss is from Serb-Croat
one day while we were redoing the floor in the kitchen at work
I said to him jokingly "Hey Buraz, whats Zajebiście Kurwa?"
He only heard me say the Latter part of that sentence and gave me this look, and ask, "did you just call me a ******* weird *****"

I died. So I heard this in a song, was trying to figure out its meaning and couldn't pin it down. (like the word ****, *******, ******, ******. context changes meaning)

I love the Balto-Slavic languages and how word meanings are complex and nuanced depending on situation or geographical location
Polish delight
3 Sep 2023   #1200
what is the meaning of piernicze!

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